free shipping or not that is the,question that we're going to be,answering today,so many people selling online have fell,for the myth that you make,more sales when you offer free shipping,and print on demand sellers are,currently leaving a ton,of money on the table because they are,paying for the shipping to get their,products to their customers,and some of them may even be missing,entire sales,because they're offering free shipping,yes i did just say that because you are,offering free shipping,you might be actually missing out on,sales completely,people might see that you offer free,shipping and then decide not to buy and,in this video i'm going to,tell you why i didn't mean to rhyme,right there it just kind of came to me,but if you guys want to see the rest of,this video stick around because we're,going to jump,right into it,all right folks what's going on joe,robert here i am the founder of, you,are now entering a guru-free zone i make,videos here on my channel giving you,actionable advice to start,grow or scale a print-on-demand business,on shopify,if you're new to print on demand make,sure to check out the links down in the,description we have a ton of resources,for you you can get started with the pod,ninjas training program for free the,link is down in the description,also make sure to join the pod ninjas,facebook group we have over 20 000 print,on demand store owners there so if you,guys want to join a large community on,facebook and get,even more print on demand training and,tips make sure to check it out the link,is down in the description,click the like button and also subscribe,to my channel if you're not already so,today i,felt compelled to make this video i felt,compelled to spare you all from the,peril that is free shipping to deliver,you guys from making no sales to making,a bunch of sales by beginning to charge,shipping,on your print-on-demand stores yes i,know we've all been conditioned to think,that,free shipping is the way or that people,will only buy,if there is free shipping because people,don't want to shell out the couple of,dollars,for shipping of their orders why do i,say this,well when you offer free shipping you,actually make less money someone's got,to pay for the shipping and if it is not,the buyer it's you,and before we actually get into the,breakdown today i'm going to show you,guys a whole bunch of shopify stores i'm,also going to show you some other,businesses online that are not,offering free shipping but before we get,started let me know down in the comments,if you offer free shipping on your store,and if you haven't got started yet,let me know your thoughts if you are,going to offer free shipping or not,if we get to 100 comments on this video,regarding the shipping question i will,pick somebody at random,and whoever wins will be able to jump on,a coaching call with me,i'll announce it on a future video once,we hit 100 comments so let me know,if you guys plan to offer free shipping,or if you're currently offering,free shipping right now down in the,comments i'll pick someone at random to,have a coaching call,with me i'll announce it on a future,video so like i said when you're,offering,free shipping you're making less money,and another thing that i said is that,when you're offering free shipping,there's a chance that you actually might,be,missing out on sales completely and in,this video i'm going to break it down,and i get it in 2020 a lot of you think,that the only way to do online business,is by offering free shipping but,what i want to do is show you guys three,massive websites that are not even doing,free shipping themselves here are three,websites that you have definitely,heard of okay they don't offer free,shipping on every order and they are,still,making sales they are still accepting,new payments from new customers,every single day and i know what you're,thinking joe these are massive brands of,course they can get away with not,offering free shipping and charging,their customer shipping because they're,big brands and people,will pay for the shipping anyway because,they really want those products but how,can we actually do that,with our print on demand stores people,are not going to pay for shipping with,us they want free shipping joe,i hear you i really do but what i want,to do is i want to show you,actual print on demand stores these,stores are some of the biggest print on,demand stores out there and they,are charging shipping you can see here,this store i'm not sure if you ever,heard of it but if you haven't you can,check it out,it's a massive print on demand store,they have a really big social media,presence and they are,charging shipping why are they doing,this well if they didn't they'd be,making less money you can see right here,that when we put this product into our,cart,when we go to checkout shipping is being,charged now of course they do have a,threshold where if you spend over a,certain amount,you can get free shipping but if you're,just going to go on there and buy one,product you're going to have to,be the one that pays for that shipping,one of the reasons why it's important to,do this is because,if you're a print-on-demand store that's,using any sort of paid traffic to,promote your products,if you're doing free shipping you're not,going to have as much margin to play,with when it comes to,running your ads if you're charging for,shipping that means you can spend more,on the ad,because you have a higher profit margin,which like i said will allow you to,spend more on ads it's a very smart,strategy because overall,if you can acquire a new customer you're,going to hopefully be able to increase,the lifetime value of that customer and,make money over time to make up for what,you spent on the shipping still not,convinced i took a look around and,basically the only place that you can,get free shipping every day on every,single order,online is they are the,free shipping connoisseurs right that's,why we all think that we have to,offer free shipping because amazon does,it but one thing to note is that amazon,actually charges people an annual,membership fee here's another thing,i think that you could actually make,more sales if you,charge for shipping why is that joe well,when you,offer free shipping right you're,actually raising your price to cover the,cost of shipping right well when you,offer free shipping to the customer that,means you're paying for it so that means,that you're making less money so what do,you do,you increase the price of your product,and what happens when we increase our,prices,you make less sales because people like,to buy something for cheap from a,facebook ad,see i would much rather sell a hoodie,for 39.99 and then charge five bucks for,shipping,compared to selling it for 47.99 and,then doing free shipping well to me,39.99 is a much more attractive price,point compared to 47.99 a lot of people,regardless of the shipping cost if they,see 47.99 as a price they're just simply,just not even going to consider buying,it on the other hand if it's 39.99 they,might make that,impulse buying decision that they want,it and then when shipping is layered in,for a couple of bucks at checkout,they're still going to go through with,the sale,don't believe me well test it test it on,your own stores see how it goes,change your prices and offer free,shipping and then change them back and,charge the customer a few dollars for,shipping here's another thing is i don't,just make,random videos on youtube everything that,i talk about on my channel are things,that i've actually tested in my own,businesses,i don't just wake up one morning and,think of some random thing that i want,to talk about and make a video about it,i've been running print-on-demand stores,since 2016 and i've also been teaching,print on demand for several years as,well and i've worked with hundreds of,people so anything that i'm talking,about,on my youtube channel is things that,we've all tested we've seen the results,and now i'm reporting them to you,to test them in your business as well,another situation that you could run,into,at times is maybe the shipping is just,too expensive to pass on to the,customers,sometimes for example the shipping cost,for a specific item will be over ten,dollars and of course,that's a little bit too much to pass on,to the customer so what you could do,is charge them half of it or something,like that that way you're offsetting it,a little bit and kind of meeting them in,the middle,and charging them a little bit so that,way you're able to keep some of your,profits after the sale so like i said in,the beginning let me know,down in the comments if you guys plan to,offer free shipping or not,like i said throughout this video i,don't like to offer free shipping mainly,because when i do that i feel like i'm,going to make less sales because my,prices are going to be higher,i feel like if i charge a cheaper price,on the front end and then cover,and then have them cover the shipping,i'm going to convert higher in the long,run and end up making,more money overall so let me know what,you think down in the comments below,like i said earlier if we get 100,comments on this video i will pick,someone at random to do a coaching call,with if you win,i will announce your name on a future,video and i will reach out and we can,arrange our call so hopefully you guys,did enjoy the video if you did drop a,like,subscribe all that good stuff my name is,joe robert i'll see you guys later
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