how to get rid of tags on shopify

How to remove/delete tags in the product filter on Collection page in Shopify hi good morning so i j

Gel Manalastas

Updated on Mar 13,2023

How to remove/delete tags in the product filter on Collection page in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to get rid of tags on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to get rid of tags on shopify

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How to remove/delete tags in the product filter on Collection page in Shopify

hi good morning so i just woke up and i,thought that,i would want to create more videos for,my youtube so i hope you will subscribe,so in this video i just going i'm just,going to do a task that i wanted to do,for,a client of mine and i wanted to create,a um so let me show you so it's,basically about managing,the shopify more efficiency for your,customer,so this is the client the site of my,client,and i've added on this um,collection page just what they call,collection page i've added this,filter um option so that um cost,because we have a lot of um products,like there are,about 100 products in this,um store i wanted to have a filter,so that it's easy for customer to choose,what,type of products they are using but,um in this case there are a lot of,unhelpful products that like,they are a school emergency school kit,so seems like they,are all the same but different words so,that's not really what we want for the,filtering so this,actually our filter by products,because i have here all the categories,and these are all the products,of the tags so in shopify you can do,this,if you are on using,like free themes if you go to the,collection pages over here,let me just go back in and,show you how it works so we are just,using a free theme,simple and then just customize and then,over at the top here you can choose,which,type of page you want to edit so in this,case we are going to edit the collection,pages,and then on the collection page just,enable the filtering by product tag,so now that we have done that we,wanted to edit this product text and,remove those,unnecessary tags so what we will going,to do,is to go to the,um product select all products so select,all products and then,just select all and then on the more,actions here there is a remove tags,and on here you can select which,one you wanted to remove so this,one are not um,so this will be all removed in the,um in the list so i'm just going to do,that and pause the record,okay i'm almost done because i have to,remove,those uh seatbelt cutter,yeah oh i need this,okay then save,now once we've done that and we once we,have removed,all of those products on this,um on the product list,if we go back to the um,to the collection page there,are going there should be um,not like let's see,okay,okay let's just maybe it's still not,working,okay so i think it's just because,um it's gel caching so if you go to,other collection page you would see that,there are no more,other unnecessary tags here and,let's just go back to all the,collections,you can see that not all collection,there are still is showing up here but,actually if you go to the incognito,so i mean if you i hope you still see,this,but um this is an incognito and there,should be,because if you go to the first aid,you'll see that there are no more,unnecessary tags here,it's just on the,all products,yeah with the collections they are,no longer showing so i think there's,still a bug with the all collection when,it's,all still showing all of those,unnecessary,tags or previously deleted tags,but it should not no longer appear like,if you try to edit,a page and you try to like add tags,um,yeah this should all be gone,um by now so we'll see if shopify,will change that but at the moment,that's how you can,at least clean up the tags over here,when you are,on the collection page so i hope it,helps,please like this video or comment below,if you have any more questions,i've put up my email address if you need,help with your,shopify so thanks again for watching and,please don't forget to subscribe thank,you

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