how to get your shopify store to sell more on kik

My 5 Secret Ecommerce Traffic Sources hey guys what's going on,tail van yo here and in this video I'

Teo Vanyo

Updated on Feb 24,2023

My 5 Secret Ecommerce Traffic Sources

The above is a brief introduction to how to get your shopify store to sell more on kik

Let's move on to the first section of how to get your shopify store to sell more on kik

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how to get your shopify store to sell more on kik catalogs

My 5 Secret Ecommerce Traffic Sources

hey guys what's going on,tail van yo here and in this video I'm,going to show you five different traffic,sources which you can use for your,e-commerce business and these five,traffic sources aren't really talked,about much but they're still generating,lots and lots of buyer traffic for a lot,of e-commerce owners okay now typically,we're taught you know ecommerce with,Facebook and just stick with Facebook,advertising but you never know until you,really go out there and start testing,out these other traffic networks right,you start testing out all these,different traffic sources for for,e-commerce now today we're going to talk,about number one Facebook groups okay,why you should be using Facebook groups,to utilize that for your specific niche,face ecommerce stores okay we're going,to talk about reddit we're going to talk,about how you can use reddit and the,traffic of Reddit to basically boost,your sales and a lot of a lot of,e-commerce owners you know multiple six,seven figure earners I know are using,reddit as well okay the next thing we're,gonna talk about is is other shopping,networks other shopping feeds like,Google Shopping feeds,I'm going to show you how you can use a,service called retail tower to basically,put your stores on these shopping fees,such as Google ok likes to Google,Shopping ads okay another traffic search,we can talk about is tabouleh okay and,tabouleh out bring and basically a lot,of these need of ad networks where you,can basically create kind of like a blog,post and direct traffic from the blog,post to your actual product and,basically explain why people need this,product alright so this is kind of like,more niche specific and we'll get into,that in detail later and then at the end,of this video I have another secret,traffic source or something which I'm,going to share with you alright so stick,to the end watch these videos watch this,video and then we'll go step by step,alright so the first traffic source,we're going to talk about is basically,Google Group,okay so on Google Groups you'll find,that there are a lot of a lot of,different groups out there that's,selling products okay basically selling,you know certain types of products for,specific niches so for example in this,in this group right here we see that,this this group is basically selling dog,clothes and accessories okay so people,who want to buy dog clothing and,accessories and things like that so two,ways of doing this basically you can go,into these groups ok join these groups,and basically make your posts on the,products that you have for sale like you,know if you're solving dog clothing or,dog equipment and things like that you,can go into these groups and actually,basically start making some posts okay,now another way of doing this is that,you can go out there and see who's,engaging with these posts okay so for,example this person here is engaging,with this post and then you have you,know ten other comments here that you,can find another person right here,engaging with this post basically what,you can do is you can contact those,people okay just send them a quick you,know three second message and say hey,Sharon I saw that you you you posted on,dog clothing dog clothes and accessories,and I was wondering if you can review a,product for me okay so you're not really,going out there and soliciting for a,sale you're actually going out there and,saying hey can you review this product,for me can you see if you would actually,buy this and then basically you can do,is you can add something like this if,you share this on your wall and one of,your friends ends up ends up buying the,product I'm gonna I'm gonna give you a,discount or I'm gonna give you like a,gift card or something like that right,so you're actually going out there and,promoting yourself and because it takes,they cost money to acquire customer like,in my previous video I showed you how I,caught that costs you know like nine,eight dollars up to twelve dollars to,acquire customer you can actually go out,there and basically incentivize these,customers by helping that promote your,products for you okay so for example,they can go out there and share your,your products on their page to their,friends who might also be dog lovers who,might also buy dog products and things,like that so it's kind of like a,different way of,Marketing where you're actually going,out there sending all these messages now,if you're sending about a hundred,messages a day it's sometimes sometimes,you might even get someone to actually,make a purchase on your store because,they're gonna be searching your store,they're gonna they're gonna try to say,hey you know what I'm really gonna,review this guy's product he's gonna,give me like like a ten dollar gift card,from Amazon if he if I help him review,this product and share it on my wall and,then someone buys right because it does,cost you money to acquire a customer you,have to that you have to think of that,and as as Facebook Ads you know you're,you're paying money to acquire a,customer same way is basically the CPA,of customer it is gonna cost you ten,dollars to acquire customer own Facebook,Ads that means you can spend up to ten,dollars you know if you spend five bucks,if you say hey I'm gonna give away five,dollar Amazon gift cards in order to get,a customer that's even better because,then you're your CPA for a customer is,actually five bucks rather than $10 $12,$15 and Facebook Ads,right so this is one way of doing it you,can just go out there,for example let's type in something like,dog clothing okay we're gonna type this,in on search and then what we do is we,click on groups okay so for example you,see all these products from groups all,these people saw in dog clothing all,right there's a ton of them right so,what you do is you click on groups okay,once you do that you join all the groups,that are selling dog clothing you see,this right here dog clothes and,accessories dog clothing dog clothing,dog clothing thousands and thousands of,members these are your customers okay,and I was talking to a facebook rep my,facebook record bought this and they,were actually saying that hmm in the,future they might roll out advertising,for Facebook groups but right now they,do have that feature but it's only,limited to like pharmaceutical companies,and stuff like that so in this case what,you can do is you can go out there and,actively join these groups okay because,it's going to cost you money to pay,Facebook advertising to get let's say a,hundred visitors a day okay this way,this method is basically the free method,of getting buyer traffic to your stores,without ever having to pay for them all,you do well you're actually technically,paying for them if they make,sailrite if they go out there they share,your content they share your page their,products on on their Facebook page the,newsfeed if someone buys from them then,basically you're giving your gonna be,able to give them a like a $5 Amazon,gift card something like that or a $10,Amazon gift card and say hey if your,friends buy I'm gonna give you a fight,all Amazon giftcard and thank you so,much for reviewing my product really,means so much to me,and I just want to do this for you okay,so something like that so you go out,there you go and search these these uh,these Facebook groups and start joining,all of them I mean the ones look like,five ten nine members you know you're,not really gonna spend your time doing,that but if it's if it's a small group,and it's steadily growing just go over,there start messaging those one or two,members on there and ask them if they,can review your products because most of,the time those one or two members are,you know either one of those are actual,owners of whoever created that group,okay another one here 2,000 members,1,700 members 1,100 members 600 members,2,000 members okay so you're not,actually going out there and Facebook,ads and trying to find these people you,already found them here these are your,buyers these are people who actually go,out there and buy pet clothing Pet,Supplies you know so all you have to do,is put in your niche okay put in your,niche niche keyword click on groups and,start adding these groups on your on,your Facebook fan page on your actual,Facebook account right so join all these,fruits here and start messaging them,okay so I hope you guys enjoyed that,method now we're going to go on to the,next one it's called reddit okay so,reddit is another social media network,and with Reddit there's a ton of traffic,on reddit so much traffic unless let's,actually see how much traffic is on,reddit okay so let's go to similarweb,calm let's go to okay and,we're gonna open this up mmm look at,this so reddit is basically ranked,number 27 in the world number the the,27th most popular web site on the,Internet okay in the u.s. it's number,six okay reddit has about 1.1,five five billion visitors a month as,you can see here okay 1.2 billion 1.2,billion 1.3 billion 1.3 billion every,single month and what you can do is you,can find out where the traffic's come,from okay we have here the United States,UK Canada Australia Germany all the tier,1 countries right 50% of is coming from,direct traffic 16 from referrals meaning,other websites out there and 30% is,coming from search traffic like Google,and things like that okay and then you,can see exactly where the traffic is,coming from okay so a lot of it is,coming from enough other social media,networks as well some of the traffic,Network basically the search engine,Network here okay a lot of people are,using the keywords reddit okay a lot of,traffic's coming from YouTube Facebook,Twitter all right and then some other,traffic publishers that are using reddit,to basically advertise on their network,okay so for example we see here slick,deals okay that's an e-commerce like a,daily deals it could we have YouTube we,have Bulger calm entertainment and news,one two three movies okay so now we can,see all of where all the traffic sources,are coming from on reddit and basically,you can see the different types of,audience categories and interests on,reddit as well okay a lot of them are,interested in like gaming video games,internet and telecom arts and,entertainment social internet and,telecom and again okay so a lot of these,things you can find on this website,called similar web and you can really,dig deep and find out basically who your,customers are and how you can basically,monetize reddit with your offers okay so,with Reddit there's these things called,sub reddits okay in subreddits they're,basically kind of like categories right,categories where you can promote your,products basically let's let's take a,look at some of these sub reddits let's,take a look at dog let's have been dog,clothing okay let's just see what,happens all right so we have your,one-stop-shop for cats wearing clothes,okay to under pick these subscribers,okay we want to find someone something,that has a lot of subscribers,so for example let's type in another one,let's just type in dogs it was a second,dog let's see what happens okay,woof okay we have there you go right,here sub reddit reddit calm core / r /a,dogs okay one hundred and fifty five,thousand subscribers these are your,potential customers okay so you go in,here get another one here pictures of,thoughts so you go to let's let let's,type in this dogs look okay now what,happens here is we have this area right,here and this is the promotional post on,reddit okay so reddit is kind of like,Facebook where you have a newsfeed okay,and Facebook's news feed algorithm,basically gives you the most relevant,content showing up on your newsfeed same,thing with reddit but in reddit there's,a different way of doing it what they do,is when you post on reddit you have the,ability to up vote or down vote okay so,the ones with the up votes means that,they have the most there's a little bit,most popular,okay people actually upload this and say,hey I really like this content like they,give you a thumbs up or they give you a,thumbs down alright basically how that's,and this is the up vote right here,there's a little lock icon right here,and the down flow okay so when you're,going into Reddit you can see which are,the most popular content within that,group within that subreddit as they call,it okay and as you can see here this is,the advertisement right here,as you can see promoted by the pulley,bundles okay so when it comes to reddit,advertising you want to understand that,mmm you want to kind of tell a story,okay in your title you want to like this,guy here okay it says hi reddit your pup,has a lot of energy I get it let our,bully sticks to keep your pup entertain,so this guy's selling bully sticks okay,for dogs our sticks are safe natural and,without the color of other bully sticks,and we offer this $5 ballistic at just,two up two dollars and fifty cents,weight free shipping want to learn more,click here okay so when you this this is,a story that you can tell on reddit by,using just a title and when you click on,this let's see what happens okay,actually okay goes to the subreddit and,then it says here first here's some,shamelessly cute pictures of our pups,enjoy mistakes so click here here,here and then here's another gif okay,and then for more Q tips like this visit,our Instagram page,okay so what this guy is doing is he's,actually and then and then he's,promoting it right here so see all our,pricing right here so he's actually,creating lots and lots of value by,giving all this content okay then you,can see here these are the bully sticks,okay you have the six inch and the 12,inch okay so let's go click on this and,then you can see that he's selling bully,sticks on his website right,his ecommerce okay hmm,so you go ahead and you can buy 6 6 10,15 30 and then this other one right here,60 right,so these signings bully sticks using,reddit okay so let's go back and let's,see let's see what happens when you,click on this you'll be able to check,out okay mmm,you can put in your information and make,your order okay and this is all coming,from reddit I mean guys you just have to,expand your thinking this guy is,probably making a lot of money because,look at all these comments coming in,from reddit and all these people you,know requesting questions and answers,and stuff like that right these are the,type of business type of thing that you,can do on ready block there and you can,advertise and get people to click on,your on your reddit post okay so let's,go back let's refresh this page and,let's see if there's any other content,okay so what you can do to find more,content as what you finish you can just,refresh the page and see what shows up,okay see what's being promoted so we,just refresh the page and we have here,another post okay we want to have a,positively less cute happy holiday mmm,check out these safety tips to keep your,pet happy and healthy this holiday,season so when you click on this okay,it's gonna go to a website your a fuzzy,comm and this is actually a blog post,okay and this is kind of smart because,it's not really like promoting something,too crazy but it's a it's a blog post,and the whole plan of this guy's blog,post is to get enough enough people to,go in here read his content and actually,check out his other pricing and his,other links on its store because once,you get someone hooked right you get,them hooked in here,on your on your website you're going to,want to know what this website is all,about you're gonna click on for example,plans and pricing where you click on,this mmm and this guy here they're,selling they're actually selling a,health care for dogs okay 45 I think,it's $45 a month or a year let's click,on this and see okay okay so you put in,your pets information you go to the next,step okay let's type in that's name mmm,okay let's type in let's say fluffy okay,that's age let's at 10 years old next up,personal information okay so they're,actually going through and putting an,elite and getting the lead acquired and,also making the sale for pet health care,okay so with Reddit there's many,different ways to get traffic targeted,traffic to your web sites okay you can,do this for e-commerce you can do this,you can do this for lead generation,there's many different ways to use this,website mmm and basically get people to,click on your links and with Reddit,you're getting targeted traffic you're,getting targeted buyers okay you're not,you're not going out there and kind of,doing generalized buyers you can do,generalized buyers if your niche is more,generalized I would recommend that you,test it out so you can go out there and,you can put your your ad on the front,page of which gets the most,traffic right look at this 10,000 up,folks that means 10,000 people clicked,on this up vote,link to vote this image right here of,turtles little tortoises Achilles little,these little baby turtles right so the,upload of this 23,000 4,000 5,000 18,000,okay 14,000 12,000 okay so these people,they have the time 13,000 to click on,this up vote link 23,000 people actually,do this they click on this and said hey,I really like this post this is an,awesome post it's a dog with like a hand,stamp on his on his head or something,like that right but basically what,happens it is that mmm you can you can,promote your products okay so ready,operator Auto slide automatic pet doors,at Lowe's,a year okay this is ecommerce right this,is this is an e-commerce ad being shown,to you on the front page of Reddit okay,this is a type of stuff that you can you,can do and get a lot of traffic on these,social media networks now you'd never,know what's gonna work until you go out,there and you test it out you find out,which which of your products are,actually working these you spend like,maybe five or ten dollars on a reddit ad,and see if it's actually getting any an,attraction if you get any clicks if you,get any people engaged right you go out,there and you find out and this is an,untapped traffic Network but not a lot,of people are using what you should and,you can go out there and you can try to,find you know the different types of,promotional reddit posts that people are,posting on here so just click on the,refresh button and you'll find different,types of ads and write it okay so I hope,you guys enjoyed this here's another one,right here right healthy dog food I hope,you guys enjoy this and let's go on to,the next one the next one is called,retail Tower okay so retail Tower is,basically a website where you can,promote your Shopify stores or your,ecommerce stores,it doesn't even have to be shocked by it,could be like Magento and there's no,other integration that they have here at,retail Tower you can go out there and,you can integrate your actual your,actual Shopify stores and basically take,the products the product feed that you,have on your stores and push it out to,all these different networks okay so,let's take a look at the different,networks that they have is to click on,features okay you can you can integrate,it to over 28 different fees okay they,have here Bing Google PriceGrabber the,fine Amazon shop Zilla next tab okay all,these different networks that you,probably haven't heard of but are still,getting lots of tracked I mean Bing and,Google those are two biggest networks if,you go on Bing and Google and you type,in on Google something like dog clothing,right you see here on the right side you,can be in on these uh networks you can,be on google you can show your products,right here on Google when you type in,dog late and then it says here shopping,right shopping right here click on that,you're gonna see all these different,types of dog clothing,you can actually be here on Google by,basically promoting yourself and pushing,your product feeds on Shopify to,something like Google okay you can,actually do that by using this website,called retail tower retail tower not,only pushes it to just one network like,Google and Bing and stuff like that but,it pushes it out to 28 different,networks it's been this has been out for,a very long time and they've had 28,networks for a very long time as well I,believe it was a few years ago they,still had 28 members and they're still,up to 28 networks but you can see here,okay Amazon product ads become Google,Product Search being the fine short,price I can't really read that one,pronto of street prices shop Zillah get,price ok shopping com whatever so you,have all these different track stores,and what you do is you can actually go,on the back end and see how many,visitors are coming from these different,networks ok you're going out there and,you're promoting yourself on Google and,you're putting all your feeds your up,your entire feed on Google and these,you're getting people to actually go out,there and these are people who are ready,to buy ok they come and they go to the,Google shopping area because they're,they want to buy something they're not,browsers ok there are buyers and these,are the type type of traffic that you,want to get for your store ok so all you,have to do is create an account with a,retail Tower and then what you do is you,click on and then you click on pricing,and you can see what type of pricing,that they have right basically for up to,200 products ok most people they have,read around you know 50 100 up to 200,products it's 9 $9.99 per month and you,can basically automate your Shopify,feeds and push it out to these networks,and basically generate RSS feeds but you,do have to pay for them for example with,Google you have to pay like per click,and stuff like that so each network is,different so you want to take a look at,you want to take a look at those those,type of things okay but it's $99.99 and,they create the the feeds for you ok,it's not like,because if you go to Google shopping,you're gonna have to create a feat,you're gonna have to like put it in like,these Excel spreadsheets and all that,stuff and it could be a pain and,especially if you're not really,technical you don't know how to do any,of these things right,retail tower will actually go out there,and do that for you and they're not just,going to put it on one one network they,can put it on all these different colors,and you can go out there and spend your,advertising dollars on Google on big on,Amazon shopping right you can go out,there do all these things and get lots,and lots of traffic,not only traffic but buyer traffic but,like I mentioned in my previous video,you want to also split test those,networks as well you don't want to spend,like you know $20 per customer your CPA,you have it pay very close attention to,your CPA your cost for acquisition for,each customer if it's costing you $20 to,acquire a customer on Google then you,have to find out why it's doing that,you have to shut down those specific ads,and find the ones that are costing you,on five ten dollars to acquire a,customer or even lower if you can get a,lot lower than hey you hit the jackpot,you get you get one dollar per customer,and each customer pays you you know 20,30 40 50 bucks and you your hurt your,you paid $1 to just get that customer,you've hit the jackpot so go ahead and,scale that baby up right so you have all,these are different things that you can,do and retail retail timing up to $100,$100 for up to 50,000 products like if,you have 50,000 products in your store,and you just want to hit it big and you,want to create all these different feeds,you can do that with retail tire okay,now I hope you guys enjoyed that one and,next one we're going to talk about is,basically outbreak,okay so Outbrain is basically let's,let's go to the website here we have,Outbrain okay so let's click on this,okay so basically the next traffic,source is called outbreak and with out,great what you can do is you can,actually promote your your websites on,all of these big networks okay now,there's a little bit of a different,twist to outbreak when it comes to,advertising,your stores and their products and,anything that you're doing on e-commerce,Outbrain is known to be a native ad,network so basically what that means is,that they're advertising blog posts ok,so right now if you go into like a,website you'll see ads like this right,so let's go into our website right here,it's called Godwine and this is a,perfect example it's a viral media,website okay so so they post viral,content so listen let's take a look at,any of the posts okay the emotional,video for Christmas shoes brings a tear,okay let's click on this and then what,happens here is at the very bottom okay,they're not using out bring but they're,using a similar network called the Rev,content it's basically the same thing,but what what happens here is you we see,other content that kind of looks like,newsworthy content basically it looks,like their web site it kind of just,blends in right,so without praying to pool RF content,basically what they're doing is that,they're there they're pushing content,relevant content to what looks like a,blog post okay if you're a home owner,Congress urges you to claim their four,thousand two hundred fifty dollar rebate,by January 1st okay so if if basically,that if that ad attracts to it captures,your attention the more natural thing,you're gonna do is you're gonna click on,it right and then you're going to get go,here you're gonna end up on on a blog,post and on this blog post it's meant to,drive traffic to an informational blog,post what that blog post is meant to,drive traffic to another website a sales,website and usually you'll find the,links all over the place okay so you'll,find a link right here you'll find the,link right here right here another one,right here and at the very bottom you'll,always find the link that's on with you,if you click on this it's gonna take you,to like a CPA page or something like,that right there you go,okay so home refinance you're going to,go through this you're gonna see you,know what type of credit whatever right,and then you're gonna see and you're,gonna go through the survey here let's,click continue continue continue,property zip code and okay let's type,this in whatever okay continue,five high five okay dog Street whatever,right please get your valid address okay,so whatever right you're gonna go,through here and mmm basically what,happens is they're they're trying to,sell you something on every single Bowl,on every single little blog post,okay so for example rough content if,they're they're promoting products,here's a perfect example Paris right,they're promoting products hmm on a blog,post so if you have a product that's,newsworthy and you can create a blog,post spot it like an engaging blog post,on why people should buy this product of,yours or why they should get this and,pray some urgency and you know pay,prices are going up you have to find out,basically what's selling out there so go,on these different networks and and,basically uh search for what's selling,out there and create your own type of,blog post,okay so green apple this is Harry's calm,mm-hmm they're selling razors and razor,blades and stuff like that and they're,showing you like the cost per blade,right Harry's blade costs two dollars,versus leading competitors right around,four dollars okay and at the very bottom,you can click on this and every single,time at the very bottom of all these,different blog posts you're gonna find,something that they saw okay so when you,click on this you're gonna see okay free,trial three dollars shipping so they're,they're trying to get you at a free,trial subscription plus they're gonna,upsell you right so we click on this,click on that reviewer plan I can,proceed to checkout and then here we go,we have we can put in our email address,or customer ok information here your,password and then they're gonna they're,gonna sell you on this product so that's,what's happening here on red content and,tabouleh Outbrain is that you're,creating a blog post that's engaging to,these customers okay they're not they're,not there to buy a product they're not,they're not on this blog post by product,they're on this blog post to basically,to basically because they're attracted,by this clickbait ok emotional video for,Christmas shoots where use the to is you,want to know what what this is all about,ok this is a click bait to get to this,blog post and,blog post you're going to see other,similar content like this right here,these are sponsored contents meaning is,the same thing like what I just showed,you before and you can do this for,e-commerce as well you can type you can,create a blog post for your product ok,for example if you're selling skincare,okay you can say the top five ways to,the top five ways to remove acne the,fifth one will absolutely surprise you,or something like that you're gonna,create similar content that will get,people to click on your link and go to a,blog page and in on my black pipe online,blog picture there inform people why,they should buy this product and why,this product is gonna help them out at,the very end of the blog post you didn't,have a link and that link goes to your,sales page look at your e-commerce form,your phone whatever it is and that's,basically how this network works okay,and a lot of native media buyers when if,you do this right you can make a good,seven figures on this I know a lot of,people doing this right now,they're making lots of money with this,and it's don't don't discount this for,e-commerce you can use this for,e-commerce as well as you can see,Harry's okay they've been doing this for,a very long time and I know because I've,been doing a lot of research okay so so,this traffic network here is is very,very lucrative if you do it correctly,you have to send them to a blog post so,you always have to send them to a blog,post and on that blog post we'll have a,link to your product okay why they,should buy a product okay so I hope you,guys enjoy this video okay we went,through reddit we went through retail,tire we went through Facebook groups,Outbrain to below the next the next,method I'm going to show you is,basically Instagram influencers how you,can get traffic using Instagram,influencers and how you can get people,to promote your products on Instagram,okay so for example we type here on,Google Instagram influence or okay,there's a lot of different websites out,there that you can use to essentially,get Instagram influencers and Instagram,influencers are basically people who are,willing to promote your product on their,instant,maybe they have a million followers okay,maybe they have half a million followers,now every single time they post,something on Instagram they're showing,it off to the entire world,to whoever whoever their followers are,okay so for example if you have a,fitness model and that fitness model has,over a million people on their Instagram,page right that means whenever they they,promote your product and say hey I got,this I got these fitness you know,jogging pants from Dave's store com get,it here and then they show that they,show the pants they show the pictures,and then they basically tell they,basically say where they got it from,okay,now by doing that you can get a lot of,targeted traffic because these Instagram,influencers are as a name says they're,an influencer right they influence the,market to basically go out there and buy,a certain product and things like that,now there are many different websites,out there where you can get Instagram,influencers for example here's one insta,,hash Metacom okay here's another one,right here,speaker com okay there's so many,different influence or markets okay,basically 80% of e-commerce owners and,they took a survey of 2017 they're,planning on using Instagram influencers,to boost their their business to boost,their network okay so if you go in here,you're gonna see all these different,influencers with kik okay so if you're,if you're an influencer or if you're an,advertiser you're gonna go out there and,you're gonna try to find these people to,help you promote your products okay so,if it's a skin care product there are,t-shirts as you're selling t-shirts and,you want on Instagram influencer to,basically promote your t-shirt you're,gonna have to send your t-shirt to that,Instagram influencer okay they're going,to be able to take put on your t-shirt,take a picture of the t-shirt and model,it for you on the Instagram page okay,how powerful is that,I mean if if you're selling out you know,dog,and you go out there and say hey can you,promote this to your Instagram followers,and let's say their followers are avid,dog lovers and they they're all they,love buying dog clothing and things like,that where they love buying dog apparel,you know like stuff with dog words and,stuff like that they're gonna go out,there and they're gonna say hey I got,this from Dave's shop com buy it here,you're gonna get a flock of traffic to,your website using these Instagram,influencers and you're getting a get,hundreds even thousands of tens of,thousands of bidders visitors to your,website by using these influencers and,it only takes one influencer to make a,huge game-changer,all right it depends on the influencer,and what type of products you saw okay,there's no one here it is called hash,Medicom you can see their pricing right,here okay um okay actually lists that's,not it that's more like a web,development company okay listen listen,to do and I'm gonna speaker com okay who,are our speakers okay and basically just,go out there and find these influencers,right here we have 3.2 million followers,3.6 million followers okay comedy we,have your comedy we have fashion if you,have a fashion on ecommerce store we,have here six hundred seventeen ninety,seven thousand followers 3.1 million,followers okay fitness ok fitness people,207,000 follower 222 1.8 million,followers 1.1 million followers okay mom,okay if you're selling like you know mom,products stuff like that 23 million,followers imagine if you had this person,here promote your your product and you,know it's probably like like a like a,mom book or like an apron or like a like,an e-commerce product or stamps or,something like that right gamer's okay,if you're saying like gaming equipment 1,million followers imagine if you have,this person right here go out there and,say hey I got this,cool gaming keyboard from Dave's shop,column or something right music okay you,have all these influencers who you can,basically hire and promote your products,for you okay so there's a whole bunch of,them on Google so just go on google and,type in Instagram influencers okay,Rep influence here's another one okay,star engage calm there's so many of them,fame bit okay this is actually self,served marketplace so let's take let's,take a look at this one,fame vidcom brands and agencies self,serving means that you can go out there,and it's kind of like fiber you can go,and see who you want to have your,products being promoted to okay here's,it here's here are some of the fees I,mean this one right here okay twelve,hundred bucks,okay to promote but that's if you're if,you're spending twelve hundred dollars,on Instagram influencer you better bet,that they're you know they can produce,our wife for me you better bet that they,make that that you're gonna actually,make like three or four thousand dollars,by having a lot of that traffic go to,your website okay but go out there and,basically find out these types of,Instagram influencing markets okay for,example well here's another one sparring,gay there's so many of them out there,that you can go out there and find,Instagram influencers now another way of,doing this is that you can actually go,into Instagram okay,find out who these followers are okay,follow them send them a message and say,hey I was wondering if you wanted to,promote my product for me,I'll pay you so and so you know like,I'll pay you like a few hundred dollars,to promote this product for me and I'll,send you the product all you have to do,is you just put on the product or you,know you you showcase a product and you,say where you got it from and I'll send,it to you I'll pay you this money and,you just basically post it on your,Instagram page you can do that as well,okay that's another way of doing it,another way of doing it is you can also,build up your own Instagram page okay,pull up your followers and build enough,following so that you can you can,actually promote your own products okay,so it's kind of like Facebook but in a,way that you're getting free traffic by,using your own Instagram page okay the,same the same way that you would do with,with Facebook advertising right you can,go out there you can find Facebook pages,Facebook groups same way with that but,with Instagram influencers it's a more,of a powerful,way of generating buyer traffic because,you're getting referral traffic someone,who referred your product because,they're an influencer or they referred,their customers to your store okay,because referral traffic is one of the,most powerful traffic out there if,you're referring people and saying hey,this is a great product I really love,this product now go to this page and get,it get it yourself it's more powerful,because they're already warmed up by,your influencer okay I hope they make a,lot of sense it now I hope you guys got,a lot of value out of this okay so we,went through the five top five different,traffic sources basically to improve,your Shopify store other than Facebook,ads okay now another traffic source that,that I want to that here's a bonus,another traffic source that you can use,that's not really utilized as much is,YouTube okay,so let's type in dog clothing okay we,have here different people for example,Kyra Lee Sarah okay seven and twenty,eight thousand views four hundred thirty,three thousand views one hundred sixteen,thousand views thirty thousand thirteen,thousand five thousand one hundred,twelve thousand now with YouTube,same thing with Instagram influencers,you can go out there and you can go on,YouTube and basically ask these YouTube,viewers are these these youtube owners,and send them a message and say hey I,want to promote on your I want to,promote on your YouTube video unless,that you find a video that you want you,want to promote your link on you can say,I'll pay you this this month to put my,Economist link on your video as an,annotation and a lot of times you'll,find that they can negotiate with you,okay you're gonna say oh you know what I,would do that for X amount per month so,if it's like a hundred dollars a month,to put your link on on their on their on,their YouTube video that you're,basically paying for advertising space,on their YouTube video so let's take a,look at this okay I'm just kind of,curious here so we're gonna open this up,okay and of course,she does not have any does not have any,links on her YouTube videos so what you,can do is you can go out there and you,can basically send her message and say,hey I I want to pay you like a hundred,dollars to put my dog clothing link as,an annotation on your video because this,video here is getting at seventy eight,thousand views that means there's a,seventy eight thousand people who,watched her video about dog clothing and,if you had a link here this at eight to,get by by dog clothing at Dave's shop,comm for some point that right you're,gonna get a lot of relevant buyer,traffic from YouTube okay and all it,does it all it takes is just a simple,message and saying hey I'm going I want,to pay you a hundred dollars a month or,two hundred dollars or whatever it is,but it started smart start small I want,to pay $100 a month to put my link on,your YouTube video that goes to my,website as an annotation so it'll it'll,show up right here and they can,basically see it and people can type it,in and go to your website okay because,seventy eight thousand views imagine if,you if you got if you had ten thousand,views and people were watching your,videos but they're all they're actually,seeing your link and they're saying oh,you know what I want to buy call,clothing to where can I get this so they,go and find your length they go to your,link and these are your customers,another way of doing this is you can,actually go out there and talk to the,creator of the YouTube video and ask,them if they want to basically promote,your product okay kind of like an,Instagram influencer you can go out,there and say hey I'm gonna send you my,product I'll pay you to basically,showcase my product and to review my,product or you can do something like,I'll pay you a percentage of all the,sales that come through your link okay,and there's like a link in affiliate,linking with Shopify you can actually do,affiliate programs itself like up you,can go into the App Store and find,affiliate program networks that you can,create links that people can promote,your links and they can see the stats,how many sales you got and you can,percentage or some point that or you can,pay them you know flat rate to just,review your product review certain,product and have them like for example,dog Foley they can go in and have their,dog wear your product and say hey I got,this from soul and soul shop calm and,this looks acute so they have like all,these different processes they're,testing out and they're reviewing your,product and you're getting all these,views ok kind of like the Instagram,influencer market its referral traffic,these are her subscribers these are,people who watch her videos and these,are people who are basically going to to,your website because they were referred,by her and she's a trusted youtuber,right you can do this in any niche,there's so many different niches on,YouTube so many different things that,you can do now not only YouTube but,there are other networks out there there,are other video social media networks,out there so basically with YouTube you,go out there and go find your your niche,you type in your niche on on YouTube you,go out there and you find your YouTube,creators who are in your niche you ask,them to promote your product or to,review your product right then you pay,them either a split affiliate payment or,you paint on a flat fee to review a,product or you pay them a flat fee of,per month to add your late on to their,YouTube videos ok there's so many,different ways of doing this but if you,find here if you find out that there's a,certain traffic network that's working,or a certain youtuber that's working,really well and getting you lots and,lots of sales go out there and find,these people go out there and find these,different ways to get traffic to your,e-commerce stores ok we recovered,we covered Reddit and we covered out,brain we covered basically Instagram ok,we covered Facebook routes ok and now,we've covered as a bonus we've covered,YouTube ok go out there and search for,these buyer networks search for these,influencers go out there and search for,these different traffic sources to get,traffic to your website ok you don't,have to just rely on Facebook although,Facebook is one of the top traffic,sources,right now and I would say about 80% of,the buyer traffic would come from,Facebook but sometimes you'd be,surprised because there were there are,other Shopify store owners that I know,that 70% of their traffic comes from,reddit mmm okay a lot of the traffic,comes from Instagram influencers it all,depends on your niche get so for example,if you're in fitness if you're in skin,and beauty if you're in you know and,those types of images may be Instagram,would work a lot better for you okay if,you're in the technology niche and,you're selling drones right maybe,YouTube would be a better fit for you or,maybe retail tower would be a better fit,for you kick Google ads and stuff like,that were out brain to bullet okay if,you're selling a for example if you're,selling dog chews okay maybe reddit,would be a good example for that you,have to go out there find out what,people are doing and basically try to,use that to your advantage because now,you know what's working out there you,know that these people are advertising,and they're constantly advertising for,months on end on these different,networks,you know what's working so you go out,there and you basically take that,traffic and you use it for yourself as,well,all right so I hope you guys enjoy this,video I hope you guys got a lot of value,out of this once again my name is Te'o,vanyo and I'll talk to you soon

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