how to change store owner on shopify

How To Transfer Your Shopify Store To A New Owner When No Option To Do So Appears hey this is Michel

Michelle Green

Updated on Feb 13,2023

How To Transfer Your Shopify Store To A New Owner When No Option To Do So Appears

The above is a brief introduction to how to change store owner on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change store owner on shopify

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How To Transfer Your Shopify Store To A New Owner When No Option To Do So Appears

hey this is Michelle Green and this,video I'm going to show you how to,transfer ownership of your store but I'm,also going to show you how to transfer,ownership of your Shopify store if you,don't see the transfer ownership button,which was the situation for me and I,just learned how to correct that someone,I also show you how to do that in this,video so you said if you sell your store,say you sell your store flipper or,something and you need to transfer,ownership of that store over first thing,you want to do is make sure all of your,payment information anything associated,with any payment information is,disconnected from the store so if you,have your store connected to Google,Shopping and you're not going to be,transferring that Google Ads account,over with the store then you're gonna,want to disconnect that store now I'm,actually selling the account with the,store but I don't want them to have my,my payment information on file so what I,did was swap that payment card out for a,PayPal card that I'm not using so,basically they can't get any money off,of it if they try right so they'll just,force them to switch out that payment,card or enter their own payment card but,if you're not selling your AdWords,account then you can simply disconnect,it from AdWords and then they can go in,and reconnect it to their own AdWords,account so that's pretty simple and they,would just go to apps and then select,the Google Shopping app and then follow,the prompts to connect it okay the other,thing that you want to disconnect is,your billing information from Shopify,and with that one what I like to do is,switch that out for a gift card like a,low balance gift card that I save gift,cards that I get because a lot of times,they don't have like a dollar on it or,three dollars or something on it and you,know I don't use it but what I usually,do is save that card so that I can use,it as a temporary card when I'm selling,a store,I swapped the billing information out,for that gift card the reason I don't do,that with Google Shopping or Adwords is,because they don't allow me to do that,anymore I used to but they now make it,so that it's not possible to do that but,Shopify still does allow you to do it so,that's what I recommend if you have a,gift card just swap out your regular,credit card with the gift card and that,will force the new owner to now have to,go and enter their own information,because hopefully you're not going to,use a card that has more than you know a,few bucks on there and everybody you,know shop Shopify is building a my was,$29 minimum so if they try to use it,it'll just decline it on so that's what,I do for that as far as the payment,acceptance goals you can either leave,your information or not they can't see,any personal details other than like the,last four of the card and it's not gonna,hurt you I mean if you leave that,information in there and you know sale,comes through that money's gonna go to,your bank account so it's not like it's,taking any money from you but you can't,and I don't think it'll let you,disconnect stripe so you just have to,make sure to tell your new buyer to go,in and switch that out as soon as,possible so that they can get paid for,orders that come in PayPal I believe you,can disconnect and so I went ahead and,disconnected that and now I'm on to,actually show you how to switch the,account over to the new owner so to do,that you want to log into your Shopify,dashboard then click on settings down in,the lower left hand corner and then go,to plans and permissions and then scroll,down to the staff account you have to,add them as a staff member first so,that'll be the first step and then once,they've accepted the invite that's when,you're going to do this step now where,you're going to go in and transfer the,ownership over to them so you want to,click on the staff members,name that you want to transfer the store,over to and then scroll down to the,permissions section now under here is,where the button is supposed to appear,but it's not and I've discovered it's,because I had a store listed on the,Shopify Google exchange or the Shopify,store exchange so what I have to do is,go into apps and remove that exchange,market place that that's that so not,exchange store like I said before it's,actually the exchange marketplace and,what I need to do is remove it from here,and then I'll select the reason let me,say other because I sold I sold it and,then click remove okay so now that I,removed it I'm going to go back in here,into the staff members account I'm going,to refresh and the transfer ownership,should appear,there it is here so that's how you do it,guys if you if you run into this issue,where you're not able to make someone,else a store owner its most likely,because you have the exchange,marketplace app installed so you just,have to remove that I just spent,probably an hour with tech support the,first person that I spoke with didn't,know how to do it he was just as,perplexed about it as me and fortunately,I accidentally disconnected myself by,clearing my cache trying to figure out a,solution so I ended up losing that,original person and then when I when I,reconnected and got back on and had to,find it you know they had to give me an,assigned me another help tech he knew,right away what the issue was so,sometimes it pays if you if you run into,an issue with tech support this is,getting off topic a little bit but if,you run into that issue sometimes it,just helps to find another another tech,support member because you know they all,have varying degrees of experience and,stuff so the person I talked to before,is probably just knew and didn't know,and luckily I did get disconnected,because I probably wouldn't have I,probably wouldn't have tried to go to,another tech I don't know I don't know,but bottom line is it worked out and I,figured it out and I've just shown you,guys how to do it as well so hopefully,if you do run into this issue you can,you can take care of it so thanks for,watching and subscribe to my video if,you find this helpful like it and please,do comment it if it helps you if you,have anything else to add add those in,the comments as well thanks and bye

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