how to edit prices aftr all ready imported toy shopify store

How do I edit prices on Shopify ? hi there so for today i'd like to share,how you would be able to u


Updated on Mar 25,2023

How do I edit prices on Shopify ?

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit prices aftr all ready imported toy shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to edit prices aftr all ready imported toy shopify store

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how to edit prices aftr all ready imported toy shopify store catalogs

How do I edit prices on Shopify ?

hi there so for today i'd like to share,how you would be able to update your,product prices in your shopify store,using conicals bulk price editor,so firstly all you have to do is log,into your shopify store once you are,already on your shopify admin go to your,apps,and if this is the first time that,you're installing chronicle just type in,conical here and that should prompt you,to add and install the app accordingly,to your shopify account but since on my,end this is already an installed app all,i have to do is click on conical,and that would prompt me to my conical,account,as you can see here on this on this page,there are different essential and,automatic strategies tools that you,would be able to use to help automate,processes within your online store but,then again for today we would love to,show you how bulk price editor tool,would be able to help you update pricing,within your store so just click on the,bulk price editor here,and firstly what you would like to do is,to filter the products so determining,which products you would like to change,or update the pricing to,so what i love about the bulk price,editor is there are various ways for you,to be able to filter items,so first is you can do it by a via,product title like searching via,keywords product tags and variant title,and you have more filters here that will,let you you know narrow down your search,to which specific products you'd like to,change to,so for example you have some magic,filters here that you could use if you,would like to check for products that,are selling at a loss and you would like,to increase them of course,and then you you can also filter by the,status product type or specific vendor,items if you know for example,your drop shipping and you know that a,specific supplier has increased their,prices you would be able to,select that here and you also have,collection so for example what i want to,do is to increase all of the product um,pricing of items under the health,collection,so i just i can just choose health here,and then apply filters,so that should show me all of the,products that is under this collection,and next is configured prices,so again what i would love to do is to,increase the pricing of this products,but the bulk price editor would actually,let you reduce or set a specific amount,for the products that you've chosen so,it's very,helpful right for example you would like,to run seasonal discounts in your,shopify store you would be able to use,the same tool but then again what i love,to do right now is to increase yes the,selling price of this products and here,you would be able to indicate a specific,percentage let's say a specific amount,or a multiplier but what i wanted to do,right now is to increase,all of these product prices by six,dollars so yes that is,for the compared to selling price and,here you would be able to choose as well,if you would like all of the products to,have or to end in 0.99.95,but what i'm going to do right now is,just to choose no rounding,and then the next step is for you to set,promo and price validity,so this is again very useful like for,example you're running campaigns or this,are just temporary changes that you,would like to make to your store,but firstly what you would like to do is,set a description or a name for this,specific price change request so what,i'm i can do is price increase,for health collection,and then for the valid from invalid to,again that's gonna be uh useful for you,if ever that this is just gonna be,temporary or for example you're running,discounts or seasonal um promotions to,your store right there's certain,validity that that campaign will run but,for me this is completely optional so,for me i would like these changes to be,permanent so i could just leave this,blank and hit on submit,so the next page that you'll see is for,you to just confirm the price change,requested um you're going to be,requesting it by the ball price editor,so again that's two products um total,four variants and it's going to be an,increase of six ust,from the current selling price,so for the price validity that would,show,asap so 28 of june since we left the,valid to and from dates earlier blank,and for some final steps like,there are also options here like for,example you have chosen some of the,products that are on track,status you'd like to publish them right,after this change request you would be,able to do that here as well,so but for me i'm going to click submit,since my only goal is to really increase,the pricing of the set products,so i'll click on confirm here,then it says here success price change,request created so just go to price,change,okay so in the price history you'll be,able to see the requests that you've,made via the ball price editor so for,here you'll see the name or the,description that i have named this,specific request so that's price,increase for hal collection,again that's two products four variants,validity is 28 of june,so what's good with uh conicals block,price editor is it will also give you an,overall impact,so for me it's like a reporting that,will tell you if there are certain,changes for example on your sales on,your profit on your volume after you've,made this specific request or the,changes has happened in your products so,one important button here so if you feel,that you'd like to undo the changes that,you've made or this is not the right,request or you've indicated the right or,the wrong products you'd be able to,revert the changes here,so that's it for me for today there are,other tools that might be helpful for,you if you have any other questions just,hit us a message,you

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