how to make a logo for shopify

How to Create a LOGO Design for Shopify Dropshipping Store for FREE lovely so now we're up to step 2

How to Create a LOGO Design for Shopify Dropshipping Store for FREE

The above is a brief introduction to how to make a logo for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make a logo for shopify

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How to Create a LOGO Design for Shopify Dropshipping Store for FREE

lovely so now we're up to step 2 and,this is creating a logo now logo is a,very important element to building your,own business online so we need to spend,a bit of time but there's a couple of,quick and easy ways that we can do it to,make a nice logo for ourselves without a,huge amount of work so let's get,straight into what that is,all right lovely so you can just go to a,website known as okay you can,google that canva all right and you've,got all right so you can get,started with that and you will be taken,to a default screen I should say like,this and all I did was I type in the,word logo okay and it comes up with a,number of different ideas okay and that,we can use to start with the creation of,our logo now I've gone for the name,blend for life so I want something that,gives that nice vibrant feel that good,warm happy vibe that we'll be wanting to,try and aim at okay obviously we don't,want to try and be aiming at dogs we,want to try and aim at something that,just looks like this or there we go like,that that's unique it seems a bit more,vintage I'm gonna have a bit more of a,look and see what I can try and find,something that catches my attention this,is nice as well I like that one okay you,want to try and find something with a,little bit of a unique design that,encompasses who and what you're about,because the the logo help represent who,you are long term I like that one too,and then once you've gone through and,you've had a look oh I really like that,one that one's very nice you then choose,one the logo is a very important element,to your business you should always be,very mindful of that because it's what,people will remember about you and who,you are so I really like this one I am,actually going with this one,all right so then we the good thing is,we've done the template so we put in,blend for life okay and I'm gonna move,this I'm gonna delete this other one I'm,gonna make it a bit larger again we can,always resize this if need be but and,it's Center eyes okay so I might make,the text a little bit smaller I do want,it on one line,okay so let's that's better oh no it's,not,72-64 there we go all right so now we,have a nice logo okay now it's just now,we want to keep that together I just,like the way that feels that really nice,vibrant feel about it and we're just,going to go with that you can add a,little bit of extra elements in that to,it as well that's what's incredibly good,about canva you can add a lot of,different things okay to it and you can,easily swap and change as you sort of,see fit,they have many free things within this,that you can use to help build your logo,but for now we're just going to start,with that and we can download it okay,and you can download it as a PNG which I,would recommend you do PNG files are,best for that we just close that okay,and now we have successfully made our,logo now to upload the logo I'm going to,show you that once we get once you've,installed the new theme and get that all,set up accordingly but if you ever want,to make a logo just use canva com is,extremely quick extremely easy and free,I recommend that you should all use that,to help make your logo let's move on to,the next step step number three is to,install de beautify okay this is a,hundred percent free theme that allows,you to have pretty much a perfectly,branded store all set up out of the box,within a minute and it's completely free,so I'm going to show you how to install,that how to get that set up now really,quick really easy so that we can get our,store set up and start looking at,importing products,you

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