how to fix google search console errors in shopify

Fix Search Result Errors Using Google Webmaster | Shopify How To what's up everybody today we are go

Jody Edgar - The Shopify Expert

Updated on Mar 23,2023

Fix Search Result Errors Using Google Webmaster | Shopify How To

The above is a brief introduction to how to fix google search console errors in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to fix google search console errors in shopify

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Fix Search Result Errors Using Google Webmaster | Shopify How To

what's up everybody today we are going,to talk about the google webmaster tools,we're gonna do a quick little series,into the next couple of days we're gonna,talk about Google Analytics and we're,gonna get into how you add them to your,Shopify store so let's jump into it,since we're on the subject of SEO I,thought we would show you how to add the,google webmaster tools for your Shopify,store now the grab google webmaster,tools allow you to manage your listing,on Google it allows you to select which,pages are going to be crawled and which,ones are gonna be indexed it's also,going to give you the idea of error,showing up whether it's on mobile or,whether it's URL inspection and,performance and their coverage list and,that sort of thing so to get the Google,Webmaster Tools set up on Shopify it's,actually quite simple to do first thing,you want to do is you want to go over to, slab a slash webmaster and,you want to make sure you have a,webmaster account once you get to the,webmaster tools you can go sign in sign,in with your Google account and then in,the top left hand corner you're gonna,have a bunch of properties so we're,gonna actually go and add a property so,we're gonna add our demo store to the,Google Webmaster Tools so we can see,exactly how we can go about seeing who's,coming to our site how they're getting,there where all of our links are showing,up this is super important if you're,transferring from another platform so,say your Reap lat for me they're coming,from a Magento or WordPress you're,coming over to Shopify and you don't,want to lose all of the links you've,spent many many hours building up you,want to be able to install 301 redirects,in order to redirect those people to the,new pages or the equivalent pages on,your new site the Webmaster Tools is a,great way to do this after you've done,the transfer it allows you to catch,anything that you've missed so the first,thing you want to do is you want to go,and add a property in here and you put,your URL of the site you want to add,once you've done that it's gonna ask you,to verify it now there's a number of,verification methods on Shopify you,can't use the HTML version what you have,to do is you have to you,the HTML tag version so we want to copy,and paste of this tag here and then we,want to head over to our dashboard now,since we've been editing a lot of stuff,in the code this should be pretty easy,if you've been following along the last,couple days so if you go to online store,and then go to theme and then you go to,edit code on your active theme what we,want to do is we want to add in this,meta value into the theme dot liquid so,we're go through liquid and we'll go,into the head because that's where all,meta values need to be put in and as we,can see here is the place we put in our,Google keywords our meta field keyword,the other day we're going to paste in,this meta field rule verification right,after that so we're gonna put that in,there and then we hit save once we save,that asset and it's now live essentially,on the store because we're working on,the active theme we can go back over to,Google search console and we can go,verify Google will go out and it will,make sure that that tag exists on there,and once that it does have it existing,on there then it'll come up and green,and say that it's verified we can then,go to the property now it's going to,take Google a little while to figure out,the indexing for that store now since my,store is brand new it doesn't have any,links to it from anywhere else this is,probably not gonna come up with much,stuff but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna,switch over to a property that I have,that does have some stuff on that which,is our son mold website so on the sambal,website we can see what our performance,is how many clicks that were getting we,can see what our coverage report is we,can see that there are zero pages with,errors we can see how many valid pages,that is fine and if the number of pages,has been reduced we can check out our,mobile usability on it so we can see if,there's any all the pages all the 29,pages that we have are valid there are,no issues listed which is a great way to,find out something changes on your,website it's really important to have,the webmaster tools set up so that you,can get notified about this and this,will also link in to your Google,Analytics and stuff like that which,we'll get into in another lesson the,other great thing about it is it allows,you to check out what your coverage is,so you can see which,pages that you have that are valid which,ones that you've been that you've,actually purposely excluded and then if,there's any better valid with warnings,so we have a couple we have three pages,here that are indexed but they're,blocked through robot talk text which is,exactly what we want because we have a,couple pages on our website that we,don't want people finding through the,search engine we don't want them going,and looking up the search going through,Google's search engine and finding those,pages because we want them to actually,go through a flow before they get there,and it's mostly our book of call stuff,but that is basically how you can go,through and add the Google search,console or the Google Webmaster Tools to,your website thank you guys for stopping,by I'm gonna be uploading videos every,day for the next 90 days so please be,sure to hit the bell icon so that you,can get an update on when those things,come through don't forget to Like,subscribe share this thing as you will,and we'll see you in the next one

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