how to embed a shopify into webflow

Create Shopify Themes with Webflow | hey there internets,pixelgeek here with the udesley


Updated on Mar 15,2023

Create Shopify Themes with Webflow |

The above is a brief introduction to how to embed a shopify into webflow

Let's move on to the first section of how to embed a shopify into webflow

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how to embed a shopify into webflow catalogs

Create Shopify Themes with Webflow |

hey there internets,pixelgeek here with the udesley tutorial,on how to take your,webflow ecommerce project and convert it,into a shopify theme using udesley's new,app and chrome extension right now let's,go to my screen,and i'll show you how it's done now,before i started recording,i went and grabbed a free webflow,e-commerce template,and you can get this over at,templates,now for this conversion you don't have,to start from a template you can,also get start from a blank page,uh and build it from the ground up but,for this demo,i'm starting with a template all right,so,this template has some pre-made pages,like a home page,a products page ooh burgers,nice and for the products,you can see here we got some burger,waldos,mmm bacon okay enough,enough about food let's keep going all,right so pretend that i'm done with the,design,i'm done adding products to the webflow,ecommerce,uh now i want to start the conversion,process so first thing you need to do,is use the handy dandy you desley chrome,extension,just click on it once then choose,webflow to shopify,after that's done cool we have a config,file,let's click out of that click on the,export button at the top,now if you don't have access to this,feature,that probably means that you're on a,free webflow account plan,so what you need to do is,upgrade to a light or higher account,plan and then,you'll get access to this alright now,after that go ahead and prepare the zip,download the zip and yeah we're,done with webflow so we can go ahead and,move on to the next step,which is going to udezly and so,after you log into udesley click on go,to app at the top right,and we're going to choose shopify,there we go i'm going to drag in,that zip file that webflow gave me,for theme configuration i'm going to,choose that config file,press open and for additional assets i'm,not gonna do anything you don't have to,do it,um so you can just skip it i'm gonna,click convert,and magic,it's a template and we can download it,and so when i download it it's giving me,two things,it's giving me the zip file which has,the,theme and then an extra data file that,we'll need,later for the very last step and i'll,get to that soon,so let's go ahead and log into our,shopify account,and let's go ahead and go to customize,theme,so click on customize theme customize,theme again,and i'm going to scroll down and we need,to add a theme,upload zip file,and we're going to drag in that new zip,file,click upload,and let that run and once it's done it's,gonna,start loading it into your account so,we'll need to wait for this to,go through and there we go just added,now we just need to click on the actions,drop down and click,publish and then publish again,and there we go our theme is published,so now we need to do one last step,with this extra file that we have so,shopify has a webflow importer app,inside of shopify,and so we're going to do that and we're,going to,log into the store paste it there we go,login,choose my account,come on we can do it,and finally install the app,cool and now with this importer i can,drag,in that data file,and there we go all of our cms,items our project or our products,and our e-commerce settings have all,been transferred over to our shopify,store so that's it now let's go back to,my demo and view the store,all right so here it is,all right and these are actual,products so if i click on one let's say,where's my bacon where's the bacon ah,right there click on it this as you can,see up here,it's an actual product,hmm with egg wait that's not bacon,that's ham,well anyways,there you go it's a real working,shopify theme using webflow,as your designer tool so,that's it that's how easy it is we've,used the chrome extension,to create a config file we exported the,code,we installed our theme and lastly we,imported our,products cms and e-commerce setting data,into our shopify store and it took less,than five maybe ten minutes,that easy so thanks again to the deadly,team for creating this,um it's really helping the no code,community and if you want to start using,it go to now,and try their chrome extension for free,all right that's it for this tutorial,see you in the next one and as always,make the web beautiful,together see ya

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