how to link tiktok to shopify

How to Setup Tiktok Business with Shopify: The Easy Step-By-Step Guide all right hello everyone and

Rezolutions Design

Updated on Feb 05,2023

How to Setup Tiktok Business with Shopify: The Easy Step-By-Step Guide

The above is a brief introduction to how to link tiktok to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to link tiktok to shopify

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How to Setup Tiktok Business with Shopify: The Easy Step-By-Step Guide

all right hello everyone and welcome,back again to resolution designing yet,another video related to Shopify in this,particular episode or in this video,we're going to learn on how to get Tick,Tock connected so for those of you who,are not in the loop let me explain why,this is important,Tick Tock has one of the best algorithms,when it comes to social media in order,to understanding your client base and,who they are and so the latest thing,when it comes to the top of the sales,funnel is Tick Tock let's go ahead and,start diving into the whole setup so the,first thing that I would recommend is,for you guys to go ahead and install,tick tock on your phone just go ahead,and create a business Tick Tock account,once you log in go into your profile uh,into your profile which is like right,here all the way at the bottom that that,indicator right there yep and uh look at,the top look at the top of the name of,what you have you'll notice that in,Minds I don't have too many right now as,you can see but right there at the top,this guy right here click on that and,when you click on that you see a dialog,from Below,that kind of looks like this okay and so,you see that where it says add account,go ahead and click on that and start the,whole process it's very easy fill out,the name of the business you know,firstly last name the business name and,all that type of stuff and fill out,everything that needs to be done now,make sure that it's probably like on a,business account or a professional,account that's probably important so,make sure that you have that ready and,once you are done that's where we're,gonna go and see if we could attach all,of that information into Shopify so,we're in this screen right here,um in Shopify and the first thing that,we're going to do is let's click on apps,and on apps we're going to click on apps,and sales channel settings and from here,we're going to click on customize your,store,so from here uh we're gonna go into what,we're very familiar with which is the,Shopify theme store and from here let's,go ahead and type in Tick Tock and so,from here we have tons of different,applications what we're going to go with,is just a standard one we're going to go,with Tick Tock made by Tick Tock okay,we're gonna go with that and let's go,ahead and add this application in and,it's going to ask us hey do you want us,to you know like their little permission,settings and whatnot we're going to say,add that sales Channel,and once we do that hopefully it might,open right away let's see what it says,here all right now we're in this screen,so we if this screen should look very,familiar because it almost resembles the,Facebook setup okay uh the Facebook,setup where you install the Facebook app,and then you click on the app and it's,almost like a real sales Channel,um and so now that it's a sales Channel,it says it's trying to actually connect,with your account and that's exactly,what we're gonna do so let's go ahead,and not waste any time at all and let's,get connected so right here it says grow,your business on Tick Tock reach,Millions let's go ahead and start this,setup process so let's go ahead and,begin uh where it says set up marketing,and right here we have uh connect Tick,Tock for business to access all of your,business account in one place and so,right here it's asking us connect Tick,Tock for business so it's looking for an,account where it's tick tock for,business and we're gonna go right to it,so right here a dialog comes out and,it's asking us to go ahead and log in,with Tick Tock we're going to go ahead,and do that all right so for those who,have little issues trying to log in one,of the best approaches that I do is that,I open a separate uh tab on the browser,as you can see right up above and what,I've done is that I've logged in Into,The Tick Tock account that you've,recently created so just like how you,created it on your phone go ahead on the,desktop on the browser log in there,first come back here refresh and try to,log in using that button that says login,using tick tock once you do that that's,what brings us to this screen right here,right here we're going to say that we do,agree with the terms of services and,subscribe information about Tick Tock,for business we don't need this stuff,and right here that's what we're trying,to do since we created a,an account for tick tock we have to now,create a business account in order for,us to do ads and so on and so forth very,similar to like Google ads and Facebook,ads you already know the deal right so,in this case that's what I'm doing now,for those who've already created a,business account if you already jumped,ahead in the future or whatever you,could go ahead and link your existing,Tick Tock for business account on this,screen so that it kind of merges,together but I'm going to pretend like,you guys have never done this before so,that's why I'm kind of like doing this,here let's go ahead and press confirm on,that and let's move forward so now that,this is done we have our ID for business,and let's go ahead and just connect I,don't know why we're being asked this,again but uh okay let's go ahead and,connect this perfect now that we're done,here we've already created the account,it says that it does not find an ads,manager account,so for that reason let's Now log in into,that newly created business account that,we just did before for those who want to,know uh what I went to is the website,that's called, almost like the,Facebook one because Facebook kind of,has the same thing it's a, so for tick tock,it's pretty much the same thing uh and,so from this screen go ahead and click,login and from there go ahead and log in,as uh The Tick Tock same thing as you,did before you use your Tick Tock login,in order to go ahead and merge into the,business center of tick tock once you do,that you're going to get a dialogue that,says do you want to integrate the two,it's going to ask you the same question,say yes to that and that should take you,to this new screen that we have over,here let me just show you and let's go,ahead and increase the zoom size because,I want to make sure that you guys could,see uh what we're doing here,okay and this is it so this is kind of,like a wizard asking us about the,account and so on and so forth so let's,go ahead and start naming some of this,stuff in here so these questions are,very basic they're not too complicated,so uh the first question is asking you,for the name of the company and now,they're asking you for are you an agency,are you doing this behalf on behalf of,the client or are you an Advertiser so,for those of you guys who are watching,that are representing uh your clients,obviously choose you're an agency and,fill that out but if you are your own,Merchant you want to choose you're an,Advertiser I'm an Advertiser and you put,your company name and you fill out as,much information that you can about your,industry so it asks you uh what industry,are you in obviously go ahead and put,e-commerce and then when it comes to,what are the types of uh products that,you sell if you find your products here,go ahead and place them but if you don't,click on other type up what that other,is in our case we're doing pet supplies,so that's what we're doing here and then,finally now it's asked asking us for our,information when it comes to,um to billing because this is the,billing information that's going to be,used in order to go ahead and bill for,the ads all right great so once you have,that information all filled out over,here what you want to do is let's go,ahead and press create and then we get,our little introduction towards Welcome,to The Tick Tock Business Center uh it,gives you could go ahead and start,reading some of this stuff but,um all right so what it's asking us,right away based on this interfaces that,we need to hurry up and create an ad,account and that ad account is what,we're going to essentially attach to,Shopify so that they're kind of like,LinkedIn uh you'll see all you'll see,all the connections to this whole,Madness that's why I'm making this video,tutorial for you guys so let's go ahead,and start this process so to begin we,have certain tasks that it's telling us,to go ahead and follow we're going to go,ahead and click on create an ad account,and that's exactly what we want to do,and so uh we have,several options here as you can see we,could either create a new or request,access to a certain account and for this,we're going to go ahead and say let's go,ahead and create a new one,and so from here it's going to ask us,for more information time zones Etc,let's go ahead and fill that out and,fast forward all right and now that we,have that filled out let's go ahead and,press next to that,okay and so we have some basic,information here just to verify and,let's go ahead and press submit to that,all right so one thing for sure once I,was looking at this make sure that this,doesn't happen to you you're pressing,submit and you're like this is not going,through what's up what's going on scroll,down scroll down make sure you enable,that check mark,I fell for that don't worry it's okay,all right we've successfully created uh,an account so let's see what's going on,in our checklist we have to set up a,payment and then finally create an ad,let's make sure that uh this information,is actually added in there let's just uh,dive in and set up a payment finances is,required okay only mint varies with,Finance permission can view this page so,let's update access settings here,uh let's see here finance manager,Finance analyst okay let's go ahead and,update that because we want to say that,yeah you're pretty much the the owner of,this whole thing now that we have this,whole set up here it's the status is,approved everything's great I'm not,going to add any money yet I just wanted,to make sure that this was already,created now let's see if we could go,back into the uh this whole setup here,and let's go ahead and press Refresh on,this in Shopify to see if it picks up,that we've already created an ads,account hopefully great so back in,Shopify again I had pause for a moment,right there and then I went over to the,business center to go ahead and create,all that stuff instead of the other way,around where I go in a business center,trying to create an account and all that,good stuff right so because I went ahead,and did all that stuff you should see,this step here if you have any problems,doing what I just did right now what I,would advise you is perhaps start from,the beginning with a dedicated email by,the way guys if you're creating a tick,tock account Within email address just,make sure that you're using a business,email and not like your personal email,or any other business emails just keep,things organized in that sense so that,that way you have everything just,organized at the end of the day so you,have your business email you have the,business account all Associated to that,try not to mix it up it gets a bit hairy,so now that we have confirmed that this,is in fact the ads account let's go,ahead and press connect on that because,that is in fact what we're trying to set,up here and here we go data sharing your,customer data is used to Target products,posts and ads uh at customers on Tick,Tock with different levels you can,choose the amount of data to share data,sharing basically what this means is,since Tick Tock is going to be bringing,over people into Shopify how much data,can Shopify share back to tick tock in,order to adjust to the right clients and,bring the right people into your website,it's kind of like using the algorithm to,make those adjustments in order so that,people could come into your website,that's what that means and so we have,different variations and of course you,could click here to learn a little bit,more as far as how that breakdown pretty,much happens,um but for the most part so you could,see,um you could see these different levels,right different tracking Technologies,this is what I recommend do the whole,thing why well the reason is because you,are obviously investing your marketing,dollars and you want the best of the,best clients coming over to you so give,Tick Tock as much information as,possible but please make sure that your,privacy policies are up to date the last,thing that you need to get uh in trouble,is with folks that are shopping from,let's say California because of ccpr,um then they have that other one in,Europe where they have those issues,you want to make sure that you're,protected on privacy policy because this,does record a lot of information so make,sure you're protected on that I'll make,a separate video about the importance of,privacy policy,okay and so we have our tracking let's,go ahead and confirm that the tracking,uh the pixel tracking was automatically,set up for you and then we're going to,say finish setup and then pretty much,that's it as far as getting that part,set up right so this is everything,having to do with setting up the,business account making sure that the uh,the pixels are already set up and,running and then finally you have some,more information towards how data,sharing Works uh how to set up,conversion ads and how to make sure that,your ads are properly optimized okay so,that's what this uh training covers it's,just the basics now of course then the,next training what we want to talk about,is how do we go ahead and start creating,ads like how do we go through the ad,funnel process I want to make this a,series but before I make this a series I,need help from you guys I need to make,sure that you demolish that like button,because what that does to the algorithm,is that it makes it so that more people,can view this Channel or this video,specifically and also what it does is,that it helps me out so that I could go,ahead and say okay you guys want more of,this Tick Tock stuff I'm gonna give it,to you because you guys are pressing the,like you guys are pressing the Subscribe,and you're adding comments below,comments do help us out so based on you,help me out I help you out can we make,this deal can we make this deal right,I'm not asking for money can we make,this deal uh that's all I'm asking for,so uh please go ahead and demolish that,like button and and share a comment let,me know what you think of this video if,you want me to go ahead and through the,funnel process of creating an ad,campaign let me know so I could create a,part two otherwise see you soon

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