how to delete shopify orders

How to delete everything from your Shopify store All right so in this tutorial I will show  you how

How to delete everything from your Shopify store

The above is a brief introduction to how to delete shopify orders

Let's move on to the first section of how to delete shopify orders

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how to delete shopify orders catalogs

How to delete everything from your Shopify store

All right so in this tutorial I will show  you how to delete everything from your  ,Shopify store just in case that you need to  start fresh or if you for example have this  ,store as your test shop or sandbox and you just  need to clear everything out and start fresh.  ,And so I will be using Matrixify (Excelify) app  for that here this is the Matrixify (Excelify)  ,app. And here we will start by exporting  everything to the Matrixify (Excelify) excel  ,format and we will select all those things  that we want to delete to export them first.  ,So those will be products with just the basic  columns then smart collections also with only  ,the basic columns if you have any other checkboxes  here remove them just to make your export faster. ,So we need just the basic columns here,  also custom collections basic columns,  ,customers basic columns, discounts as  well just basic columns, draft orders  ,we have some bunch here that we want to clear  out so again only the basic columns here,  ,the same for orders. For payouts we actually  don't need to export payouts because  ,you can't delete them so if you have any  then you can just leave them as they are.  ,Pages of course again basic columns, blog posts  the same thing and actually also blog posts and  ,basic columns and blogs because we want to  delete also the blogs if you have several  ,blogs that contain many blog posts. Of course  the redirects. For activity there's it's not  ,possible to delete any of the activity so we  don't need to export it so we can leave it out  ,and for shop there is this thing as metafields  so of course you can't delete the shop itself  ,because it contains basically the main elements  of how your shop is set up but if you want to  ,clear out the metafields for the shop you can  just select this metafields column and that way  ,we will be able to clear them out. Okay we can  just run export and wait for it to finish if you  ,have a very large store there is no need to keep  the browser open you can close it and it will  ,send you an email when it's done, but generally it  should be very fast because if you are exporting  ,just basic columns then it should be very quick.  And here at the bottom it estimates how long  ,it will supposedly take to finish this export.  All right so the export has finished and we can  ,download the exported file and in that exported  file we have here at the bottom - there are the  ,sheets of each kind of data that we exported  and the trick here is that we need to delete it  ,in the reverse order because like logically if you  try to delete the customer which has an order you  ,will not be able to do it, Shopify will not allow  it, so first we need to delete orders and then the  ,customers, but just to like make it easier we will  just like sort all the sheets in reverse order so  ,this export summary sheet is not needed at all  it just shows what we exported. So we start with  ,the shop - for shop here we have one metafield you might have many metafields like this in your  ,shop, but the main principle here is you need  to clear out all of the values for those cells  ,so that they are empty but the metafield  columns should stay here because then we  ,will import this metafield we will see that it's  empty and then we will delete it from the shop.  ,So because we copied those we just don't need  them but here this will be a good example. So then  ,comes redirects - we just drag this sheet here  and what we do here actually for all the rest of  ,sheets there is a column that says "Command" and  by default it's always like "UPDATE" and we change  ,it to "DELETE" and just double click here on this  corner and it will copy all the deletes till the  ,end so by that we will delete all our redirects.  Then the next comes again the blog posts - from  ,the end we drag it to the third position  and here under the command we put "DELETE"  ,that should delete this blog post. Actually not  sure if it will delete our blog but we'll see of  ,course you might have more blog posts then you  will just again copy. Then we come to pages -,for the page is the same command - "DELETE"  double click on the corner so that it copies for  ,all the pages. Then we take orders - again drag  it here, for orders the default command is "NEW"  ,we just change it to "DELETE" again copy down  and just note here for the orders it might be  ,that Shopify will not allow to delete all of the  orders because if there are some real payments or  ,like if the Shopify Payment Gateway was involved  then it might not allow to delete the orders, but  ,generally if this is a test store and everything  is like generated data anyway then you should be  ,able to delete all of your orders. Then  our draft orders - we put them here,  ,no here, just to be precise. Again  change the command to "DELETE",  ,copy down. Then the same for discounts - for  discounts also command - "DELETE", double click  ,everything has delete. Then comes customers... And  also in in discounts some discount may reference  ,the customer as well so it's a good idea that we  first delete discounts and then the customers.  ,So again "DELETE", copy. Then custom  collections - "DELETE" so those custom  ,collections are manual collections. Then smart  collections - again "DELETE" copy. And then for  ,last the products - I also copy "DELETE" for  all the rows. Save the file, we can save it as  ,"Delete-everything" close the file, go back to  Matrixify (Excelify) app and here choose the file  ,to delete everything. It will analyze the file, it  will use those sheet names to determine what kind  ,of data is in each sheet so it's estimating...  Right so now it shows "Ready to import"  ,because it has read through all of the sheets and  so it shows how many items it sees in each file  ,if there are any warnings then typically for  for example in this case it means that we had 22  ,orders with the same name, essentially with the  same order number, and it gives a warning that  ,maybe your file is repeating or something  because generally those orders should not  ,have the same name. There shouldn't be orders  with the same name, but in our case there are  ,because it's our test store. And yeah we just  press import and then for shop it shows updated  ,because it updated our shop data and essentially  removed that one metafield. Now it's deleting  ,all the redirects we can see it shows how many it  has deleted thus far and again the estimate at the  ,bottom here it shows how long it thinks it will  take to delete them. Here based on the average  ,typical speed, but here for the one that it's  already doing it's using the actual speed - how  ,many seconds per item is being deleted, so it can  extrapolate how long it will take to delete these  ,items. And of course if you see that there  are some errors then these potentially can't  ,be deleted for some reason and then in the  results file you will be able to see in details  ,which orders couldn't be deleted everything  else actually should be possible to delete  ,from your store for except of if there  are some orders that can't be deleted.,Okay so it has finished. And yeah also about the  customers - if there is an order that can't be  ,deleted then its related customers will not be  deleted and so if we download the results file,,then we can see for each of the sheets again for  example for shop it tells that metafield Shopify  ,post attributes deleted that it deleted this  one meta field for the redirects everything was  ,like import result is OK, OK, OK. Delete pushed  by id. So the same thing for each of those things  ,and those two orders, like  here is failed and failed,  ,those couldn't be deleted or draft orders like  as we saw everything was okay. And for customers  ,we saw that those two customers can't be deleted  because it says like "Error deleting customer"  ,and the typical reason for that is that because  this customer has an order or those customers have  ,each an order so it can't  be deleted. Yeah, overall  ,if we go to our store then we should see  here's our just two remaining orders that  ,we couldn't delete. The draft are empty,  products are empty, collections are empty,  ,everything is empty. Okay, customers - here are  those two customers that have those two orders. ,About the blog posts - yeah there's nothing.  So pages also empty. The navigation will not  ,be deleted so because it can't be imported  or exported, because there is no API for that  ,but if you need to clear this out then you  would need to delete them manually, but yeah  ,overall that's how you clear out everything  that you can from your existing Shopify store!  ,And if you have any issues or questions here's  our Matrixify (Excelify) website, where you can  ,find any sorts of documentations or tutorials  or definitely reach us through contact us page  ,through any of those channels if  you have anything to ask or discuss.,Thanks so much and see you around!

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