how to create a hyperlink in shopify

How to Create Custom URL Redirects in Shopify Hey, guys. Today, I'll be,showing you how to create,cu


Updated on Feb 18,2023

How to Create Custom URL Redirects in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a hyperlink in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a hyperlink in shopify

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How to Create Custom URL Redirects in Shopify

Hey, guys. Today, I'll be,showing you how to create,custom redirects on,Shopify.,If you have watched our tutorials,in the past, you probably own,a business or are building a,Shopify store.,So if you decide that you,would like to take your store,off your hands so you can,just focus on the business,,then check out our Sales,Accelerator Program.,This program uses online,advertising so that you can,increase your sales on your,website.,And as always, if you aren't,subscribed, make sure to hit,that button and the bell.,So, you know, when we drop,more tutorials.,Let's get into it.,So a lot of times when,you are creating or,recreating a website,,let's say that you've already,have a wordpress, and let's,say maybe a woocommerce store,and you're transferring,everything to Shopify.,Some of your links might not,be exactly the same.,So, for example, let's,say we have a collection here,on Shopify that it's a,sale collection,,that URL might look different,than the one that we had,previously, our store.,So on our store, it might,have been .,That would take us to our,sale page.,Now, here on Shopify,,there's certain things that you,can't necessarily manipulate.,So, for example, if we go,into our products,and we go to collections,and let's create a new,collection and let's call it,Sale.,Now,,when we create this,collection, if we look here,into the SEO,settings, you see that,URL and handle.,You see it adds automatically,that collections and then,forward slash sale.,So in our previous store,,we had,the URL forward-slash sale,then we need to create a,redirect for that in case,some people might have, let's,say bookmark,that sale page before,or let's say that you have,that link somewhere on,your social media platforms.,It's important that when,people click on that old,link, they're transferred,into this new link,that you've created on your,brand new store.,So the way we do that.,Let me just put in here,to create that collection,So after I've created my,collection here, and,this is loading and there we,go, I'm gonna go-to,online store.,And then I'm going to go to,navigation.,Inside of navigation, we,have URL redirects.,It's like a very,small link up here on the,top. So we're going to click,on that.,And then when we create a,URL redirect.,And then here's where you,just type it from,and to.,So from we want,to go from sale,to,the new ones is,collections/sale.,Then we click on,save redirect.,That will make any old link,that just has a /sale,go into our new,collections/sale.,All right. And there you have,it. Now you want to create,all these redirects in order,to make sure that your,store shows properly,for those older links,on your previous website.,So you want to make sure that,you looked at all your,previous links and then you,look at your new links and,make sure that they either,match or if they don't match,,then that's when you create,some of these your URL,redirects.,All right. Thank you so much for,watching this video.,And if you have any questions,about this, make sure you,drop the comments down below,and be sure to like this,video that will help us,tremendously.,And also subscribe to our,channel so you can get more,tutorials on Shopify and how,to run your store properly.

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