so how can you get 3 to 5-day delivery,with your e-commerce dropshipping store,a huge problem in the e-commerce,industry is that when you ship from,Aliexpress usually it takes 12 to 20,days if you're using a packet and then,there's also the processing time and all,of that just takes way too much time the,customers can get upset you know and,this is just kind of a huge issue what's,up guys it's Sebastian and welcome back,to another video so in this one I'm,gonna give you three options three ways,to deliver faster to your customer so,that you can not run into this problem,the last one is definitely the most,important and I don't see anybody on,YouTube ever talking about it so I,highly highly highly recommend you guys,watch the entire thing and if you do,watch the entire video and you don't,learn anything honestly go ahead and,leave a dislike but if you're new to the,channel and this is your first time,seeing me I'm Sebastian make sure you,click Subscribe because we're growing,super fast and you'll probably see me,again so just hit that subscribe button,right now so in just a second we're,gonna jump into my computer and I'm,gonna go over the first two methods so,let's do that right now okay so one,alternative and this is the one that,most people talk about but it's shipping,from America now I know most people know,about this but if you don't know about,it I'm still going to go through the,exact process so that everybody is,filled in the reason I'm really making,this video is for the last reason so,seriously guys I really really recommend,you watch the entire thing the last one,will kind of blow your mind,but let's talk about this one first -,say for example we're gonna do cat,niklas okay that's gonna be like my,go-to example for everything cat niklas,and we're gonna you know go by orders,and for example we find this one okay,perfect so if we go to the shipping,settings we can see that it's 12 or you,know 20 to 39 days even more and that's,verse China Post but we could probably,do a packet let's see if they have you,packet which they showed yeah so be,packet twelve to twenty days which is,average that's how it's always been,but if you want to ship next day we can,ship from the United States we're not,next day I'm sorry we can just ship from,the United States so if you want or if,you think you can sell this guy necklace,let's go and click on this and you know,ships from the United States ups for 213,days so that's automatically a lot,faster you know UPS shipping is a little,bit more but it is a faster shipping,time than a packet and so that can,decrease the shipping time and therefore,make your customers a little bit happier,now obviously there's a whole selection,of products that you,ship from the United States but,obviously more products are going to be,made in China,like a lot more just China makes,everything but this is still something,that you can do so for example let's do,pearl necklace let's do it one more time,you know we'll go by orders and we'll,see if we can get a faster one or or not,that's pretty nice actually so let's see,twelve to thirty nine days oh we didn't,we didn't do the ships from I don't,think ship from United States okay and,orders yeah there's not that many,obviously there's gonna be way more,suppliers in China but ships from the,United States for two thirteen days so,if you wanted to attempt selling this,necklace you know it would ship a little,bit faster make your customer a little,bit more happy and you know maybe he'd,come back or buy more products and later,into the future okay so the second,method is actually pretty powerful -,it's not Aliexpress but it's an,Aliexpress alternative so you guys saw,the cat necklace that I found on Express,I'm on a different wholesaling website,which is called light in the box so it's,just an alternative to express its kind,of the same thing you know a bunch of,suppliers put their website on this or,put their you know products on this,website and then you can buy them,wholesale so we'll type in cat necklace,and we can sort by sales and this is I,think the exact one that we saw earlier,I'm not sure but this is very similar to,the one we saw earlier right,so ships to the United States processing,time 24 hours or ships yeah ships in 24,hours which is a lot faster than I,express because usually on Alan Express,it's you know most of the time 3 to 7,days but like shipping time local,standard 3 to 5 business days fulfilled,by a u.s. fulfillment center so this is,like cool you know this is a lot faster,now granted you're not going to have all,the products in light in the box that,you're gonna have on Aliexpress but you,know maybe if you are looking at a,product on Aliexpress you can come to,checkout light in the box or look up,some other Aliexpress alternatives type,in that product see if you could find a,replica that is made in the United,States and then ship it to your,customers and you know cut that shipping,time and you know cut it divided by 3,almost and this is a huge difference,this will make your customers happy and,it's super important that you actually,get your product to your customers as,fast as possible because then they'll,come back then they'll refer you more,you know obviously keeping them as happy,as possible well ultimately in the long,run make you more money and that's why,we're all here,yeah this is a good one okay so meaning,the box is another wholesaling website,so it's kind of just the same thing as,laying the box let's just type in,necklace and see what we can find okay,necklace we got a bunch of different,things let's go to sales okay I've seen,this one on Twitter a lot actually so,this is a good example,gold and silver one size for ladyship's,in twenty four hours two to three,business days this is like actual,shipping times this is like Amazon,shipping time so this is really really,powerful if you guys are in the jewelry,you know niche or you guys are selling,something to do with women's necklaces,or anything women jewelry or whatever,this is so powerful so so powerful you,could find this exact product on,Aliexpress and it would ship in twelve,to twenty days plus three times of,processing which is like 23 days you,know almost nearly a month with nobody,likes that nobody likes it at all or you,could just come and look at some,Aliexpress alternatives find them in way,way way less time and then ship them,make your customers happy you know make,them come back and bam like make more,money so those are the two ways on the,computer the next way is the most,powerful and I really really love the,way nobody talks about this on YouTube,so make sure you guys keep your ears,open alright and the final and probably,the most important way is through,printful or through any warehousing,company now this is what I mean people,don't talk about this at all so what you,can basically do is if you have a print,full so printable is like a print on,demand company but they also offer,warehousing services so for example if,you have a t-shirt that your company,sells you can go and use printable and,then you can ship it from you know from,their warehouse to wherever your,customer if you're using printful,shipping can literally only take three,to five business days and you can synch,printful shipping settings with your,store's shipping settings and people can,pay for faster delivery sometimes even,next day delivery which is really really,cool and helpful so how do you ship your,products say for example you're selling,a cat necklace because that's the,example I always use how do you ship a,cat necklace through printful and so,that you can literally so that your,customers can get it in three to five,days you talk to printful you set up the,warehousing service and then you say,okay well I'm going to ship you five,hundred cat necklaces now obviously,don't do this until you know for sure,that a lot of these cat necklaces are,selling for sure and people are buying,them right this isn't something that you,should do when you're starting a new,store but once you start picking up,sales on a certain product and you say,okay I want this to be you know I want,people to get to some three to five days,and to be very very happy with the,service then you can order you can bulk,order those products send them to the,print full warehouse and then printful,will literally do everything for you the,best part is you don't even have to,fulfill orders it's a hundred percent,completely automated by them so once you,ship it into their warehouse it syncs,onto your store and they'll fulfill it,and then they'll fulfill the order and,you won't even have to do anything and,the customers will get it in three to,five days now if that's not the best,thing that you've ever heard I don't,know what is but that is literally how,you turn in your store into a legit,brand like if you have a selection of,products that you have five products,that are selling really really well and,you know you just want to turn into a,brand you want to provide great customer,service and you just want to go above,and beyond this is the next step you,order those good products to printful,right in bulk orders and then you can,ship them out to your customers and it's,less than a week and then you can,literally turn into a legitimate brand,and people start referring you and say,dude I love this company I love this,company that's like the next step that's,how you turn it into a brand and people,aren't talking about this on YouTube and,honestly I was debating not even putting,this video up but you guys deserve the,value I love you all so I hope you guys,enjoy this you know this is information,that will help you get to the next step,in your drop shipping business so I hope,you guys kind of understood that if you,don't need to comment down below and we,can kind of talk about it a little bit,more but other than that if you did,enjoy the video make sure you drop a,like because that's how I know that you,like the video and also we're growing so,fast so make sure you click Subscribe,because we're giving away value so why,not it's a win-win just click Subscribe,alright guys that's going to do it I'll,see you all in the next video peace out,oh yeah and a really quick update I,didn't talk about this I was actually at,a dealership yesterday looking at a GT,our track edition was so nice but I'm,getting a GTR very very very soon so I'm,super excited you guys are definitely,going to see that in the next few videos,you know me going and signing the papers,and bringing it home but in the meantime,if you want to stay updated with me make,sure you do follow me on Instagram,because I post updates there and I post,pictures of whatever I'm doing for the,day if I like want to make a decision,between a video that I'm going to post,today or tomorrow I'll usually make a,decision on Instagram so you guys can,decide,video do you want to see and just kind,of important stuff like that so make,sure you go follow me on Instagram and,other than that I'm going to a pretty,big event in California I'll let you,guys know more about it but I'm going to,vlog the entire thing and you guys are,gonna see what's going down I'm meeting,up with grab stuff and again I'm meeting,up with the jet-set team again and,you're gonna see a lot of collabs with a,lot of you know pretty interesting,people with some bigger names so I'm,really really excited to bring you guys,all this content so everything's kind of,moving really fast you know there's a,lot of stuff happening I've become so,busy that I don't even know what I'm,doing but that being said the course so,really quickly I'm not going to talk,about this for very long,the price has increased I didn't tell,anybody you know like getting now before,it's too late the price has increased,it's staying there I realized that I was,selling myself short considering what's,inside the course and how many students,have had results you know I've been you,know it's been under precious entire,time and a lot of people were joining in,like a lot a lot of people were getting,in so the price has gone up and it's,staying there and it honestly will,probably continue to go up and also I'm,adding Facebook scaling soon and it's,gonna just as I add more content it's,all going to go up and find a fixed,prices to have but it's not going to be,cheap anymore I'm sorry if you're,planning and to get planning to get in,on that price but yeah it's it's I've,realized that I was under selling myself,like huge like humongous but yeah that's,the update on the course and other than,that I don't think I have anything else,to say so,I'll see you guys on the next video oh,yeah I got a new camera can you tell,look at this focus this is crazy
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