how to implement captcha to shopify

How To Add Google ReCaptcha On Shopify || Shopify Short Tutorial. hey guys Welcome to our channel so

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Updated on Mar 07,2023

How To Add Google ReCaptcha On Shopify || Shopify Short Tutorial.

The above is a brief introduction to how to implement captcha to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to implement captcha to shopify

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How To Add Google ReCaptcha On Shopify || Shopify Short Tutorial.

hey guys Welcome to our channel so in,this video I'm gonna show you how to add,Google recapture on Shopify simply go to,apps and after that click on recommended,apps now here go to Shopify App Store,and now here,you can see our store is being uploaded,so now here search for custom,contact,Builder so simply just tap the custom,contact Builder,and after that wait for few seconds,so simply we have to install this,application,click on add app,and after that it will take some time,so now move to next section,and simply just you have to install this,application,and now here,search for Google,recapture,simply open this,and now get started with Enterprise,so simply type the project name or click,on,get started and you will move to Google,Cloud,so now here,setting up for Google Cloud,creating your Google Cloud project so it,will take some time,now again go to apps so simply select,this app,so now here you can see finally our,Google captcha is being,prepare there,so just yeah you can see this you have,to buy the premium package and after,that you have to click on settings,and here,when you click on settings simply,after that when your Google capture is,finished here,simply just you can see,I don't have,premium package to add the recaptcha,so now after that,here you can see our process is finally,completed so now here you can see the,cloud console option so just simply,click here,and you will move to next page,so finally you are here on Google Cloud,so now what you need to do here next,here you can see the display name so,simply type the display name here like,I have,type this name it,and after that here if you want to add,the website so here you can see add a,domain so simply now,go back and copy your,Shopify store URL if you want to add it,simply just you have to add the store,name here so simply just,copy this URL,and after that paste it here,so now click on done,and after that here you can see the,create key option so just click on,create key,and now here you can see our key is,finally created so here you can see,the coding but now what we need to do,here you can see the our key is ready,and here is our display name so simply,just you have to copy this key,now go back to app so after that when,you successfully copy this key here you,can see the settings option so when you,click on settings option simply you will,find the Google recapture so there is no,direct way to add the Google recapture,key simply you have to add this,application custom contact from Builder,and after that in the setting option you,will paste this key on Google recaptcha,and later you will click on the save,button,so after that when you click on the save,button simply,this key will be added on your Shopify,store so now if you want to delete this,key and change or edit new key simply,you can delete this key and add a new,key,so in this way you can add a Google,recaptcha on Shopify

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