how to disconnect ebay from a closed shopify account

My eBay Account Got Suspended! Here is Exactly What I Did To Get It Reinstated another test another

AutoDS - Automatic Dropshipping Tools

Updated on Mar 19,2023

My eBay Account Got Suspended! Here is Exactly What I Did To Get It Reinstated

The above is a brief introduction to how to disconnect ebay from a closed shopify account

Let's move on to the first section of how to disconnect ebay from a closed shopify account

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My eBay Account Got Suspended! Here is Exactly What I Did To Get It Reinstated

another test another river account and,another strategy but this time our comm,got suspended immediately even before we,listed one product so this iteration,happens to a lot of dropshippers and,it's so fascinating so let's see what to,do from this iteration from A to Z how,to open any bear count that got,suspended immediately hello everybody so,in this video I want to share with you,the full process that I made told in,this account a lot of people are opening,accounts right now and struggling with,actually just uploading their first,product because they can't getting,blocked immediately so what to do to fix,that let's see so this is the first,message that we got on March 19 your,eBay account has been suspended let's,open this message so your eBay account,has has been suspended and suspended,because all these things have been,removed a message a lot of people,already got and know what is this,message so let's see what to do from,this situation the first thing that we,do we go to google and write ebay,contact then we go to ebay customer,service we click on email us then we,click on an account account holds,restrictions and suspensions,email us and we got a form that we can,feel to contact eBay so let's see in the,forum here is the phone so here we write,our message now let's see what I sent,and you just need to write it in your,words actually it's not me it's one for,a realtor assistant that helps us with,all of our projects and to manage for me,the 35 even more now he bestows so let's,see how it works,so in this form that's what we send them,here was the message that our VA sent,them it was a bit funny but it won't i'm,husband and husband and father of three,little children and accreted maybe count,around two weeks ago to stop buying and,selling mine used for named mutual and I,just realized that my account got,blocked can you please clarify why I got,suspended and what I can do to get it,unsuspended okay so that was the Amanda,fazenda very quickly around maybe 24,hours we got this email from eBay so,here is the eBay a message and what are,the items that you're planning to,purchase on outside how you're going to,pay and some questions all what we did,is to read the questions and understand,what eBay wants us to tell them so here,was our reply so the main points here,are are you selling personal stuff or,have a supplier estimated time helming,items the plant whole list and stuff,like this the basic questions of eBay so,let's see what we replied to eBay so I,go to the next message that I got from,them,here,okay so here is the message that our a,built our assistant replied to their,question I will go to buy groceries my,basement is full of all stuff so we are,telling to you that we just want to list,some products that we have on our house,or know about apartment and what you,want to list so we can write here,everything actually and in another,account we just wrote here home and,garden I was selling personal stuff,we'll have a supplier service I wrote,that for now we just have some stuff on,our basement so that's what we are,selling and I don't think that I would,ship internationally but six to ten days,inside the United States,you can either actually anything just,reply to their message just try to think,what he wants to hear so after we load,them all these answers that we were,insane sell between 3,200 and product,and here are the prices we write 40 to,50 dollars the last question is very,important don't write something which is,too expensive also about what you are,planning to sell don't write things like,electronics because it's high-risk,products that eBay doesn't like so what,happened after this a message that we,sent to eBay actually we got the very,interesting message reply your eBay,account is reine stated boom our account,was open it was so easy you don't need,to pay anyone to open the account just,reply to eBay messages don't be afraid,to contact eBay about anything it works,the same it feedbacks just right to,contact a base to actually point to,erased representives halt and they will,reply you and help you to fix anything,so they even write here that if you had,any listings that we are removed when,they come for suspended,stalled those listings to see this,listing go to my account and click,activity and click unsolved under the,cell handy to released more actions and,so actually all of the listings were,deleted we don't have what to do about,it we just need to release them if you,have them in not obvious just click on,the few listings you can mark them then,click bulk changes released and,everything will be listed on eBay so,again my main point here is never afraid,just contact eBay and don't be afraid to,contact them and talk with them about,anything you have so super easy I don't,know why people are so scary from this,but eBay taking these actions not,because they don't want it to sell on,their platform it's just something that,that can happen if they feel risk a,security risk to their site it means,that maybe eBay taught that you are,using proxies or something like that,that can that using that ticket scam,their BIOS then they don't want it so we,should understand their side too and,just follow the directions show them,that you're a real person you're not,trying to scam anyone and that's all I,hope that this video will help you to,open more eBay accounts and actually,build a drop shipping Empire seeing the,next videos don't forget forget to,comment what do you think about this,video if it was helpful,like this video subscribe to our YouTube,channel and share it with your friends,see in the next videos bye bye

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