hello store owners I hope you're doing,great in this week video I want to show,you a really interesting feature I saw,on on Shopify tutorial so I'm gonna,baste my tutorial Oliver out of Shopify,tutorial I'm gonna give you the link in,the description this is their their,dirty page so what we trying to do is to,achieve exactly this and I implemented,here on on my website so it's,autocomplete for for your search boxes,on your store I think this is a great,great feature to help your customer to,the search they can see an image do you,have you you have the title and it's,gonna Auto suggest for what every day,they looking,let's try black same thing and you can,see all the results it's gonna take you,back directly to the product I think,it's a great great feature so let's go,ahead and work on this so we need to go,into the admin panel go into online,store themes and choose whatever you,want to to make the changes in my case,I'm gonna use my life theme that I have,because I do want to keep the the change,if not if you just want to test that or,or for whatever reason I will recommend,you to maybe duplicate it the live theme,you have now and work on a separate copy,but for myself I'm just gonna work,directly in in my life copy so go to,edit HTML we need to add a new template,so add it inside the templates just,click on add a new template we need to,have it for our search and give it a,name jisan so let's create it so for,this one we following Shopify tutorial,I'm gonna put,link in the description so you're gonna,be able to follow everything there so,what we need is over here or code two to,put inside a template so just open this,in the new tab you can do select all and,copy come back to your let's go back to,the editor here select everything that,you have inside your new template that,you created and then paste it save and,we have a new template where with the,code that we need so after we finished,with the template we need to create a,snippet so just click on the snippets,click add a new snippet and they call it,sorry,they call it search autocomplete so you,can use the same name or you can use,something different I'm gonna just use,exactly the same thing let's call it as,they did and take the code from here,let's open it in a new window,same thing select everything and then,copy go back to your editor paste it and,save now what we need to do is to,actually include it in our template so,we can include it inside the team which,is your main file go at the bottom as,they recommended here we're gonna need,to include the snippet that we just,created so he can copy this and we need,to add it just before the closing body,so if you go completely at the bottom,you should have the closing body here,sometimes you have different scripts you,have different coding there for whatever,reason if you don't see it you can,always do command or control F to find,it and look for body like this you will,be able to find it so just include it,here and of course save it mmm this is,okay it's if you have some warning you,just read them and then see if there's,no issue with with your current template,current website so after we did this we,should be okay,let's let's give it a try now let's go,back over here let me refresh let's do,hero hero plus all's LCD so the,suggestion box is working let's see,yeah this is the suggestion box is it's,working you do have some options if you,want to to change the looks I recommend,you to go to the page to the page itself,and and and read on for the,configuration which is completely,optional okay so you can have this here,let me see if it was already added yeah,you already have it at the top so your,options here you can always modify them,if you want background maybe search a,little bit on the web for whatever,reason I don't know you will want to,make it maybe a dark grey you can just,change it over there and it should be,changed on the front page so it did,refresh there you know yeah so it,doesn't look as good I would suggest you,to keep it as it is but you do have the,options to change it to change it right,here on your search over complete and,for the rest take a look if you have any,if you have some questions maybe the FAQ,will will help you with that so that,that's it this is a cool feature that I,that I found and it's easy to implement,just follow my quick tutorial or even,that the Shopify tutorial it's it's it's,well made it should be quick to do just,copy paste the code added create your,your your template and then the snippet,and just include it in your in your,theme and you will be ready to go so if,you have any questions please let me,know in the comments below,you also have their my information my,email Skype LinkedIn Twitter Instagram,everything it's there so don't be shy,ask me your questions also please,subscribe to the channel I'm releasing,videos like this one each week so like,that you will be sure to not miss any of,them also take a look I have how to,class for you to learn CSS and learn how,to design your your store and if you,also need my help for a full website,analyze please let me know I offer this,service that's it again for this week,hope you enjoyed it and see you next,week
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