how to connect my persenal account pay pal to shopify

How to Link Paypal to Shopify Integration hey it's jose here and today i'm going,to be showing you h

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Updated on Mar 08,2023

How to Link Paypal to Shopify Integration

The above is a brief introduction to how to connect my persenal account pay pal to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to connect my persenal account pay pal to shopify

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How to Link Paypal to Shopify Integration

hey it's jose here and today i'm going,to be showing you how to connect,your paypal account to your shopify,store this is super easy to do and it's,very fast,and i always recommend everybody start,at least by offering paypal payments,if possible offer paypal payments and,credit card payments,and then just test and see which one,works better for you,obviously if you make sales both ways,then i would,keep running with both but definitely,test,paypal because some people just prefer,to pay via paypal,that's one of those things and if you,don't have paypal enabled on your online,store you could,potentially be leaving money on the,table so,let's get on with the setup okay so the,first thing that i recommend is that you,actually,log into your paypal account i'm not,going to do that on my screen,for obvious reasons because you and i,know that,somebody somewhere will then log into my,paypal account and,let's not have any of that going on but,do log in,open up a new tab like this and just log,in,because that will actually make the,setup process a lot easier,okay so once you've logged into your,paypal account,go back to your store and here what you,want to do,is click on the settings cog wheel,at the very bottom left of your screen,and when you click on that you'll see,this screen,from here from the settings screen you,want to click on the,payments icon which is the second option,on the general,on the left and that will take you to,this page which is the payments page,on this page you just want to scroll,down a little bit until you see the,second box,which is the paypal box now obviously if,they change the order of these boxes at,some point then,don't count the boxes just actually look,for the one that has the,paypal logo okay so here,all you do is you click the drop down,menu,and you select whatever option,applies to you now i'm in the uk and i,have a feeling that this is,why i'm seeing this menu i have no way,of testing this,outside of the uk unless i fly there and,then try it,but your menu may look a little bit,different,i'm seeing options for the uk and also,for the us,and canada so in my case i would select,paypal,express checkout that's by far the,easiest one to set up,so if you have the paypal express,checkout option,definitely click on that one now once,you click on that,what's going to happen is that the,screen will reload,then let's scroll back down again and,what you'll see here,are the rates for the credit card rates,and the transaction fees,now it does say here that you must have,a paypal business,account and this is actually free to do,at least,it has been up until now all you do in,your paypal account,is you click on the upgrade to,business account now they do keep,changing the interface and paypal so,these things keep moving if you can't,find where that is just leave me a,comment,in the comments section below this video,and i'll see what it is and post a link,and no doubt,that will change in future again but as,i say,if you can't find that just pop a,comment in the comments,and let's see if we can sort that out,okay so providing you have a paypal,business account,all you do is you click on the activate,button here,and this will then connect your shopify,store to your paypal account,now if you recall at the beginning of,this video i said,best thing to do is to log into your,paypal account in a different tab,on the same browser of course and what,happens then is that,this connection process doesn't need you,to log into your paypal account,because you're already logged in now if,you didn't log in,don't sweat it it's fine all that will,happen is that you will need to log in,to complete the process now once you,click on the activate button,and shopify finds your paypal account,to make that connection you'll have a,little pop up on your screen,so just follow the instructions on your,screen it's very quick,there's only a couple of things to do,and that will,connect your paypal account to your,shopify account,from that point on you'll be able to,take paypal payments,via your shopify store this is easy it's,quick,and it's essential i hope you found this,video useful,while you're here by the way please,subscribe to the channel and that way,you'll get updates,to all the videos tips and tricks as,soon as they come out,take it easy and i'll catch you in the,next video

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