how to calculate percentage profile in shopify on products

INSANE METHOD To Find ALL Winning Dropshipping Products & Facebook Ads in 2 MINUTES! this is insanel

Andrew Ethan Zeng

Updated on Mar 22,2023

INSANE METHOD To Find ALL Winning Dropshipping Products & Facebook Ads in 2 MINUTES!

The above is a brief introduction to how to calculate percentage profile in shopify on products

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how to calculate percentage profile in shopify on products catalogs

INSANE METHOD To Find ALL Winning Dropshipping Products & Facebook Ads in 2 MINUTES!

this is insanely powerful just within,less than five minutes...less than two,minutes I'm able to find a whole bunch,of products that they're running ads for,this specific method has helped me find,a few winning AliExpress products,recently and on top of that it has,actually helped me craft a winning,Facebook ads I've been using this method,for about two to three months now so I,think it's time to now share this insane,method with you all so let's get into it,what is up hustlers! If you're an OG,subscriber then you would remember that,I visited the Facebook office here in,Sydney about six or seven months ago now,and that's where they revealed this big,change this big change that I'm,referring to that happened on the,Facebook Ads platform a few months ago,now has built the foundation to this,strategy that I'm about to teach you in,this video and it works perfectly for,the e-commerce and drop shipping Anisha,if you need to this channel and you're,wondering how exactly did I get invited,to the Facebook office in the first,place well firstly welcome to this,channel a channel where I teach people,how to set up side hustles and in my,full-time job I work as a digital,marketing manager so as a digital,marketing manager obviously I manage at,a marketing agency I manage big brands I,manage businesses and as a perk of this,role I get to visit Google offices,Facebook officers and a whole bunch of,other companies,what I do on this channel and in this,video obviously is I share all my,knowledge that I learned from my digital,marketing role and I share this with all,of you so you're able to take your drop,shipping amazon FBA ecommerce business,or even SMM a rolls to the next level if,you haven't already subscribed to this,channel well you may want to consider,subscribing to this channel then because,I am applying up lighting uploading fire,content to this channel every single,Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Eastern Standard,Time now let's get stuck straight into,my laptop to show you how to find,winning Aliexpress products through this,specific insane method and also how to,find these winning of Facebook ads,really really quickly and simply so,let's get right into my laptops so we're,on Facebook to start off with and I want,to teach you how we can funnel hack and,reverse-engineer Facebook ads so who,better to test on then the legendary,attire Lopez knowledge so let's go ahead,and search up his name and look for his,page that's the first thing you want to,do and I'll show you specific ecommerce,examples after this but I wanted to show,you how we can reverse engineer and look,at the funnels behind people with brands,personal branding etc so let's go ahead,and look at him first,so what Facebook has done recently and,recently as in two to three months ago,and they announced it six months ago,before everyone knew about this is they,wanted to be more transparent Facebook,wants to be more transparent so what,they did was introduced this little,button cord and my little friend,info and ads now this lets you spy on,every single ad that they put live ever,since this specific feature went live so,as you can see here from a Thai Lopez,you can see all he's currently running,ads,and this is all the ads that he's,targeted to sorry targeted within,Australia so if you're in the States,if you're in elsewhere you can see the,specific ads that is geo-targeted so,looking at these ads you know you can,see that if you view all these ads in,sequence you can see there's some sort,of you can start to develop a sense of,his funnel so what I'm trying to get at,here is this tool in filming ads if i,zoom in is a very very effective and,very important tool that people are,under utilizing at the moment simply,because maybe they don't know and if,they do they don't really know how to,use it so it's interesting here to see,what he's sort of running and so let's,just randomly look at one of these ads,right so click learn more and from here,you can start to see how you can start,to you know reverse-engineer all his,funnels all he's ad copy see what's,working for him what's not one of the,things is it's not live ads so you can't,actually see the engagement the amount,of likes that it's garnered so that's a,bit of a letdown,but hey it's still transparent enough,coming from Facebook right as you can,see here this is his landing page and,again this is very interesting to see,and manage landing pages directly from,this Facebook tool and you can see here,that this is obviously a click funnels,page and click funnels which I've talked,about in the past is a very effective,and powerful tool and I highly recommend,it for people that are you know creating,a personal brand if they're creating,funnels obviously and and if you're even,creating an e-commerce store so if,you're interested in that video check,the video link that I'll place somewhere,here and also if you're interested in a,trial check out the description links,down below but anyway going back onto,the point of this tool here you can,basically see that there is a lot of,potential with this tool and now I will,get into this ecommerce,Apple for you so let's just think about,a random product that has been winning,an e-commerce with drop shipping so I,know for a fact that these scratcher,maps have been working very well so,let's just look that up for the purpose,of this video,scratch map and give it a search and,what I like to do is hit the videos tab,instead of photos I'll tell you why in a,second so from here you can see all the,ads by the way these are organic ads,okay so these are ads are posted on fan,pages groups etc these aren't ads and so,you can see here that you can see all,the videos I should say actually you can,see the videos that are related to the,scratcher map products and why I like,using videos over posts of photos is,simply because you get to see the number,of views now with the more views the,more viral it is the more successful the,product it's that simple so let's just,scroll through these you can see there's,a little there's variations of these,maps but generally they're the same,often you see these maps or these,products that just take from one another,and all these videos are the same so,that's not what you really want to do,I'll tell you what you should do later,in this video,but as you can see here there is quite a,lot of views for each of these videos,now a lot of these have ten thousand,hundred thousand even a million views so,it's quite interesting to see that's you,know you've got all these videos that,are almost identical but this is where,the fun begins so let's just randomly,click onto one of these scratch maps and,and quickly when it loads okay it's,taking a while but anyway that's not the,point you can watch this video if you,want to but the real reason I wanted to,click onto that was to go into their,page so using that method of info and,add head on to the page and you can see,the trend that is about to happen so,click it to info and ads and these are,all the,as the paid ads that they running at the,moment so straight off the bat guys,straight at the bat you can see for this,specific store that I'm checking right,now all these products all these video,ads that they're running at the moment,including the scratch off scratch a map,products that they're running so this is,insanely powerful just within less than,five minutes less than two minutes I'm,able to find a whole bunch of products,that they're running ads for now if,they're running ads and you check back,the next day the next week the next,month and the ads are still running you,know you know that these products are,winning and making the money otherwise,they wouldn't be running these ads,correct so it's also really interesting,to see the copy of these Facebook ads,now what I see here is very simple and,hey as long as it's working for them but,I tend to go with a different poach when,it comes to face with the ad copy but,that's a whole different video in itself,but it's very interesting to see that,obviously they're taking a video,approach which I've recommended all this,year video is King and and what I,recommend if you're an absolute beginner,if you're an absolute beginner go ahead,take the products take the video take,the copy spice it up a little bit,obviously don't copy it verbatim but if,you're just starting out this is going,to help you out a lot this haul info and,ads is gonna help you out so much simply,because it is already you've got the,formula for a winning product you've got,a formula for winning ads you've got a,formula for winning videos you know it's,making the money so if you replicate a,similar product with the ad copy hey,it's gonna work so like let's go ahead,and check out a random video here,because I'm interested myself,seems like a pretty cool product and I,am hundreds in sodium you're able to,find this on Aliexpress right so what's,interesting again further to this just,like the tire Lopez example you can go,ahead and check out the landing page for,this you can go ahead and see what is,winning or what sort of ad copies,helping them out and what sort of costs,they're charging so as you can see from,this they're charging forty dollars,I believe it's USC yes it is USD 40 USD,on this specific product so you know,what I'm gonna do I'm gonna actually,gonna go ahead go onto Aliexpress right,now and see if I'm able to find this,specific product so Sweeper sucker I'm,sure it's not actually called that and,that I am assuming it's going to be cord,let's just call it floor sweeper,so floor sweeper and how do we have it,the first few results so you can find,this for a good 14 dollars simple as,that really,fourteen dollars free II package,shipping ships from various locations so,potentially faster shipping as well and,and yeah it's for this 14 15 USD and,they're selling it for a good 40 USD so,there's a big profit chunk that's over,fifty percent so like I said this haul,is insanely insanely useful and you can,go ahead and continue looking at all the,products that they're using now if,you're an advanced user or Shopify drop,shipping you know what you're doing I,recommend that you go ahead and you take,their ideas you spy on them but here's,the thing I would highly recommend that,you go ahead and you know buy this,product deliver it to your place and,film your own video and put your,watermark onto that video because that,way if you don't know what a watermark,is it's literally,your own logo little image that relates,back to your brand or business so nobody,is able to still your ad from you that's,what I recommend I recommend an original,video it's safer that way it's more,original that way there's more,likelihood that you're going to get more,hits and impressions on that ad if you,have an original video so that's what I,highly recommend and it's that simple,guys info and ads you can go ahead and,check out so many different stores like,this so many different winning products,so this is just as a recap this is what,I recommend okay firstly you should,start off with a winning product that,you know is working now I've already,given you a whole bunch here you can use,all of these examples on the screen,whether it be this backpack here,anti-theft backpack which I mentioned in,my previous videos actually and I know,is working for a fact these scratch maps,this comfortable pillow looking thing,and this floor mop clear they're all,working go ahead and start with these so,what I mean start with these is go into,the Facebook search bar and simply just,look this look this up okay so I'll give,you another quick example just for you,guys anti-theft the backpack so let's,just say I had one product put this in,you can see that these are all felony,Express click the videos button that,simple and you'll be listed with a whole,bunch and look at this there are so many,views on this I'm anything over a,million views and you know it is a,selling product is a hot product at the,moment and these were just posted 18th,of August so that's very recent as well,and you know go ahead click into these,videos click into these stores add spy,on them it's that simple guys this,feature has been out for two to three,months so some of you may know it but it,is relatively new I know a lot of you,don't know about it but I was onto this,as soon as the feature rolled out as,soon as the in phone ads tab was up I,was on to the,and I found quite a few winning products,and quite a few winning facebook ads,that I sort of leveraged from and it has,helped me sell so many products and I,can tell you this from experience it has,worked so I'm sharing this crazy insane,method with you completely for free once,again you know I always share crazy,amount of value completely free because,my I don't have any products to sell I,do not have a cause to sell so I have,full transparency on this channel so,hence you know if you're interested in,drop shipping ecommerce just creating,side hustle and make sure that you,subscribe to this channel so again let's,just take a look at this specific,website so interesting note sometimes,okay so select United States sometimes,here we go okay these are some,interesting products here actually I,haven't seen some of these tiny and,camping stove now that's an interesting,one I haven't seen that before,hidden USB spy camera that's kind of,creepy um let's go ahead and take a look,at this one of the things though is,obviously it's gonna give you everything,it so I'm going to give you the,targeting it's not going to give you the,Facebook ad techniques that they're,using the background so it's very that's,that's very important as well so you've,got half the equation half the equation,pain okay you've got the product you've,got the landing page you've got the ad,copy,you've got the ad type that they're,using but of course the other half of,the formula is you need to be an ace in,the back end of Facebook Ads you don't,need to know what you're doing in terms,of targeting in terms of pacing budget,pacing all that good stuff you need to,know what you're doing but like I said,if you're interested in Facebook guides,and you want me to take a look at it I,do offer a mentoring check out my,website Ethan's ENCOM so interesting,website here that's actually very nice,looking I personally really like it this,is actually a really interesting product,and again I'm sure I'm able to find it,once I had onto Aliexpress,but I'll leave it at this this is it,this is the research method I reckon in,2019 this is a research method that is,going to help you build out some,incredible stores so if you already have,a niche go ahead and find some winning,products in your niches and run this,method run this method because once,you've found few winning products a few,winning ad copy you've got it you've got,the formula to now push it out on your,own store and if you see success all you,need to do is scale and you'll soon be,at five digits a month I can promise you,that because it's happened with me so,that is it guys I hope you like this,video if you like to give it a thumbs up,follow me on Instagram all the usual,good stuff but as always thanks for,watching and keep on hustling

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