how to have nested menu in shopify

How to Create Shopify Menu, Nested Menu (Dropdown), Sub Menu & Navigation hello and welcome my name


Updated on Mar 15,2023

How to Create Shopify Menu, Nested Menu (Dropdown), Sub Menu & Navigation

The above is a brief introduction to how to have nested menu in shopify

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How to Create Shopify Menu, Nested Menu (Dropdown), Sub Menu & Navigation

hello and welcome my name is amul and,you are watching tubemint,in this video i'm going to show you how,to add menu,and then nested menu so sub menu to,shopify store,so let's get started go ahead and log,into your shopify,admin area click on this online store to,create a navigation,and a nested navigation so basically,menu,menu like this and a nested menu like,this,so i assume that you already have logged,into your shopify store,now let's go ahead and create the menu,so to create the menu simply click on,this online store,and then go to navigation so simply,click on this navigation under,online store and on this page,you will have two navigations menu items,already created so to create a,completely brand new navigation like if,you want to put it on the footer on the,sidebar,you click this one so if you want to,create a sidebar navigation,and add menu to like item menu item to,it so that's the way you go,but in this video we are going to create,a navigation to this,main menu so we are going to add learn,how to add,an item and then put nested item in it,right so to do so you simply go ahead,and click on the main menu,if you want to do so with the footer,menu you click on click the footer menu,but i'm going to click the main menu to,create the navigation,basically a menu and then nested menu,what i'm going to do i have created this,blog posts,so i'm going to create a blogs menu,and then sub menu nested menu of the,categories,or blogs which we have here,on the store so let's go ahead and do,that simply go ahead and click,add menu item name it,so i'm going to simply say blog,and then you will have to search it so i,know what is the link is,it's going to be blogs okay so,if it's available you will see something,like this with this,link icon otherwise it would say no,results,okay so go ahead and select this one,and then hit add,you can see this blog has been added,and then we are going to add,a nested menu so if i click here you,will see i have blog so,blogs are basically the categories in,shopify,and blog posts are blog posts so any,posts that i have published,would be under blog posts so these are,the categories this is,blogs okay so many blogs under,blog which is going to be this is,the main menu the top level and these,are the sub menu,so i'm going to say launch and you see,as soon as i select that launch,it puts launch here and select the link,as well,so i'm going to say add and to make it,unnested i simply go ahead and drag,under,this blog,and now i can click add menu item to,blog,so simply go ahead to blogs,so therefore i'm going to say news,news is going to be added i'm going to,add another item,some some menu go to,i'm going to say reviews,one more go to links,blogs so we are basically,searching the categories adding,categories to blog,now that's been created this is the main,this,is this nexted menu i definitely have to,say,save and menu updated i can go ahead and,view it,and nothing appears you see,why is it so so let me refresh,everything,it takes time okay so everything is,coming from a cdn,so we have it here,i'm going to try one more time so we,here we have blog,so if you click on blog you will see,this,blogs which are basically categories,if you're coming from other cms's,if you're coming from wordpress this is,basically a category,now you can go ahead and click on launch,so this will give you all the launch,posts all the posts under launch you can,see here,this also creates um very good,navigation navigation links,you see it doesn't say like categories,it simply says,it simply says blocks and then the,now if i click here this is how it's,going to be so blocks reviews and then,the,post navigation this is also,customizable you can go ahead and do,that,so this is really good practice for seo,and,it's better than the wordpress so,that's all for this video guys this is,how you create menu and nested menu,and add to particular menu like,navigation main menu footer menu,so that's all for this video guys if you,have any questions suggestion leave in,the comment below,i will try to answer it asap thank you,bye for now,you

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