how to do custom orders on shopify

How to sell custom orders on Shopify hi everyone for today's video,i'm going to show you guys how to

Marisol G

Updated on Mar 02,2023

How to sell custom orders on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to do custom orders on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to do custom orders on shopify

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how to do custom orders on shopify catalogs

How to sell custom orders on Shopify

hi everyone for today's video,i'm going to show you guys how to,have customization on your shopify,account,and i'm sorry if you can hear the uh,machine working right now,i do have to get some sorority um,shirts out for a candy theme that,they're having which i'm super excited,because i haven't done anything like,that,they're super cute and i'm happy for,them but i need to get them out so bear,with me okay,so this is my website so this,is kind of how it looks just to give you,an idea,the website i did it myself um,i didn't pay anybody to do it,um it took me a long time and i try to,make it,like how i can understand how i would,want to see it,as a customer,but the reason i wanted to do this is,because i have a lot of custom stuff on,here,obviously to personalize and everything,so,for example this teacher right here,let's see my computer's a little slow so,bear with me,i have what it is how much it is and the,quantity but look at my options that i,have right here,i have option for size 4h,name date needed by and then i have the,pictures,and a description of what it is but the,most important part is this because,it is custom look i like this feature,although my theme is uh purchase theme,though it's not,one of the free themes that shopify,offers,they do offer free themes and you can,still do this,you can still add this to your account,so say for the sizing,you know how sometimes two twos are one,size like two,three four five six seven whatever it,may be the prices are different,so on here say if i,click um my two to twelve to twelve,months are the same,let's say i want a four my regular price,for a two to seventy five,ninety five so if i want a size four,choo choo it's gonna add five dollars,more so they're gonna know that it's,gonna add five dollars more to that,price for this size,and then the age that they want for the,shirt,the name and made a deep nate need a,date buy,so i always put that on there,because i just want that extra you know,knowing that when they need to buy now,if it's like by a week or so,i usually tell them no or cancel it or,whatever it may be,because it's sometimes it's impossible,but right here it's going to tell you,that it added five dollars to your cart,so how do i get this and what app do i,use,so i'm gonna go out here and these this,is my,shopify theme so on apps,these are the apps i have so the one you,use is variant,customer product options if,there is a fee there's a eight dollar a,month and then 18.99 a month,i have the 18.99 a month and the reason,i have the 18.99 a month is because it,gives you that,option to add more to the price if it's,a bigger size,your monthly um bill for shopify is what,29.99,you can always add this amount which is,a little more but,at the end of the day it pays off with,the tutu if you sell at least one two,two you made it,at least for that but you're getting it,out and you're driving your own traffic,it's harder when you're on your own,website it's harder to when you start,off,but let me just show you so i'm going to,go to,my collection i'm going to show you how,i started,so i'm going to go to,okay the internet's back on thank,goodness,okay so for this one let's say for this,cow theme,i put on pink farm themed teacher outfit,so i'll give it as description on here,the,images i want i do use aj blanks i know,a lot of you guys are familiar with them,i do use her,um her blanks this is where i put the,pricing the original pricing i want to,put on there and i always add charge to,tax for this product,always do that so then you get the,weight and all that good stuff,so you'll click save for this and then,in order for you to add,the different um categories you're gonna,go on,more actions,and since you've already uploaded it,you're gonna go to edit product options,and this is where the app that you,uploaded to your website where you will,have the opportunity to do it,so it will give you all the options of,what you do,so right here it would pop up and then,you it will give you variance and this,is where you add your options,whatever options you want you just type,what you want on here,and then it gives you a drop down say if,you want,different text buttons however you want,it,i always just use drop down because it's,easier because there's not that many,but this is where i have it for sizing,you see right here i have a drop down,and it is required,so i'll have my prices here and how much,i charge more,per the size so you see the first ones,they don't but that's how much i charge,as the sizes go up and then you have the,ages and then you have the name like for,them to add the name,you just pick whatever you want to call,it and you type text and this is,required,so i didn't click that so that's,required so it has to have it on there,so then i press okay and there's no,extra price for that,and then date needed buy that should,have required,and that's pretty simple that's a that's,all it is to add it on there like i said,there's an option the eight dollar a,month or the 18 19 18,a month i just chose to do the 18,because it's easier so i can add the,difference but if you're doing custom,orders especially like tutus birthdays,or anything like that it's best to,always have that option,at the long run it's easier and you have,it on there,so just if you guys are interested in,that that's just pretty much how mine,is and this is how my website would look,and it has like the options just,anything you click,will have my option my internet slogan,has the option so they can fill it out,and then you just add it to your cart if,you guys have any questions let me know,just a quick video while i'm finishing,up some shirts,hopefully i can do more videos sooner,than later because i,am busy and i do apologize that i do,have another,job my job my full-time job which,this was my full-time job but not yet,but anyways,hopefully this helped you guys if you,guys want to open your account,have a good day if you like this video,go ahead and give it a thumbs up and if,you're not a,if you don't haven't subscribed go ahead,and subscribe and i'll see you next time

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