i've been seeing a really interesting,trend unfolding in the e-commerce world,a lot of brands are starting to,diversify their product range a lot even,if it's totally different from their,initial products that they started the,brand with and in this video what i want,to do is show you an example brand like,this so that you can kind of understand,what i'm talking about now this isn't,just any brand this brand is beautifully,designed so first of all we can learn,from their brand aesthetic but this,brand is generating nearly a million,dollars in revenue every single month,likely more these are just estimates,that i make based on traffic and,oftentimes these are actually,conservative estimates just so you guys,know so it's not like i'm just getting,these numbers out of thin air i am,looking at the traffic distribution of,these stores so i think this is going to,be a really important video because it's,really inspiring to see brands,succeeding in weird ways right like,things that not everybody's doing and,when it comes to this shopify e-commerce,niche a lot of people get stuck copying,the same things that drop shippers have,been talking about over and over again,and i'm not hating on that i'm not,saying you can't succeed doing that i,definitely think you can make money or,at the very least learn a thing or two,from that but i'm personally a really,big fan of branding and building up your,store as a piece of art i'm really big,into art and stuff like that so that's,how i view these stores and a lot of you,guys follow me for shopify related,content even though a few of you do,follow me for investing and like crypto,stuff if that's you leave me a comment,if you want me to make more videos,relating to those topics because i am a,big fan of that space for sure at least,the legit stuff not the scammy stuff but,here's the store that i'm going to be,showing you it's called cotton and real,quick if you don't know who i am my name,is ari and i've been exploring and,navigating the digital space since i was,basically a little kid and what allowed,me to quit my job and start pursuing my,entrepreneurial career was e-commerce,we've generated seven plus figures with,my team and we're still growing i've,been documenting a lot of my journey,here on youtube which has been really,dope and i've been able to build this,beautiful community so consider,subscribing if this type of stuff sounds,interesting and take a second to give,this video a quick like it really does,help the exposure of the videos it's,annoying as hell to hear that trust me i,know but man it really does help with,the youtube algorithm i don't know what,to say about that so thank you if you,did that real quick and let's look at,the store so the store is called the,cotton pretty clever name these guys are,naming geniuses really what they sell is,just cotton related products but also,just like home decor i mean they even,got a praying mantis here on the on the,main home page so like it really is kind,of hard to pinpoint exactly what they're,selling but as i just told you they just,really sell a lot of different things,and how i categorize a store like this,is just a lifestyle brand so this isn't,really a clothing store this isn't,really a home decor store this is all of,those things it's a lifestyle brand so,i'm really intrigued by these kinds of,stores because you know traditionally,you would think that to scale a business,you actually need to hone in on your,product and you know hone in on your,marketing whatever but this brand shows,that you can still continue to release,new products and try new things out and,have fun while still growing your,business and scaling really really,effectively now apparently from what i'm,reading this brand was started in 2015,so pretty old by now it's almost seven,years old you know i say that's old but,in reality that's actually not that old,especially for the amount of revenue and,traffic that they're generating as you,see here they're almost at 400 000,monthly visitors and like this is,extremely consistent traffic so this is,what is most impressive to me about this,brand is that they're not like getting,huge holiday spikes huge summer spikes,or anything their traffic is extremely,consistent throughout the entire year,now most of their traffic comes from,canada they are a canadian brand so,similar to shopify they're based out of,canada but the us is second place when,it comes to that so us and canada still,reigning champs when it comes to traffic,i guess and if we take a look at their,social traffic distribution which is,kind of like where they get their,traffic from facebook seems to be the,reigning champ so they are running a lot,of facebook ads clearly and then second,is reddit so i mean i don't know what's,going on with reddit but i've been,seeing this actually in a couple other,stores that we've reviewed on the,channel reddit seems to be a sneaky,player in the advertising game and maybe,worth a try if you're having a lot of,troubles with facebook so that's super,interesting and then of course pinterest,instagram and even linkedin i guess,linkedin is an untapped market right,there that's pretty funny so let me make,myself a little smaller here just so,that we can take a better look at the,store so real quick just to get an idea,of exactly what this brand is because,truth be told even though i've been,talking about it so far i still actually,don't know exactly what they sell i mean,i've seen some of their products but,like i don't know what their big like,winning product is right and every brand,even if they're not a drop shipping,store has what you can consider a,winning product like a winning product,is just a product that just performs so,well on ads and like it's kind of the,backbone of your business that's how i,like to think of it so for lasting ways,of life a world of timeless designs that,honor the people that make them and the,places they're made cotton started with,a simple and in retrospect naive goal to,create the perfect t-shirt one that,didn't compromise on quality price or,the integrity of the people who made it,so damn they literally started out by,just creating a t-shirt,that's pretty ridiculous a journey that,took our co-founder ramy on a trip back,to his familial home of egypt where he,found himself living in a cotton farming,community in the nile delta for six,months there the first seed of cotton,was planted now a certified b,corporation with the fourth highest b,impact score of apparel brands in north,america we've strengthened our mission,to change the way the things we love are,created and consumed better for the,people and better for the planet,grounded by the principles of considered,design relentless quality honest value,and positive impact i love that these,are awesome values now i see why this,store is so successful any brand that,has a foundation like this is bound to,succeed in the long run i mean maybe,they could have struggled in the first,year or two but now they're obviously,killing it and that's really really cool,actually so i guess they're even,reinvesting some of their profits into,creating schools and to funding,different farms that is just unreal i,mean i i love this this is really cool,and i could see why people would choose,to shop here as opposed to you know,amazon or or like jc penney's or some,other clothing or home decor brand so,let's look at everything honestly let's,just take a look at all the products,they got so they got menswear they got,t-shirts so i see that they're primarily,selling clothes that is their thing but,how i found them is actually through,their home decor section so,i found them through their duvets and,their different sheets so that's pretty,cool they actually have a really sick,logistical and supply chain set up for,their t-shirts and then they applied all,that to just create like bed covering,and duvets and stuff which is really,really genius this is actually like a,pretty great niche right now considering,that people are starting to spend more,time at home than ever before so this,was like a great pivot in my opinion,or not a pivot but just like a great,addition to their brand and by the way i,usually don't talk this much in real,life like when i make these videos i'm,just literally thinking out loud just,trying to dump my thoughts into the,video because um i find that that's when,they're usually the most valuable i,don't really plan my videos too much,they're usually off the cuff so it's,always 100 genuine but truly i'm,inspired by this i've always looked at,my current brands as lifestyle brands,it's not really necessarily one kind of,brand like even netsphere which is my,education brand so it's basically like a,zero to one course on e-commerce so like,e-comm 101. basically you could say it's,not gonna teach you how to make you know,100 million dollars but it'll teach you,how to get started in some principles,that really helped me start my,businesses but even that brand i don't,really consider to be just an education,brand i consider it more a creative,brand so much much broader than that and,i would say the same thing about cotton,they're not really a clothing brand,they're much bigger than that they're a,lifestyle brand a lifestyle around,sustainability around great products,great design that kind of checks all the,boxes for me so like i'm really,interested to try out some of these,products i've been thinking about doing,that when i make these product reviews,is like actually ordering the product,and reviewing it here and stuff like,that but unfortunately that would take,kind of long and i'm not the biggest,shopper i'm not gonna lie i don't really,shop on a lot of things besides like,skateboarding equipment but sorry to go,on that tangent let me show you some of,their products so that we can break down,their landing page and see how they've,optimized them so i really want to find,like their best sellers if they have,anything like that okay well i really,like this duvet here as you can see,their product imagery is actually,beautiful i really like this it's like,lifestyle images but in a really cool,environment like this was very clever of,them and just like i imagined they,actually don't have a lot when it comes,to the landing page like the product,description it's really extremely simple,i'll move myself over here for the time,being so you can see better but,basically they just have this sizzle,thing so you know you can pay in,installments which is kind of extremely,popular nowadays i feel like every brand,has that and then just a simple really,really simple description and they got,the swatches here which i really love i,think that's always a great addition if,you want to know how to do that on your,shopify store just google how to add,swatches to my products very very simple,and then in the tabs here they have some,details right so they don't have these,details just on the product page they,just have them in little tabs they're,neatly tucked away so that they don't,clutter the landing page which is really,really clever and then let's click all,reviews and this is a really interesting,review app i've actually never seen,something like this they're not picture,reviews which kind of sucks i really,love picture reviews personally and if,you want to know the best app to,actually add picture reviews to your,story with it's looks reviews that's my,personal favorite i've loved them for a,long time and you can get an extended,free trial with the link in the,description that i have so they were,able to plug me and my subscribers with,an extended trial so make sure you check,that out one thing i've been seeing a,lot of different brands doing is having,referral programs so it seems like,everything nowadays is about referrals,and every single big corporation has,kind of used referrals to grow even,bigger and like use influencers and,stuff like that that's the thing that,i've been realizing lately is that yes,some people do have followings on,instagram and youtube for example but,everybody is an influencer like yeah,some people have more followers than,others but everybody is an influencer,nowadays so it's actually really smart,to encourage people to share referral,codes with their friends and family in,order to get something in return again,it just kind of makes them feel like,influencers which they are they have,influence over people even if it's not a,lot of people and i see a lot of brains,doing this so it's kind of interesting,now when we take a look at their social,media by the way i'm on the netsphere,page which you should definitely follow,if you're not following it already it's,just netsphereco i haven't posted too,much yet but hopefully you can kind of,see the vibe of the store it's like this,like cyberpunk digital knowledge brand,and yesterday i actually posted about,this wall art drop and a lot of people,are really interested in it so i have a,feeling it's gonna sell out when i,release it which would be super cool i'm,really excited to grow this brand a,little differently and i always,appreciate you guys support on,everything like really it means the,world but cotton is a verified brand so,on instagram i think this is kind of,their main hub where they're actually,you know focusing a lot of their time,into when it comes to social media and,they get really good engagement actually,so that's pretty cool to see their,second social media that they post a lot,on is twitter so that's kind of,interesting as well you don't really see,that too much and then the last thing i,want to show you here from this brand,which is kind of always like the last,thing that we talk about when we review,these brands is their ads because the,easiest way to drive traffic to your,store is simply to pay for it and just,pay for ads especially on facebook,that's kind of the best place to do that,and as you can see they are running 92,different variations here of ads and,most of them are kind of like this i,think it's just like bring comfort home,that's their big slogan right now which,is pretty smart considering the whole,pandemic and the fact that people are,spending more time at home than ever,before and then let's see here this is a,really quick pace ad the key to great,sleeps ultra soft egyptian cotton get,your dream betting at cotton.com that's,a really great ad so it's kind of like a,loop it's very very fast but very on,brand and it kind of talks about a pain,point which is just like the fact that,people want to get great sleep and this,is why i said that this is a good niche,i think it's you know very basic and,simple but really essential so like i,don't know even if it's very competitive,i still think there's huge room for,opportunity and that's the thing that i,find nowadays is like yes markets are,saturated but at the same time,markets are becoming more and more,fractionalized like and i don't know if,that's the right word but what i mean is,like people are starting to choose more,specific brands to shop in for example,you know somebody might not necessarily,go to just amazon to buy a duvet cover,they may see this they may see cotton,the brand and what they stand for and,choose to buy it here instead i find,that a lot of people are starting to,shop that way i definitely shop from,brands that i think are really cool and,like vibe with me so that's why i'm so,bullish for the future of ecom even if,there's a ton of people getting into it,everybody can win as long as you're,trying to be unique and trying to you,know stick to your vision that's,actually your biggest edge is the fact,that you're like your own unique person,you've lived your own unique experiences,that's kind of what gives you your edge,let's take a look at another ad the new,knitwear is here ethically crafted to,last for years to come 100,cotton 100 comfort these are great ads i,love how quick they are but like they,literally talk about just the perfect,things that they're just perfectly said,um and yeah that's kind of the whole,brand honestly this is what drew me to,them i saw one of these ads on instagram,that's how i found them by the way if,you're curious about that and yeah,that's another beautiful shopify store,in the books if you want to check out,more of these ecommerce brand case,studies you know a lot of people find,them super helpful because it's really,inspirational right and it's really good,inspo not just when it comes to success,but brand design and you know just,overall product ideas but if you want to,find more of these i have a whole,playlist on my channel where we've done,like 40 of these videos by now and yeah,don't hesitate to check out the playlist,i got investing playlists as well i know,investing is not the biggest part of my,channel yet but i believe investing is a,huge part of building wealth so i'm,definitely gonna start talking about,that more because the cool thing about,investing too is that you don't need a,ton of money to start investing and same,with e-cam like you don't need a ton of,money to start your business you can,just like continue to reinvest and grow,it and same with investing you don't,need a ton of money right away to start,building your portfolio all you need to,do is just be really consistent at,putting money in so like if you make 200,bucks a week put at least 50 of that,into an investment portfolio and then,maybe 50 to your business and then the,rest to live off of you know what i mean,i think it's just really helpful to,think of things in these terms but just,to wrap it up let me know what you think,i'm really curious to know what you,think about this brand what do you think,about some of the things i've said like,the fractionalization of consumerism,damn i'm throwing out some big-ass words,right now and i don't even know if it,makes sense but yeah just let me know,whatever thoughts you have i read all,your comments so you know don't think,that your comment's gonna go to waste or,something it's actually extremely,valuable to me and that's it hope you,guys have an amazing rest your day and,i'll see y'all in my next video peace
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