how to bulk edit product description shopify

Bulk Product Edit (BPE) Product Description bulk replace text hello and welcome to another hexton,tu

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Updated on Feb 23,2023

Bulk Product Edit (BPE) Product Description bulk replace text

The above is a brief introduction to how to bulk edit product description shopify

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Bulk Product Edit (BPE) Product Description bulk replace text

hello and welcome to another hexton,tutorial,today we are going to be looking at the,bulk product edit app also known as bpe,for short,but specifically we're going to be,jumping into the description function,this can be found on the left side,navigation bar,or on the home page right here let's,jump in,now before we start editing we need to,determine which part of the description,we want to edit so let's go to my test,store,and here we have a collection of shirts,let's go into a shirt,and we can see the description is this,shirt has a crazy message on it,and delivery time two to four weeks so,this is the important part that we want,to edit,and all of the shirts have the same,delivery time let's go into the third,one,so we want to bulk edit this text here,in all of the shirts so let's jump over,into the bpe application,let's see collection is shirts,and then let's preview mash products,so as you can see we have all three of,the shirts here in my shirts collection,and we also have all of the same text in,all of the shirts,so let's just copy this text here and,this is the part that we're going to,change,so now let's pick a function to edit our,description,there's a bunch of options but i'm going,to choose find and replace text in,description,so now let's paste in the text that we,want to replace this is the delivery,time two to four weeks,and we want to replace this with,delivery time one to two weeks,now let's go ahead and start the edit,as you can see it's cued and this will,bring us to our tasks page,now we just need to wait for the cued,task to finish,now we can see the task is finished and,it edited three products,and we only had three products so that,was a success uh,it edited the products in collection,shirts,and it replaced time two to four weeks,to delivery time one to two weeks,so let's check out the details in the,details we can see the old description,of all the products and we see the new,description,so now if we jump over to my store maybe,we,click on this shirt we can see the,delivery time has changed to one to two,weeks,and this is the same for all of the,shirts,now we're going to be moving on to part,two of the video where we're going to be,editing the html tags,with the text themselves so you can edit,more than just the text,so i've gone in and i've edited the,description of these shirts,now the delivery time has two lines,and it's red this means that in order to,edit these lines,we're going to have to include the html,text and i'll show you exactly how to do,that,let's jump over to the bug product edit,app,so here we have collection is and of,course we're in the description function,collection is shirts and let's preview,now first i want to show you a common,mistake that's made,let's go over to the description and,let's copy this part of the description,because we want to replace it,let's go back to bulk product edit,choose the same find and replace text,and description function,and let's replace this with something,else,maybe we just want to get rid of the,first,or second line now as you can see this,function,is going to replace this text with this,text,except this text doesn't exist in the,description,as you can see there's all these html,tags that are involved,and so we need to include them we're,going to copy this part of the,description,including all the html tags because we,want to replace it,paste it here and then we're going to,change it,we let's say we want to get rid of the,second line,but we also want to change the color to,blue,let's see what happens let's start the,bulk edit,task is queued and let's just wait for,it to finish,great now the task is done and we've,edited three products,we edited shirts and we did the replace,that you saw previously,let's go into the details as you can see,the old description,was much longer because we had two,sentences instead of one,and in the new data we changed the color,to blue so let's go see what our new,description looks like on our store,this is our old one let's refresh the,page,we got rid of the second line and we,changed it to blue that's exactly what,we wanted to do,and as we can see we can go back to the,other page,let's click on crazy shirt and the same,edit happened,to funny shirt and the same edit well,thank you very much for watching and,please let us know if you've any,questions

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