all right back at it again edward,anthony from resolutions digital here,let's get right to it got an interesting,question uh hi guys i open online store,at shopify this month,on 14 day trials now right,uh i don't want to sell product here,in future,can i close it before the trial ends and,if so how do i go about it how do i do,it,thanks,well i understood even though there was,grammar issues but who cares who's,counting right all right so how do we,close this down,so it's very simple but i know that some,of us might have some issues and so i,want to cover all the steps here very,very simple stuff if you guys want to,take a break on shopify or anything like,that go on the bottom where it says,settings here on the corner,and go to where it says plan and so on,plan if you come across this screen,right here where it's like okay i don't,know what to do,i want to make sure that you understand,that,you know however you signed in into the,account you're not the actual owner of,the account you're probably under as a,staff or something of the sort so if you,come across this screen that's what it,looks like so sign out make sure that,you're the owner sign back in and then,you should see a screen that shows,something like this,okay once you click on there and then go,ahead right here on the bottom where it,says positive deactivate store,and here comes shopify trying to tell,you some options as towards what you,could really do,so right here uh let's let's just go,over these real quickly i need more time,to get my store ready,so this will just bring you down to the,lowest shopify payments per month that's,right the 29 one is not the cheapest,plan uh they have an even cheaper one,which is nine dollars a month and so,what that does is that it allows you to,keep working on your store,right um,but you know no one would be able to buy,anything right i guess that's what it's,saying here so to my understanding it's,the back end you have the back end but i,don't think the front end is accessible,in other words anything on the,customized theme it might be i could be,wrong because it could have changed it,but it puts your uh plan at a very low,server state right uh so i guess the,checkout you won't be able to check out,you won't be able to do test checkouts,uh make sure that no one could make an,order that's what the nine dollars a,month is so who is this for well you,know if you're trying to take it one day,at a time and you don't want to spend so,much money or you're having a hard time,finding a developer you don't have,budget for it and you really want to,take this slow,um but,if this whole thing is just not working,out for you because you realize hey you,know what,i changed my mind i don't want to do,drop shipping anymore i want to do this,other business it's just that i,purchased this theme where i got this,theme installed and i got all these,products in here i don't want to erase,all these products,just to start all over you could if you,want to but that's where this second,option comes in the store isn't working,out just give me a new 14-day trial and,let me just start fresh right so that's,what the second option would be,let's talk about the third option so the,third option,is basically it's like you know what,we're going through hard times or,you know whatever concept concept we had,in mind isn't just working out at this,moment,maybe you're at a point in your life,you're like you know what i'm gonna,concentrate on this nine to five for now,and i'm gonna rack up some more bread,i'm gonna get some more money and then,i'm gonna come back it's just that i,don't wanna be paying any type of,monthly fees i don't care if it's two,dollars a month i don't to pay nothing,because i want to concentrate on this,other gig or i want to concentrate on,getting money on the side and then i'll,come back,well to some extent here's the good news,you go ahead and deactivate the store,right,once you deactivate the store you know,shopify will ask well do you want to do,this and they'll prompt you some other,things right and then you say no i'm,done,if six months down the line,you still have the same email that you,came and did this right,you go in and you're like hey you know,what my money is a little bit different,now,i think i'm ready but wow,to go back in and to add all those,products,i don't know if i want to do that,you know if that's the case i don't,think you have to worry about that,you can go ahead and pay for shopify,just as long as you have you know keep,the keep that url name,uh,and use the same email to log in and,your account should be reestablished,with everything there,temporarily i'm talking about like let's,say a few months,but if you're like a year later,shopify will just wipe out the hard,drive of all the um products that you,had in there probably even customers,okay,um and you might have to start all over,again it's just that you're not gonna,get the free trial which at that case,you might well just make a new email and,get yourself a free,trial something else i might want to add,here that's very important before you go,ahead and deactivate your store very,important uh go to your domains,go to domains this is critical,so domains if you got it from godaddy or,whatnot what you need to do is unplug it,from the store before you abandon it,do you know how many people have had,issues,trying to reclaim their domain name,after they just let go of a shopify,account that's like super dormant,and you know you probably sold it to,somebody or you just totally forgot,about it and you're like oh my domain is,stuck there and i can't pull it out,and then you're fighting with gold daddy,trying to like get things back up and,running so what i'm trying to tell you,is that before you close your store down,make sure that you go to domains,press remove okay or change primary,domain from to the, okay change change it,first put the store on maintenance mode,then press remove as well as any other,third-party domains press remove on all,of them okay so what you're doing is,you're unplugging the domain,and then once you unplug the domain,that's when you go ahead back to plan,you go right here where it says pause,the activate and then you fully shut,down,i'm only telling you this because i've,worked with clients before that they had,these domains and you know we're we're,about to launch and all of a sudden,they're like yeah here's my domain,here's my go daddy go ahead plug it up,and i'm just like,hey yo,this is married to another shopify,it's like oh that was years ago i was,like okay well we need to go get it,and then it's just a hassle now we got,shopify support involved uh then they're,trying to retrieve the old account,they're trying to validate if that was,really you it becomes a massive,nightmare,simply because you forgot to unplug the,domain,now if shopify is watching this uh word,of advice that i would say is that if,merchants are disconnecting or,deactivating completely,the pop-up rather than trying to,convince you to continue paying,should be hey you might want to unplug,the domain before you go,and then it's like okay yeah let me go,ahead and do that but instead they stay,quiet you know tell you nothing and,that's why i'm making this video so i,hope you found some value to it i hope,this was uh valuable to you so even,though you're not disconnecting right,now if you're ever going to disconnect,in the future please don't forget about,your domains,and all i ask is for that thumbs up,in the video so it can help the,algorithm talk to you soon
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