how to change search result on google of my website shopify

How To Set Up Google Search Console For Shopify | Show Up In Google Search Results On Launch Day wha

Dan Cafferky

Updated on Feb 26,2023

How To Set Up Google Search Console For Shopify | Show Up In Google Search Results On Launch Day

The above is a brief introduction to how to change search result on google of my website shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change search result on google of my website shopify

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how to change search result on google of my website shopify catalogs

How To Set Up Google Search Console For Shopify | Show Up In Google Search Results On Launch Day

what's going on guys and welcome back to,the channel first things first I just,want to say a huge thank you for just,subscribing to the channel right now,we're over 500 last time I checked we're,even close to the 600 subscribers so,thank you thank you thank you for,watching thank you for subscribing I'm,hoping that you're able to get a lot out,of these videos that I'm making and also,I launched my website so zone of action,if you've been following along with the,case study I've done a soft launch with,it I'll drop the link down below if you,just want to check out when I have so,far but basically a soft launch and then,I took the password off of the page but,I'm not driving any traffic through,advertising or doing any promotions,quite yet for today's topic we're gonna,talk about Google search console,basically what Google search console is,is allowing you to tell Google that you,have content that you want it to access,and crawl all the pages it's something,that you should do right after you,launch and if you already have a store,that's launched it's something that you,should do ASAP you want Google to be,able to access your website index it,properly so that you can show up in,search results so today I'm gonna walk,you guys through how to basically set up,Google search console specifically for a,Shopify store and kind of the benefits,and what you can get out of it let's get,into it,okay guys so we're gonna jump right into,this video basically I'm going to show,you guys how to set up Google search,console we can talk about a little bit,of what you can do in search console and,we're just gonna kind of go through the,ins and outs of getting it set up and,how to make the best use of it right,away,so like I said in intro I launched my,website zone of action and basically,I've got all my products up I did sort,of a soft launch so that my websites not,password-protected and I want to just,kind of polish it off now before I start,running any Facebook or Instagram ads or,doing any shoutouts things like that I,want to make sure that I'm good to go so,one of the first things that you're,gonna want is to set up Google search,console so that you can make sure that,your sitemap is submitted to Google and,that Google is able to basically,navigate your website and all of your,products can show in the Google search,results because before you focus on paid,advertising you want to make sure that,your organic you're showing up organic,and Google search and that your products,are recognized by Google right from the,get-go is super important to set up in,the beginning of launching a website so,I'm gonna show you guys the connection,method that I'm going to use is going to,be connecting through Google Analytics,so just make sure go to your settings on,the side click online store and click on,preferences and then under preferences,there's a Google Analytics section I've,covered how to or that you should I,connect your Google Analytics account in,the set up before you launch so just,make sure that you've actually set up,your Google Analytics if not just click,to learn more and connect and set up a,Google Analytics so it's really quick,with a Gmail it's completely free set up,your Google Analytics and then we're,going to connect the Google search,console to Google Analytics because,those two things should be connected and,I'll explain why in the video in a,little bit okay so now that we verified,that yep we have our Google analytic,Analytics code in our Shopify dashboard,we're gonna go to our Google Analytics,home page we're dashboard the actual,dashboard for reading the analytics for,your website and you're gonna go down,here to admin under admin you're gonna,have these settings here so if if you've,tried to connect the Google search,console or played around with this,there's a couple ways that you can go,about doing this if you're starting a,completely fresh account you're gonna go,under product linking and you have,Google Ads here adsense at exchange all,products there's going to be a Google,search console is going to be listed,here for you if you've never done it,before you're gonna click Google search,console from here so I as saying the,same thing over and over you're gonna,click it from here,if it's not listed in these products,just click all products and then go to,Google search console for those of you,who have tried to do this before or,maybe you've kind of messed around with,a little bit you're gonna go to property,settings and then you're gonna scroll,down to adjust the adjust search console,you're gonna click that and then,basically you're gonna have instead of I,have my website right here that I,already have connected prior to this but,instead of a delete right here you'll,have,add button and then you're gonna add the,Google search console through this,basically dashboard right here either,way whichever way you choose to connect,through Google Analytics it's going to,bring you to this next screen and this,is basically just the intro screen no,matter what no matter what method you,used to get here you can literally,Google Google search console and you'll,get to this but I think it's very it's,really important that you connected,through your Google Analytics to get it,set up so first things first you're,gonna type in your site URL right here,so make sure that you include the HTTP I,believe all Shopify sites are HTTP web,sites,you're gonna type that in and then,you're gonna add the property which this,button will become blue I believe and,you'll be able to click it and then,you're gonna come to this screen so,you're gonna once you have to you type,your website in it's gonna have a,finished verification status you're,gonna click that and then there's four,ways that you can actually verify your,site into Google search console so you,can do an HTML tag where you add a meta,tag to your site's home page that,requires you to copy paste code you can,use your Google Analytics account this,is why I'm recommending that you do this,while you connect it to your Google,Analytics so if you use your Google,Analytics account you can verify basic,basically using your tag so it's gonna,go to your website and it's going to,search for that tag that I showed you,from the beginning this tag right here,so if you have it already set up on your,website you're gonna be able to get,verified immediately it like literally,it'll take you to the next screen go,verify um you know right right on the,spot there's a couple other ways so you,can go to Google tag manager I've never,set it up like that it's just the third,way perhaps if you're not using Shopify,you're just watching this video to try,to set up Google search console and then,last is through your domain provider you,can go through DNS settings that,probably gets a little bit tricky and it,looks like you have to do that in the,old search console because I know this,console this search console dashboard,that you're looking at it might not be,familiar if you're looking at the,toriel's from,no months ago because they did update,the interface and it is a little bit,different now so anyway what I'm going,to do and what I did is connected,through my Google Analytics I verified,and then it's going to bring you to your,dashboard so it's really as simple as,that okay and I do want to say that,while I said do HTTPS as the beginning,of the domain right here you also want,to add properties for HTTP and just the,WW I haven't done my WWE I'll take you,to the dashboard of what I'm talking,about so once you add the property this,is what the search console dashboard is,going to look like so the reason I say,do both is that so I have the HTTP and,the HTTPS just for browsers that are,compatible with both I'm not sure of the,complete technical background but Google,recommends that you do this and then you,just select your primary so HTTPS for,Shopify would be my primary is what I,have everything set off of so yours will,look more like this where it will say,processing data please check back in a,few days as soon as you get into the,dashboard because it does take a little,bit of time for this dashboard to,populate with any kind of data so this,is what you'll see when you first log in,I did this a couple days ago so my,actual domain I'm seeing a little bit of,clicks so the first thing that you want,to do when you go to your dashboard is,you want to submit your sitemap now what,your sitemap does is basically a,hierarchy of the structure of your,website so that Google knows how to,properly crawl it so kind of like the,navigation structure and just how your,website is structured so that it knows,how to quickly navigate and knows the,content on your site so you're going to,want to go to under index click sitemaps,and then you're gonna want to add a new,site map right here so basically what,where you can find your site map for all,Shopify stores if you're using like a,WordPress site this is a little bit,differently I know some people use an,app called Yoast,but for Shopify luckily all you have to,do is go to shop your domain so for me,it's shop Co a com,and then forward slash sitemap.xml now,you can type that into your browser and,just kind of take a look at it for most,people just looking at that is not,actually gonna really tell them a lot,but you're gonna want to copy paste this,this last part sitemap.xml and you're,gonna want to copy it and paste it right,here under add a new sitemap just make,sure that matches up with what basically,your website of what you're trying to do,and then you're gonna click Submit and,then under submitted sitemaps you're,gonna see that when you submitted it,when it was last read a status so if it,was able to read sorry about that if it,was able to read the actual sitemap and,then how many URLs it discovered so,basically you can just tell the status,of of after you submit it and as you,update your website and add new content,you're gonna want to submit new sitemaps,if you're making big changes to the,website so that Google could go back and,you're basically telling Google to go,back and you know look at the newest,structure so this isn't like a one-time,thing,you can you know upload sitemaps as you,update your website but you want to make,sure that you get this first one right,off right out of the gate and I would,not submit your sitemap until you have,like your main collections and your main,products ready because otherwise you're,gonna be missing a lot of the structure,of your website so that's why I did it,right after I launched and just one side,note is that I did it after I took the,passport off my page because I'm not,short of Google will be able to properly,crawl my website if I'm still,password-protected so I would after you,actually launch and take the password,off your site then you can go ahead and,submit your sitemap file okay so one,more thing that I did was I added all of,my product URLs into this search bar so,basically you can do a URL inspection,and you can have Google basically gonna,force Google to crawl that website and,index all your product pages right out,of the gate so basically I can submit a,URL and then Google will crawl it and it,will be available in Google search,results immediately so if you've kind of,done your proper SEO and you want your,products to show,in Google search results I was suggest,doing this I don't know if submitting,the sitemap covers all of this but I did,notice that by doing the product pages,especially my main product pages,separately by inspecting the URL and,submitting it which I'll do a practice,one for you I was able to see it within,Google search results immediately or,within you know within the hour so you,don't have to wait if you don't submit,your sitemap and kind of go through this,Google search console it could be you,know up to two weeks before Google,actually gets around and indexes your,your website so that's why I suggest,doing this kind of towards the beginning,of when you launch because you don't,want to wait around two weeks you want,to try to get your products up within,Google search results see what keywords,you're trying to rank for and that way,two weeks later you can start making,adjustments and you're not just getting,started so as an example this is just,one of the products so I have a hoodie,right here so what I'll do is copy this,link and I'm going to go over here I'm,gonna type in my URL and search it and,it's going to retrieve the data and then,when it comes up here so you won't see a,checkmark usually or you could see a,checkmark I'm sorry it will say that the,URL is on Google if it's already,properly indexed however you can request,indexing so basically if I was on my,page right here and I wanted to call,this because you know there's a snake on,this hoodie and I thought you know don't,tread on me snake hoodie is going to,drive more results and I want to index,it like that and I want to change some,of my ad copy I'm some of my product,copy maybe change some of my pictures,and just kind of touch up the SEO on,this then I can go over here type in,this URL and then I can request indexing,and we can just do this because it's it,doesn't hurt your site and you can,basically for school to go and index,your site and it will just basically,crawl the page again that way all the,most up-to-date information is now,within Google any keywords that you,added and all of that stuff so this does,usually take a couple minutes so to do,all of your products if you have like,you know,couple of dozen products it could end up,taking you a long time to do but for me,I really wanted to see my products,immediately up and I wanted to see what,I was showing up for for search results,so I chose to do this right out of the,gate okay guys so this video is,basically just meant as an intro and how,to set this up I can definitely do,another video on how to use the,dashboard a little bit more but just to,give you a little bit of idea if you,click performance here you can scroll,down you can basically see how many,clicks and how many impressions you've,been able to get and what your average,position is for basically the search,terms that you're showing up for so if,you scroll down you can go to your,queries and I can see that so Jim,hoodies I've had zero clicks but I've,had seven impressions or Patriots,sweatshirts zero clicks 20 impressions,so you can see where you're ranking for,keywords what keywords you're showing up,for and that's just that's just huge,because you know what kind of,click-through rates you're getting you,know where you're showing up in Google,and this is you know a store that's only,a few days old I just launched this,I've already had 178 impressions off of,a brand new store for free these are all,free impressions three free clicks I,don't know how up-to-date this gets it,looks like it goes through for me it,looks like it's behind a couple days so,this is probably even higher now for,somebody who doesn't have a lot of money,to invest in Facebook ads and Instagram,ads while those all sound really awesome,this is the way that you can really,scale on a budget because this is gonna,be completely free traffic all I'm gonna,do on you know a daily weekly basis is,gonna look at the queries I'm gonna see,what kind of traffic I'm getting from,clicks and impressions and I'm gonna go,back to my product pages like this and,I'm gonna change up some of my keywords,and I'm gonna keep monitoring it until I,see my pages actually ranking you know,there's no there's no secrets to this,it's just this is kind of the part of,work that people don't want to do they,don't want to kind of set this up and go,through it because you know the,dashboards are a little bit tricky it's,a little bit tricky to set up an SEO is,not something that a lot of people,really know how to do I don't consider,myself an SEO expert but anybody can do,this kind of stuff this is you know,pretty straightforward things so I will,cover some of these other things in,another video of what you can do it's,just like there's reports where if you,have broken pages or broken links Google,search console will tell you that soo,that you can go there and fix them,because you don't want to have like,broken redirects or pages that don't,exist so you can clean that up through,Google search console but off of a brand,new site you're not gonna have errors,like that you're not gonna have issues,so off the bat you just want to get your,sitemap in make sure your products are,indexed that way you can start tracking,the data even if you know you might be a,couple of weeks away like I am from,really trying to push your store you're,at least collecting data and you're,ranking in Google and you know you're,taking advantage of the tools that you,already have and then my last side note,is the reason also why we connect this,to Google Analytics one because I really,do like to have my you know you want to,have all your suite of tools all,connected because a lot of data passes,back and forth between the two so if I,go to my home page of my Google,Analytics account I can show you just,like one one benefit of having this just,going really slow right now so if I go,down to my acquisition I believe it's,under acquisition I can go to Google,search console I can go to my landing,pages or queries there's a couple,different things that I can do but,basically I can see what what pages,people are landing on and then if I,click a level deeper I haven't ranked a,search query to land on that but say I,had like women's hoodies was a keyword,that was ranking that what that landing,page it would show up right here and,then if I go to queries under it might,be nothing here so my analytics just,isn't isn't grabbing any of the data,right now because my account so new but,basically analytics is able to get those,queries that Google search console is,tracking for what you're ranking on and,it's sorry it's able to show you that,data in analytics so that you can track,it off of your referral traffic so if we,go under all traffic and we go to,channels usually there's like a so,organic search so,for most people who don't if you don't,set up your Google search console,connected to your Google Analytics all,they'll see is this not provided,referral traffic for organic for organic,search and they won't know where the,queries that are driving that organic,search but by connecting your Google,search console we're able to narrow in,and see what is actually driving the,organic search so it's really huge a lot,of people don't do this and it's just,another layer of you know Trenton,it's just transparency into your own,data and see where your traffic is,coming from so that you can optimize it,ok guys so that basically covers Google,search console of how to get set up how,to get it kind of started what you,should be doing out of the gate when you,launch your store if you have questions,I try to be as clear as possible and how,to get this going,in a short amount of time you know it's,a little bit of a process hopefully,you're able to kind of work through it,but if you have any questions just drop,a comment below I always try to respond,to people's comments if you go back to,some of my other videos I'm in I'm,constantly in the comments trying to,help you guys navigate through anything,that you're trying to figure out so just,let me know if you need help and,hopefully this video will kind of get,you set up and you know you'll be ahead,a lot ahead of a lot of the pack because,people just don't take the time to do,this especially for a new store and,you'll really see you know ways to grow,your store without having to spend a ton,of money so hopefully this was a big,help for you alright guys thanks so much,for watching thanks again for hitting,the subscribers up to 500 it's huge now,we're pushing for a thousand if you got,anything out of this video you could,drop a like drop a comment let me know,what you guys want to see subscribe to,the channel and I'll catch you guys in,the next one

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