hello everyone my name is adil and,and this is my first video in this,channel,in this channel i'll be sharing things,about e-commerce about,about facebook marketing,shopify things related stuff drop,shipping,but i thought that the first video i can,make should be about payment processing,and about how to have stripe because i,see a lot of a lot of non-us,non-us drop shipper or guys into,e-commerce and things that find it hard,to,to process credit card payments as there,is very few options,and uh,and i think the first thing we need to,have,sometime you you you know how to make,money but you know you don't know how to,get it to your bank account and with,stripe it makes it easier,so,so yeah i will show you,how to have a stripe account,and start processing credit card payment,wherever you are in the world mexico,spain,india any country it works morocco it,works,and this,could be good for you if you are into,freelancing if you are selling service,like web development or developing apps,or,anything you know,selling digital products if you have a,membership site or a paid subscription,platform as,stripe support also the the monthly,subscription and things if you have a,shopify or e-commerce business you can,also start because i know many guys into,e-commerce and into shopify and,dropshipping and that are using just,paypal,if you are if you are using just paypal,you are like,you you are first thing you are you are,like putting all your eggs in the same,basket i know many many many people,who've got their paypal account frozen,there is many many,many stories about that and not only,that but if you are just just using,paypal you are leaving a lot of money on,the table it's good to have many options,if you can add even bitcoins you know,there is some bitcoins,bitcoins payment processors,the more options you have the better is,so if you get if you lose your paypal,you will have your stripe working fine,and i say that's because i had like like,a very very bad story,last year's,last year in october uh,i was into,into shopify and,my business started growing i was making,between two stores something like two,thousand dollars per day and i was using,just paypal,so as the business started growing as i,reached i reached like two thousand,dollars for a couple days,i received this email from people and,they said to me like hey,hey we see that your business is growing,blah blah blah blah blah blah but we,need some verification and they start,asking me for some papers that i can't,provide like i have many chinese,providers i work with they asked me for,business legal papers from every,business and the contact and the people,to to talk to they asking me for,tracking numbers i gave them all the,tracking numbers they were working fine,and everything,and it ended up that they closed my,account,and it was almost for no reason and you,have no one to talk about like i've been,spending all my days on the phone with,them,so,yeah after that i was looking for,solutions and i found about stripe i,find like i lost,thousands of dollars before before,finding things i'm going to share with,you right now,and as you can see this is stripe this,is we start we started with a paypal,account and as the business starts,growing we stopped everything we stopped,scaling and we switched everything to,stripe,and as you can see,we reached up to ten thousand dollars,no single problem everything goes smooth,if it was paypal my my account i'm sure,would be shut down once again,so,and,it's good to have two options having one,option is not you know,the best thing is having as much options,as you can,let's talk about the serious things so,what i'm going to share with you in here,is the exact process to have a working,stripe,from any part of the world and you for,that you have you need to have a,registered business,so so we will need a us phone number a,us business a n,employee dontification number,it's like social security number but for,businesses in the u.s a u.s bank account,and the us address and at the end i'll,be sharing a a bonus it's it's uh it's,something new i just discovered that,like,three or four weeks ago and i'm using it,it's how to have like,a bank in 28 currencies,like like it's like having a bank in,hong kong and a bank in spain and a bank,in japan in the us in canada australia,uh bank accounts in the uk with pounds,yeah,this is good good good you got to,love it,so let's start with the first step,so you're gonna need a phone number,a us phone number so you can validate,your stripe account they will request,that for you,and i've been looking around and the,best options i've found is this one it's,tech snow,it's uh,it's it's an application that you,install either on your phone or or on,your computer and you will get a a phone,number for free you pay nothing and you,can make calls for free to the us and,you can receive sms,it's like having a a real a real us,phone number there is other options,there are paid ones,this,i think this is the only one,it's the one that i found if you have,like another free option feel free to,share it uh,that would be good so everyone watching,this video called benefit from from the,information you'll be sharing,once it's done you'll need to create an,llc,you an llc,a business based in the us,and you're gonna create it as an alien,alien resident it means that you have a,business that you run in the u.s but,you're not in the u.s you can be on mars,you can be anywhere,you are an alien resident you don't have,to go into the u.s to open the business,and many people think that it's over,complicated guys,it took me a couple days to to have my,my business up and running,so for creating limited liability,company i've been looking around,i've checked all the options there are,some uh that are asking for like i don't,know,500 dollars one thousand dollars two,thousand i have even one would say to me,like three thousand dollars and they,open for you,a us bank account in the u.s not a,virtual one a real one and the llc,but guys this is too expensive i don't,know for you but i i find that i don't,know we can have we can have a real uh a,bank account with pioneer,and we can have cheaper options,so this this was,the cheapest one i found so you just,need to go here form a company now i,know to service,international formation package,package and here is the options they,have,500 this is the cheapest,and,you click on order now and you're done,you fill your name and the information,an llc limited liability company,and that's it but hey in case in case,you find cheaper than this even if,if like hey they have in here compared,prices,and you see a comparison with the other,companies they are the cheapest but in,case you find something cheaper than,this please let us know in the comments,share it,you know the ambi the aim i have behind,this video is making it as cheap as,possible,because you know when starting a,business or something not everyone can,afford like high prices and things so it,have to be cheap,i created a new llc recently because you,can have many,you uh like i've been using one llc i,created like back in july or something,like that for shopify it was for,e-commerce and show people and i'm,creating another one for another,business,and,it's the same process it's the same it's,the same,same stuff,as you can see the price of formation is,280 let's say 280 and they do for you a,discount they still have this discount,because even when i used them,back in june or july there i think it's,a strategy they have it's always a,discount so the creation is just 180,dollars,to create,the business and then you need them to,create for you a federal tax id,this is a very important it's what,the,the equivalent of uh equivalence of uh,social security number for businesses so,the total amount of paid is,274 dollars,okay,and uh,274 and it took me from it took me to,get my,my,certificate of formation three days,and to get my a n it took me 13 days,okay,then after and just recently i found out,that there is another solution,you know it can this could cost you just,just,just 180 dollars,federal tax id you can get it by,yourself,you can use the phone number you're,gonna,from text free that you're gonna,get you can download the app and start,using it text free,and you call the irs,you call the before calling the irs you,have to go to the the irs websites and,download the form and you have to fill,it,and then,you call the irs and you tell them that,you want an a.n number and you they will,ask you to,to to fax,the,the form that you filled,you can say no could we do this right,now on over the phone,they will accept normally and you give,them all the informations you will find,below this video also the,the link to download the,the,the form the form that you need for the,a.n,okay,so the next step is having a physical,address so you can receive,you can receive you know,you won't receive anything i think you,what you need it just to validate your,your your stripe account because they're,going to ask you for a,another thing it's have to be in the u.s,so,i've been looking around i found this,that i find it's cheap it's uh it's like,almost,uh,hate it,i'm about to speak in portuguese a,little,it's uh,it's eight dollars,it's eight dollars per month and,you enter it when when when you are,registering to stripe and you're done,if you have cheaper option option please,share it below,next step is having uh a newest bank,account,and to have a u.s bank account it was,quite easy before not 9 11 but after 9,11 they they added in in the regulation,something called patriot act so you have,to go,to travel to the us and go to the bank,then you open an account,but there is a there is a solution for,that there is a virtual bank account,it's called payoneer,pioneer is a bank account i'm using,personally since i don't know seven,eight years and i've been traveling i've,been using i've used because you have,you have a bank account and a credit,card that you can use i've used it like,in thailand in spain dubai brazil all,over the world with no single issue it's,like any credit card you get from from a,u.s bank u.s bank,and not only that but you can as you,gonna as you are going to open an llc in,a business so you can have two accounts,one account under your name and one,account under your business name so two,account two card,two,two u.s bank accounts,okay,and when you get your account you have,this is mine,you will you will have,you can receive seh payments from from,companies,so you have this this is very important,the routine number and the account,number you can use those even to get,paid from affiliate programs from amazon,from clickbank at first when i opened it,it was like seven years ago i have,opened to use it with clickbank,so,so all the payments i was receiving from,clickbank were going straight to this to,this account but now they accept a lot,more companies they accept shopify they,accept,many many,and not only that but you can have,a an account in us dollar another one in,europe uh i don't have it one in british,pound,japanese yen chinese i don't know what,is the name of the the money of chinese,i don't have this because,i will i will tell you later at the end,of the video the solution i found to,have an account in 28 currencies so i,think it's it's more practical,and also because i don't need it,all i need is us dollar because most of,the business i'm doing is within the us,and you will find below this video a,link so you can so you can go and,register on pioneer and if you use the,link i'm sharing,you you you will have as you receive the,first payments on pioneer both of us can,receive 25 bucks,it's a win-win deal like like you got 25,bucks and i get 25,to,maybe i get some tequilas with it or,some crazy things here in brazil,okay and,i contacted stripe just to make sure,that i'm doing things the right way and,here is the answer i've got from them,so,as you can see,the a number is important,and registering an llc is important,so so,so yeah,it's important and you should do it,because,i know people who did it without the a,and you know you can go to stripe can,create an account and send your passport,and everything but you don't have a,company you don't have a n you don't,have phone number they will ask you for,some verification they will shut down,your account and i know many people who,lost their account this is,the,the way the safest way,uh it's legit it's how the business work,you will have a real business you will,have a bank account and you have you,will have everything set correctly with,stripe and you can do your your business,smoothly,okay so i i highly recommend you to,follow those steps don't try to get just,with your name and last name and put,some fake informations or something,because this won't work it will work you,will get couple payments and things then,they will shut down your account and it,hurts trust me,for the ssn number when you register to,stripe they're gonna ask you for the ss,and you put zero zero zero zero,this is what they are saying on the,email as you can see here,they told me just put four zeros because,we can't have a necessary number if we,are not a us rating this is just for for,the user is that,so guys this is the bonus i've been uh,uh talked about at the beginning of the,video,it's it's called transferwise and this,this is life-changing like i've heard,about it like long time ago then i had,some talk with some friends about it,like just a couple of weeks ago and i,decided to give it a try,and,this is very used by the digital nomads,people that are traveling around the,world and they have to send money back,home or receive money from home who do,some freelancing job and they want to,get money and they get it from different,currencies,so this is just perfect when you have,transferwise you ask for the borderless,account,this one,and,and once you have the borderless account,you can have it wherever you are in the,world i think they accept most of the,countries,you can have,a bank account details in every country,that they have they have 20 28 countries,like you have somebody in the uk you,want to send you money,he will send you to this,this data is in here it's like having a,bank account in the uk and you won't,lose money in the conversion,the the transfer fee is one of it's the,cheapest in the world it's not one of,the cheapest it's the cheapest you can,you can look you can do a research about,this it's the cheapest one somebody in,the us want to send you money now you,have,pioneer and you have this one account,number,routine number,somebody in europe eurozone you have a,bank account it's deitchland it's german,bank then you can activate other,currencies let's say,you have all of this turkey singapore,romania peru japan israel,francoise,everything,uh,let's say australia so here is your,activate,and i activate,and,i have an australian dollar balance,now i have a bank account in australia,that easy,uh and like i did a test like i had a,client who wanted to pay me and instead,instead of using other payment gateways,i asked him to pay me via via,via transferwise so i gave him my,account number and my,sea truetti number and he sent me from,his u.s bank account a real bank account,he said he sent me a an sch,deposit or wire or i don't know how do,we call it and i've got it on my account,after,after,24 hours something like that a little,bit more it's it was around two days,two days,and i did a test i took a chunk of the,money i received and i sent it because,you can connect this to your bank,account so i connected this one to my,pioneer account,and and i and i sent the money to my,pioneer account and i received it and i,was able to wait draw it and to use it,it's,it's it's amazing and let's say if you,receive money in,in british pound,you can convert it inside the website to,the us dollar and then you send it to,your pioneer account,this is just amazing and if you follow,all the steps i i told you so we'll have,two pioneer accounts one for you,for yourself and one for your business,and even transferwise you can have one,transfer orders for yourself and another,one for business as you can see here,this is the business account,i just started i added couple,couple currencies i'm i'm still messing,around with this but it works i'm using,it since like a week or something just,to see and to test,and as long as i received the money and,i was able to withdraw it it's perfect,so,so yeah you can join you can you can use,the link i have below the video and you,can do it the first wire for free you,pay no fees for that,so yeah that's it for this first video,guys i hope you enjoyed it,i tried my best to make it as short as,possible and straight to the point,uh if you liked the video feel free to,subscribe,and you can tick the bell so you get,notification whenever i'm posting some,new new stuff,and feel free to thumb up,and also if you have some questions,please leave them on on on the comment,section and i'll do my best to answer to,all the questions,and feel free also to share the video,because i know many people are,struggling with this i've been,struggling with this i lost a lot of,money looking for this kind of,informations so i'm sure that there is,some people around looking for this,and,and yeah and soon on my channel i'll be,sharing more cool stuff that will be,about how to start a shopify and,e-commerce business,about facebook marketing strategies that,i'm using my business and many cool,stuff so,stay tuned
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