how to import products from shopify to amazon

How To EASILY Sell On Amazon With Shopify! (Integration With Automated Fulfillment Sales Channel) do

Camron James

Updated on Feb 14,2023

How To EASILY Sell On Amazon With Shopify! (Integration With Automated Fulfillment Sales Channel)

The above is a brief introduction to how to import products from shopify to amazon

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How To EASILY Sell On Amazon With Shopify! (Integration With Automated Fulfillment Sales Channel)

do you want to know how you Shopify to,boost my sales on Amazon do you also,want to know how I fully automate the,whole system where Amazon fulfils all my,orders on Shopify so you don't have to,do any other work besides just raking in,more sales well there's the perfect,video for you then okay so I'm gonna,step by step and how I boost sales for,my Amazon products by just having a,simple Shopify store okay so if you're,in for more sales this is a video for,you if you hear this channel welcome in,my name is Cameron James I talk about,everything a Mazon f2u related right my,full journey of selling items after,three years now become in seven-figure,seller my first year so I on Amazon,should wanna stay up to date you learn,more about Amazon FBA learn more about,me and my journey this is purpo channel,for you please subscribe down below I,will not disappoint you I promise so,let's get into how to use Shopify to,boost your Amazon FBA product sales okay,you know how to fully integrate it so,you don't have to do anything besides,make more sales and make more money okay,so hop it in my computer here guys and,you can see I'm on live boulders finest,calm website okay so if you know my,story about boulders finest you know it,didn't go well you know CBD and hemp oil,is a very restricted product you know,there's a risk we took and we failed,that's a great video if you haven't seen,that yet to learn more about you know,how we failed what to avoid in the,future right if you're new to this but,anyways let's move on so you can see,this is you know a fully automated,website right it's got our products on,here it's got pricing you can buy now,right this website is actually it's live,but it does not work because there's no,payment processing okay so if you know,anything about the CBD market you know,that you need special payment processors,because like stripe PayPal all those,guys will not take your money because,it's a high risk product and they don't,want anything to do with a product,that's kind of in the gray area of legal,and illegal right just like you know,anything hemp related right or CBD,related or THC related anything like,that and that's because they don't want,anything to do with a high risk product,because if they get sued right it's not,worth them taking your money 42.9% right,so you need special payment processors,which is a pain in the rear to get so,it's something we haven't really focused,on we you know kept focusing on our,other brands and and things that are,making us money right now you know 80/20,rule right but this is a great example a,great product a great brand,- do you know product tutorials on and,teach you guys right so it serves a good,purpose here but you can see here on the,Shopify page right we got all my photos,you know listing essentially just by,Amazon listing cuz I'm so proud of that,that I just went ahead and transferred,it over here but the goal here guys was,to boost my sales on Amazon right to,boost my sales overall so I'm gonna show,you guys real quick you know after,showing this list listing here right,it's pretty long you know it's not,perfect but gets the point across that,looks okay photos are great and it,serves this purpose of buying now why,this is so crucial and why I suggest,when you start building a brand and,start having products that are doing,really well why I suggest having a,Shopify page is because people will,start searching for your brand on google,on you know websites you know maybe Bing,or whatever any search engine on,Instagram things like that and they'll,be looking for your website right they,want to know who you are they want to,know you know if you have other products,they want to know about you right if,they really love your product which,hopefully you made a great product and,where I can prove that to you guys is,you know even with a brand that I,haven't done super well with right we,can go into my search term report right,on PPC and I can go right here you know,customer search data right and go to,filter and then I go to contains right,here I'm just going to type in Boulder,right to see if there's anything that,pops up from my name okay guys even,though this product failed miserably and,we did not do very well and we lost a,little bit of money we still had people,searching for our brand on Amazon by our,brand name okay Boulder HAMP CVE Boulder,Boulder hemp Boulder hemp both our vape,pen cartridges obviously we didn't have,that product but they're looking for a,product that we made that they would use,right and then bowlers find us in,general and you can see here you know we,had one sale in another sale when,someone was searching our brand name,okay and you can see here you know if I,showed you that last video if you,watched that last video you know my a,cost was through the roof it was,disgusting but when they're searching my,brand name you can see that 5.4 percent,here and 1.7 percent here so essentially,just free sales okay so imagine your,brain was a lot bigger right it was a,brand that been signed for a while is,doing really well,Amazon don't you think people are,probably searching for your brand name,right I know from my experience they're,searching my other brands that are doing,a lot better than this template right,and that's why we started doing Shopify,stores it's because we wanted to harvest,that extra traffic that organic traffic,and get extra sales and make more money,on those sales right because Shopify,doesn't take as much as Amazon does,Amazon takes a huge chunk of our money,right per sale which is okay because we,know we signed up for that we knew we're,getting a lot of free traffic from,Amazon and we just had to pay a price,for that but eventually people are gonna,start recognize your brand name and,you'll be able to start to take that off,of Amazon okay so that is why it's so,important to build a Shopify store or at,least look into it once your product,starts doing well on Amazon right so you,can get additional sales so let me show,you how easy this is to build your own,Shopify store guys so this is the back,in a shop fight all you have to do to,create account is let me go to Shopify,com sign up real quick you can buy your,domain or you can use the Shopify domain,if you don't want to pay for it so you,have options there and all you have to,do is go down to online store and,they've literally made this so easy for,you guys okay so they have free themes,all you do is download a quick theme,right hit customize right here you can,see you can literally edit everything on,this back end right so here's the header,right you see it says free two-day,shipping I just go down go down a text,here and enter in whatever I want you,know free one-day shipping right and,it's easy as that go ahead and click,Save right over here if I'd like I go,back and I have a slideshow right here,these are these two photos I can go,ahead and change all the image if I'd,like there I could do different opacity,right right here to you know make it,darker make it lighter or whatever our,need I can change the text right here I,can change the button right here to,wherever that goes right you can go down,you know edit collection list right as,the human is the pet hemp oil go down a,newsletter right this is them you know,trying to subscribe to your newsletter,if you have one right which is building,an email list is huge you can go back up,here right and it just goes on and on,you can add sections right you can add,whatever you like and it's it's really,simple right it takes a little time,right but so does building an Amazon,listing but when you can build a website,they can go live and look as good,this this does within like an hour -,that's fantastic remember like five,years ago you'd had to hire someone like,five thousand ten thousand dollars to,build a website right where this cost I,believe the cheapest plan is thirty,bucks a month so it's actually cheaper,than Amazon's professional plan to,having a Shopify account so that is how,easy it is to design your own website,guys on Shopify right this is an,advanced tutorial all I just want to,show you how I use Shopify to get more,sales on Amazon right so next I want to,show you how it works when someone buys,on your Shopify page right how does that,work with Amazon in your Amazon,storefront okay and so if we go to,orders right here we can see right here,that we have an unfulfilled order all,right and so what we do next is if we've,never done this before all we have to do,is Google fulfilled by Amazon Shopify,right click this go all the way down,here filled by Amazon Shopify Help,Center then we're to go down and this,has complete instructions of how to,automate this system okay so what,happens here is Shopify will actually,link up with your Amazon account okay so,you click that link there click this,right here and then we get into your,Amazon seller central account you might,have to login but that's what happens,when you are logged in right so what,happens is Market web services which is,just a place where Amazon lets you,connect to other third party you know,centers whether it's a you know a,feedback was write an email a messenger,or even Shopify like this hit next,almost done here continue and boom just,like the Hat once that's done,integrating guys to Kentucky over the,shipping settings on your Shopify page,what we're gonna do here is just a,couple more steps here which are all in,that that form I found on Google real,quick if you guys need to go back for,that reference or just watch me right,here step by step guys,it's only a few steps and it's not that,complicated but all we're gonna do here,is go to manage rates go down here guys,hit add rate and we're going to do,two-day shipping right that's what we're,gonna use for Amazon right so there is,standard shipping guys which takes about,four to five days a two-day shipping on,Amazon which is only like 50 cents extra,when you fulfill by an Amazon to do this,and then there's one-day shipping which,is,mores lot costly so what I like to do is,do free two-day shipping because it's,only 50 cents more compared to standard,shipping and everybody expects two-day,shipping now guys right Amazon's ruined,that for everybody people don't want to,wait for the products so today's,shipping is the best way to go here so I,do two-day shipping a price zero I like,to do free two-day shipping just like,Amazon and then I hit done right here,guys so it's saved right here guys you,can see it right here you can label this,a little different if you'd like but uh,customers will see this when they select,a shipping option when they're checking,out on Shopify so I like to do two-day,shipping or just something you know,generic right something no here guys you,can go back here and edit the rate what,we do have to do is make sure that the,weight on our product listing is the,same on the weight for the shipping okay,so I'll show you exactly where the,weight is on the products section here,in a second so for mine I know it's 0.5,right so I'll hit done and again if it's,confusing don't worry I'll show you,exactly where to find that here in a,second so now that's saved you guys went,over to products here,all products right here we're gonna go,to boulders finest hemp oil right and,this is where you set up your product,listing right on everything of that sort,put your images right your price your,inventory so what we're gonna do is,actually go to inventory instead of an,inventory bandaged by Shopify we're,gonna do an Amazon Marketplace web okay,before we hit save I want to show you,guys where that weight was okay so,shipping this is why I put point five,because I listed my product at 0.5 all,no shipping rate it's kind of matched,it's exactly the same guys so that's,very important,so before we finished up guys there's,one more thing what to do we to put the,SKU in right which is just on Amazon,right so just go to seller central here,log in real quick we go to inventory,let me go down go down to our child,listing right and here's the SKU okay so,we're going to copy that real quick,go back over here and we're gonna put,that SKU in and now we're gonna save,right so we we did make sure the weight,was fine the SKUs fine again make sure,the Amazon Marketplace web was there I,refreshed it that's why it was not there,anymore what we had saved now guys okay,so we should be all good there guys so,next we're going to go into orders right,okay we see I have an unfulfilled order,here by Mark Smith,this is a dummy order that I created,just to show you guys an example we're,gonna click this Mark Smith order here,so when we're in here now,all we have to do right we see that's,Amazon Marketplace web right here so,everything's set up all I have to do is,click mark as fulfilled ok and guys we,don't do anything with this tracking,information down here so don't worry,about that since we're fulfilling with,Amazon all we're gonna do is go down,right here fulfilling from Amazon,Marketplace right here hit fulfill items,and boom guys that is all it takes right,there so everything's automated,everything's going to go if you want to,double check this is working properly,just go into your manage orders and your,Amazon seller central page and you'll,see that order pop up as a consumer,order okay and you can go in there and,look at all the details everything like,that and make sure everything is correct,and that's that's all it takes right so,I know I went through this sort of fast,guys right I just want to be efficient,with your time right Shopify is a,monster it's all I can make hours and,hours and days of content just about,Shopify but I just wanted to show you,guys how easy it could be that way you,can get started on your own so I'm,getting comments again just put them,down below and I'll be happy to answer,any questions you may have but I hope,this was helpful please subscribe for,more and let me know if you want any,more Shopify videos and I will help you,guys out as much as possible alright,guys that is it and we'll steal the next,one

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