how to create slideshow for fd ads for shopify

How to Create Facebook Carousel Ads (NEW Layout Full Tutorial) in this video i'm going to show you h

How to Digital

Updated on Apr 01,2023

How to Create Facebook Carousel Ads (NEW Layout Full Tutorial)

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how to create slideshow for fd ads for shopify catalogs

How to Create Facebook Carousel Ads (NEW Layout Full Tutorial)

in this video i'm going to show you how,you can create a facebook carousel ad,in 2021 the easiest way so if you want,to create an ad like this so this is a,carousel ad,then you need to keep watching this,video so what you can do with these ads,is simply use multiple images to,multiple,pages and multiple offers if you want to,or you can just add more,images for branding to one specific,product,so in this video i'm going to show you,how you can do that and let's get,started right now,alright you want to start off by opening,your facebook app manager,next up you want to click on create like,you would always do,when setting up a brand new campaign,next up you need to choose a campaign,objective so what i'm going to do right,now is send traffic,to my store to these products so i'm,gonna go with traffic but you can also,go,with any other objective but for the,sake of the video,i'm gonna go with traffic and i'm gonna,click on continue,so what they're gonna do right now is,send you over here and all of that,is fine so what i'm going to do first is,simply set up,a normal campaign so you simply want to,go through all of these,so the different levels of ad sets and,then,finally at this one i'm going to show,you how you can set up,the carousel ad so what i'm going to do,right now is simply skip,all of this stuff and just skip to the,part where you can set up the facebook,carousel ad,now that doesn't mean that you want to,ignore all of this you simply want to,set this up,like you would normally do so you would,send traffic to your website maybe or,you want to go to an app or messenger or,even whatsapp,so set this up like you would normally,do i'm gonna change the budget,to five euros just like that but yeah,like i said just set this up like you,would normally do,then click next and then you'll end up,at the new ad section,and this is where you can set up the,facebook carousel ad,so what i'm going to do right now is,use test one more time then if you,scroll down you'll see the ad,setup right there you can choose the,format choose,how you would like to structure your ad,so you can choose single image or video,and then right there we've got the,carousel ad you all i mean,of course you of course want to go with,carousel right here so that you can add,two or more scrollable images or videos,so select that option right there and,you'll then see what it looks like,now if you simply scroll down and you,skip to this part right there we can,start adding,add creatives so this is where you would,add the images,headlines and descriptions so if you,simply click select image,what you can do is use images that,you've already been using,or you can upload brand new images so,i'm going to click upload i'm going to,go to my downloads,and then let's see i'm going to select a,phone case from the store so i'm going,to go with this one,and then i'm going to send people over,to the bestseller pages,or even a specific product and that's,what i like about the carousel ads,you can send them to your home page but,you can also send them,to a specific product page in the second,picture if that makes sense,so i'm going to click continue for now,so that's it for picture number one,next up you can add a headline to that,specific,image which will then show up beneath,that specific image,so i'm just gonna go with don't stop,phone case so you wanna basically,make sure that you use a good converting,hat line right there,whatever that may be in your case and,then right there another,description so i'm gonna say,shop your,now just like that,now that's the headline and the,description i'll show you how that will,show up,right here so if i simply scroll down it,will show up like that,don't stop phone case and then right,there the description,next up you can add a link to that,specific,page or to your home page so this is,just for this,for the first image only so what i can,do is go to my actual store,and then i'm going to click on that,product if i then copy that link,and then use that on here what i can do,is send people over,to that specific page so that they can,shop this specific product and that's,why these carousel ads are so cool,you can send them to specific pages,within one ad if that makes sense,what you can do next for the second,picture is simply click on the plus icon,right there,and then click select image you simply,need to do,the exact same thing like you just did,to set up the first one,so you would select another picture then,click continue,in the bottom right corner and then once,again you can set up the headlines,descriptions and a specific website url,to that specific product or to whatever,page you want to send them to,so maybe with the second picture i want,to send them over to my home page,so what i would do is simply copy the,link then paste that in there,so that for the second image it's not,going to send them,to the specific product page but to my,home page all right,and that's how we do that so test number,two,and then right there i'm going to put,description to or just like that,so please make sure to use actual,headlines and descriptions,i'm just trying to show you guys what it,will look like and then as you guys can,see right there,test number two will then show up now,you can add up to,10 different images so up to 10,different,of these and then your print what's done,so what you can do right now,is simply set up the call to action like,you would normally do,the see more url which could be my home,page,and then you can pretty much do whatever,you do normally when setting up an ad,campaign,and then you're done so that's pretty,much where you can set up the facebook,carousel ads,it's as easy as that now you can click,review to see what it will look like and,you'll then see a preview,of your facebook carousel ad so as of,right now we can see the phone case the,image isn't great for this,but it's just about showing you guys how,it works so don't shop phone case shop,your don't stop phone case,now and then the second one is gonna be,this one,test number two description two and you,can build up to 10,of these and that's pretty much how you,can do this then finally we've got to,see more,and then learn more and then also this,one if people click right there,they'll be brought over to my page so,please don't pay attention to all of the,images and the names and all of that i'm,just trying to show you the technical,side of setting this up,so if this video helps you out make sure,you go ahead and leave a like on the,video,let me know if you have any questions,down below and then i'll see you next,time have a good day

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