how to edit how your shopify shows up on a browser

How to Customize Shopify Pages do you want to know how to customize,shopify pages in the next few mi

How to Customize Shopify Pages

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit how your shopify shows up on a browser

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How to Customize Shopify Pages

do you want to know how to customize,shopify pages in the next few minutes,i'm going to teach you everything you,need to know about customizing shopify,website pages including setting up a,shopify frequently asked questions page,my name is elise nelson and i help tech,challenge makers build a profitable,e-commerce brand thanks for joining me,on my youtube channel where i offer,lessons that are 15 minutes or less to,help you grow your e-commerce shop in,this short video i'm going to share with,you how to add a page in shopify for,your ecommerce business but before we,jump into this maker lesson i'd love to,know if there are any custom pages on,your website leave a comment and let me,know,all right so the very first thing i want,to talk about is how to make custom,shopify pages with templates so to do,that we are going to first have to make,a page so we're going to go to the admin,area of our site and go to online store,and then pages and then click add page,if you need to add a page or you can,select a page that's already existing so,i'm going to go ahead and click on add,page,you're going to want to make sure that,you enter your title,and change your website seo if you need,to so i'm just going to call this test,and then you can come in here to change,your title for seo your description for,seo and the url and handle,the content we're basically going to,ignore this unless we're planning to use,basic text editing so like if i just,wanted to put you know,hi,my name is elise,and then i just want to insert a photo,and that's the extent of what i want to,do you can do that here in the text,editor,if you want to do more than that you,want to have it more formatted and more,options of what you wanted to do and say,and how you want it to look then you,want to do it a different way and then,you're going to hit save that's step one,is creating our page step two is going,into our customize section and actually,creating a custom template so we are,going to go,online store themes and then customize,so i'm actually going to show you on the,about page because i want to be able to,show you some of the sections that you,can use but if you wanted to get to the,page you just created you're going to,actually make a new template so you,would go to you click on this drop down,go to pages,then you're going to click on create,template,and you can base this off of any page,you want,if you haven't already gone in and set,up your your default page i would do,that before you create a new template,that way every page from this point,forward will have what you want on it,the reason you might want to do that is,to make sure,that you have things like,on every page of my site,i make sure that i have this follow us,section my opt-in,this section about shipping etc,that is on every single page of my site,and so if you add that to your default,page then when you duplicate your,default page that will already be there,so you want to take a moment to go ahead,and edit your default page if you,haven't already done that then you can,go to pages,and here's the default page right here,if you wanted to edit that then create,template then you're going to name your,template whatever you want it to be so,i'm going to call mine test again,then you're going to base it on,whichever page you want so if you're if,you're basing on the default page great,if you've gone on another page like want,to do two different types of giveaway,pages then you already have one giveaway,template you can duplicate that one but,usually you're going to be going from,the default so you're just going to,click create template i'm not going to,do that so don't actually want to create,a new template,and then you will be on the new template,page where you'll be able to add,sections and customize this page,so this is my about page and we're going,to be here so that i can demo some,sections and the sections that i usually,use for different things so a section,that i find myself using quite,frequently is the image with text,section and that allows you to put some,text and an image makes a lot of sense,right so this section i find works on a,lot of different types of pages then,there is the rich text,section and that just allows you to put,text you can of course you know put this,left justified right justified whatever,but it's just text,then i also use the image with text,overlay a lot so this is actually,technically an image with text overlay,but you can see i didn't actually put,any text on it so you just delete all,the text and it'll just be a big image,so i use this a lot for both having text,and not and then we're back to what we,already looked at which is the rich text,so these are sections i use quite,frequently in addition to that,i like to put recently viewed on almost,every page on my site including all of,my products because then they can see,things that they personally looked at,previously if they are on the first time,on your site and they haven't looked any,products this just doesn't show up this,particular section is very specific to,the focal theme which is the one that i,recommend i have an entire,video all about focal and why it's the,one that i recommend so you can go back,and look in this playlist to see why i,recommend focal but one of the reasons,is actually because it has this section,i really like this section a lot,then i also use this is another uh image,with text overlay you can see on this,one i actually use the text and the,shock now button,and then this section here is actually,the,text with icons it's right here so the,text with icon section is one that i,like to again have on every single page,as i mentioned earlier this is actually,an opt-in i got from my email provider,so this is custom html there is also a,newsletter here in shopify that you can,use if you just want to use the shopify,setup,and then i like to use the logo list for,my,social media and so this is what i use,on the focal theme some themes don't,have something like this you may have to,use something else,and so again these are on every page,these last three are on every page of my,site so those are the these sections,that you might want to use depending,upon your theme you're going to have,different sections so all you have to do,to get a section is come over here and,click on where it says add section and,then you'll be able to see the whole,list of all the different ones that are,available click on show more sometimes,apps that you have installed on your,site may have special things that you,can add so like this is clavio that's my,email provider so you have all these,options of things that you can you can,add and you can just keep clicking show,more one of the things i like so much,about the focal theme is that there are,so many options many other themes don't,have as many options for sections as,focal does so once you have set up your,page how you want it to be in here you,now need to actually attach that page,that we looked at originally to this,otherwise it won't show this but if you,so if you go into your page that you're,on so i was on about,then you would go to the page you want,to assign it to and here in the lower,right corner you're going to see where,it asks you what template you want to,use theme template and you can see this,says about so the default is going to be,for the default page but since we just,created a template specifically for the,about page we're going to change this,template say about and then you'll click,save and then you need to still add this,to your menu but i'm going to show you,in just a minute how to do that before,we jump into the rest of the lesson,please like this video and comment with,the word sections,also be sure to stick with me to the end,of the video to learn your challenge for,today and implement what you've learned,okay so let's talk about now how to add,a page to the menu in shopify so you're,going to go to your admin area of your,site you go to online store navigation,and then depending upon the theme that,you have and how you have it set up you,may have different navigations on my,theme focal i can have a different menu,for mobile versus desktop and so i have,two different menus here and then you're,also more than likely going to want to,add your page into your footer and so i,have two different menus for the footer,as well so whatever many you menus you,have think about whether or not you want,to put your new page in that menu most,of the time you want to put any page in,both the footer and the header of your,site and so if you have two different,headers you're actually putting it in,three places so keep that in mind as you,are setting up the admin area of your,site so i would go into my main menu,first i know that's not an order but,this is how my brain works and this is,what i like to do so go into the main,menu and then once you're in your main,menu you're going to decide where you,want to put it and then you click on add,menu item to wherever you want to add it,and then you'll find your new page so in,this case we were looking at my about,page so i'm gonna click on pages,and then about,and then if you don't fill in a name,it'll automatically fill in the name of,the link so if you're happy with that,you can leave it as is,and then click add,you can see that added where i told it,to be if i had clicked it here it would,have added it here and then if you just,hover over these little dots it'll let,you click and move so then you can move,this to wherever you want it to be in,the menu,and i actually already have the about us,page there so i'm going to delete this,out of my menu you wouldn't want to,delete yours of course put it wherever,you want it and leave it there,and then make sure you hit save and,you've added it to that menu so,basically going to repeat that exact,same thing for as many menus as you have,where you want to put that page and that,is how you're going to make sure that,the new page actually shows up in your,menu now if you want more help with your,ecommerce brand subscribe and sign up,for notifications so you don't miss any,of my videos that are 15 minutes or less,to help you grow your ecommerce shop,now let's talk about how to set up a,shopify frequently asked questions page,we're basically going to be doing all,the things i just told you again for,this specific page so you're going to,come to your admin area online store,pages you're going to add a new page i,already have a frequently asked,questions page so i'm going to go ahead,and click on that one,you would call it faqs,or you could actually say frequently,asked questions but that's really long,so on your menu it ends up looking,really long so up to you um faqs um,again we're going to skip our content,and you can edit your website seo and,then you're going to hit save then we're,going to go,into our customize area so you would go,to the admin of the store online store,and then click the customize button to,get into here you are going to edit your,frequently asked questions section so,if you already have one then all you're,going to do is go to pages and go to,frequently asked questions more than,likely you don't so you're going to go,to pages then you're going to create a,template and call it faq i already have,an faq page so i'm going to select that,one,and then for focal there is a special,faq section that i'm going to be using,that does an accordion style opening and,closing which is really nice to have,a lot of other themes don't have this,option so you have to see what your,choices are and use sections that are,useful for your theme that are available,for your theme so here's frequently,asked questions on focal you can see i,have faq here there's places here that i,can click to go to the different,sections and then each section has,the name of the section and then,drop-downs for explanations for what,they want so how to use products water,bottle holder versus phone holder,shipping shipping policy returns return,policy so these are the things you want,to make sure you have on your frequently,asked questions page you want to make,sure that you answer any specific,questions that people ask you about your,products so for me that's how do i use,it which is why i have how to use,products it for you it may be what your,product is made of how it works,um anything like that in addition to,those frequently asked questions that,have to do with your specific products,you also want to make sure you put your,shipping and your returns policy,even though you have separate sections,for shipping and returns you also want,to include it in your frequently asked,questions,then you're going to go in you're going,to create your frequently asked,questions you can see the way this works,is this is the main thing frequently,asked questions the ones that have these,little squares are the over overarching,headings or titles and then these,sections are the sections that actually,have the content,so for example when i click on this one,you can see it opens up and this,actually has my content and so for mine,it tells them step by step how to attach,it how to remove it and then i actually,have a link to go watch the video on,another page that i have on my site so,you want to make sure you get that set,up so that they can get answers to their,questions and then of course we have to,go back to our page,that we created over here and we're,going to change our template to be the,one that you just created and then of,course make sure you hit save both,places and you will now have a page that,is ready to go but you still need to add,it to your menu just like i showed you,previously and then once it's on your,menu they will actually be able to,access this page now today's question,was are there any custom pages on your,website leave a comment and let me know,be sure to check out the rest of the,videos in the build a website for sales,playlist to learn more about how to,build a website for sales the link is in,the description of this video your,challenge for today is to create a,frequently asked questions page or,update the one you have and be sure it,is actually on your menu,on wednesdays i randomly pick one of the,comments from the new videos that are,released every week and if you are,subscribed to my schedule biz channel,you will win a free ticket to my next,social media challenge best of luck to,you all don't forget to live your dream,every single day

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