how to design a shopping cart in shopify

38 How to Design Cart page in Shopify - Shopify for Developers hello and welcome this is going to

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Updated on Feb 24,2023

38 How to Design Cart page in Shopify - Shopify for Developers

The above is a brief introduction to how to design a shopping cart in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to design a shopping cart in shopify

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how to design a shopping cart in shopify catalogs

38 How to Design Cart page in Shopify - Shopify for Developers

hello and welcome this is going to be a,short video and I'm going to show you,the template behind the cartridge in,Shopify how you can customize it how you,can add more options and then I will add,the option behind the scenes so this,type of we do have two parts first part,I will show you where you can add,they're sitting and then I will show you,how I can add it behind the scene and,you will see what which option I have,already done so in a PDS you do we work,on the product page so I will close,everything about this one then I will,come back and let's close everything so,we are in the cart page and it does not,have any design how you can add the,design and where you can add it so if,you open the template you have a file,called cord liquid cord that liquid is,exactly the template behind your car so,whatever you see here all of the code is,here so like product page and collection,page if you want to have options for the,user in the admin you should extract,everything to the section for example if,I come to the online store and I'm going,to show you how I what I mean by the,sittings so if I check out my team,currently my team do not have any,options if I go to the customize from,here I am going to select the cart page,and in the cart page you can see there,is no sitting here and you can check,like if you are in any product page you,have a sitting because we add the,section like product pitch but for the,core pitch we does not have any of those,sitting if you want to have it as I said,in the previous video you can add it so,if I scroll down currently it does not,have any sitting here so what I can do,is I can grab everything from here and I,will come to this section and I will,create a file here mostly I call it cork,template that liquid-like product,template like collection template that,we did in the previous videos so this is,the section and I will paste the code,here now I will come to the court since,we cut everything I have to use the,section word here and I will say Court,dot not that it is - template if you,save it now let's save our file and this,time if i refresh my ad,in this refresh it it should have a cart,sitting here but the sitting should be,empty of course we didn't add any schema,to the sitting as you can see court,template if you go inside this one we do,not have any content for this one you,know how to add content right just add,the schema down here if you don't know,what is this you can watch previous,videos or you can come and copy or do,sitting from any other section so if I,check out the product section here this,is the basic schema show the social like,share button or not this is one sitting,you can have the same thing in the cart,page that is up to you and you can add,it in your template down there I'm not,going to touch that one for now but I,will do that behind the scene for now,this is how it is going to look and if,you want to customize it all you have to,do is come to the sections called,template and customize it here so the,quiz available on github again you can,do it whatever you want to do like,however you want to design it but I will,do it behind the scene and you will see,the result in the next video and I will,show you what I have done that's it for,this video thank you for watching I hope,it has been informative and I hope you,are working along with this tutorial,series and if you want to win the $1,000,chances are like there are not much,people watching this and I just want you,to learn something and it start running,your own business that is what I want to,do believe me like currently like the,view is not too much but still I am,watching this I'm creating this video so,some people might find it informative so,that's it thank you for watching see you,next time

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