hey what's going on everybody um this is,a video tutorial that i'm putting,together to essentially walk through the,new shopify monitors that were added to,the collection family discord of raffy,collects um if you are watching this,video off of youtube please consider,checking out raffy's channel in the,description below and also subscribe,if you are outside of the collection,family discord and would like to have,access to these monitors you can get all,these shopify monitors for only two,bucks a month by being a youtube member,to raffy uh this deal is actually it's,very cheap especially compared to other,cook groups that have these shopify,monitors already set in place,but without further ado let's pretty,much just get right into it,upon joining you will notice that if,you're a free member you'll have only,access to certain channels here but if,you become a youtube member you will,have the aio shopify monitors and the,shopify monitors category um the first,thing i want to discuss and talk through,is how these work,so these monitors are an external thing,that's provided to us by a service what,they do is they essentially scrape,shopify websites,to find new products as they are loaded,on the website and when they find a new,product they are automatically sent into,the monitors themselves this is a very,very very useful tool and i'm hoping,that everybody can get some good use out,of it,if you're a member of the collection,family discord,again so to have access to these shopify,monitors,you need to go to the collection family,discord if you do not have access to the,collection family discord feel free to,hop in in some of rafi's live stream,videos and he'll pretty much just send,the vid send the link out to the discord,upon request,but once you have joined the,discord itself and you are paying the,two dollar uh per month uh youtube,membership to raffy uh you can actually,you need to connect your youtube um,to discord and there's a channel in here,that's called youtube membership and,rafi put together a tutorial on how to,actually establish that connection,sometimes it is finicky you either have,to connect it,on your device or connect it,on pc so you can actually,get the youtube membership by typing,question mark member and any of the,channels themselves and the abot will,come back and just provide the the link,to become a,member to raffy collects also i did add,the link in the description below so if,you do want to become a youtube member,to raffy feel free to join in,or you can always just join in on the,streams,and just by clicking the little join,button,so,once everything is completed you become,a youtube member you completed all the,previous steps um like i said earlier,the thing you will notice is this,there's this new little youtube members,thing that's a general chat,general announcements that we'll put in,only this youtube members area another,little short monitor guides and tips and,voice chat channel but the biggest,things obviously are these two,categories here we have,the aio shopify monitors as well as the,shopify monitors,um,so actually what we're going to do is,we're going to go ahead and start with,the filtered us,so i'm going to run through each of,these and describe what they are if you,want a quick short description you can,click on monitor's guides and tips and i,have pretty much all the descriptions of,the shopify channel breakdowns as well,as the shopify monitor stuff that are,under here,um so filtered us in my personal opinion,this is going to be your best friend so,anything that is released anything on,any website across the board,that comes through a filtered keyword,will show up here so as we can see uh,cream321 uh the the website at 2 10p 201,pm or you can look in the footer here at,201 pm,completely released uh the barbershop,dunk and they released it in all these,sizes here,so filtered us is a very useful very,useful tool i always recommend it as you,can see just personally i usually have,all the others muted and just have,filtered on,because throughout the day i'll,typically just have this open in the,background and i'll keep an eye out um,this is also useful if you are,if a big shoe is releasing um and you,need to you're not really sure what,website to go for at 10 a.m eastern time,this is the this is the um site for you,to pretty much go through and and check,out as easy as you can um,so moving on to the next one unfiltered,us very cluttered channel,um that basically just has everything,that comes up on any shopify website,it's something i would recommend not,watching because on a typically on a,weekday this thing is flying with,updates that are coming because websites,are dropping many different things even,from socks so socks and stuff will show,up here,filtered eu and unfiltered eu,essentially are the exact same thing but,they are catered toward our eu friends,that have those links and websites so,all these websites under these two will,be for europe,so i'm in the u.s so i just pretty much,will use these two the next thing in,here is checkpoint uh so checkpoint is,actually something that is phenomenal,and is very very useful because what a,checkpoint is is it's any time that a,website loads a captcha page so when you,typically add a product to cart you'll,go to a captcha page we have to solve a,captcha and then you'll go to checkout,the reason that this checkpoint thing is,useful is because if a website like rsvp,gallery loads a checkpoint they,typically load it a few minutes before,they release so this is a perfect way to,say hey this company or this website is,about to drop something i'm going to,keep an eye out,a beautiful thing for this is a website,like gallery excuse me canary,the canary yellow the website the does,off-white restocks um for the off-white,twos i actually was able to get a,personal pair by the use of these,monitors because about 15 minutes before,they restocked all of them they loaded,the checkpoint page and that's just as a,perfect way to say hey i'm going to,watch filtered or unfiltered us,just depending on keywords and make sure,that if it does release i will be able,to be there to actually check it out,um moving over to password uh this is,anytime a website loads a password page,this is something that is very useful,similar to the checkpoint page this will,tell you hey this website's gonna,release something probably um so you can,see here,releases.kith.com at 5 13 a.m they,disabled a password page um and then,they reactivated it so another very,useful thing oftentimes you'll see,travis scott website will load a,password page here that is a perfect way,again to say hey they're going to drop,something i'm going to be ready for it,variance on the other hand is something,that i really don't personally,keep an eye on this is something that,anytime a website loads a product on the,back end but it's not ready for lease,you can have these variants here which,are pretty much just good for bots,but it's essentially a variant is just,the code of the size of product so each,website has its own unique variant um,and it's just if you have a bot you are,familiar probably with what variance,means,um so that's pretty much just the aio,shopify monitors moving over to the,shopify monitor so,this is essentially just another type of,filtered monitor everything that shows,up in unfiltered us will show up in,these but these are catered more toward,websites like undefeated,um and kith,and also products like collectibles um,funko uh there hasn't been any since we,uploaded it and hats so if you're a big,fitted person this is gonna be a perfect,channel for you um and you know if a web,so if some website's gonna release a,fitted that you know of you can keep,this monitor open in the background and,if it loads up in here you can quickly,click one of these links and it will,take you right to that product so you,don't have to worry about trying to find,it on the page,so these are super useful so if you know,that a website is specifically dropping,you can keep an eye on that so say i,know hey undefeated is going to release,this pair at 8 a.m at 7 59 a.m eastern,time i'm going to be on this channel,keeping an eye out and getting ready to,add clicking one of these add to cart,links,um,so,now that was pretty much running through,all of the monitors what they mean what,their uses are and stuff like that the,next thing that i want to go through is,probably the most useful thing of the,shopify monitors and that's the add to,cart links so atc um you'll see right,here atc is another term or it's an,abbreviation for add to cart and so,these are add to cart links and that,essentially grabs the item puts it in,your cart and takes you right to,checkout it's the fastest way to check,out and it is super useful but the first,thing you need to do before you start,using these add to cart links is you,need to set it up,so what you want to do to begin is you,want to just go ahead and click any add,to cart link that you see and upon,clicking that i've got the one already,pulled up you'll come up to this mesh,monitor's website so this is what you,see the first time you ever used it not,loaded not logged in or anything like,that,and this for this what you want to do is,you want to fill out this bottom,autofill section um this autofill,section,i guess if you don't want it you can,just click save,and then you can close out the browser,and use autofill or excuse me use add to,carts but i personally recommend filling,this out with your information this is,super useful because on some websites,it'll automatically fill in all of your,information that you provide here,without you'll have to obviously provide,your,credit card number so,this is a very very useful thing and,this is the first step to getting things,set up,so once you fill out this autofill,section you can go ahead and click save,close out of the browser and so then the,next time you click add to cart um it'll,work as it should so for example let's,say this cream 321 just released to this,dunk low and i want it in a size nine,i'm gonna go ahead and click add to cart,for size nine it's gonna automatically,pull me up to mesh monitors through it,and it would take me to a checkout link,so what i'm gonna do is i'll show you,what it looks like with an actual,product so if we do this,you'll see for this hat it takes me,right to here and since i don't have,anything saved it didn't fill out any,information but it automatically takes,you to the website and it automatically,throws the product in your cart based on,what you click for atc so if i click atc,on a size 9 it'll take a 9 to the cart,10 and a half same thing 11.5 whatever,it is,it's a very very very useful thing,another cool feature about these items,is,if a website releases something you can,actually click on this the title of the,item and it'll take you to the product,page you might come up with it might,pull up this,thing here this is just a discord thing,i would go ahead and just recommend,clicking trust domain so it works faster,and it'll take you right to the product,page on where the release occurred so,this is something that's very very,useful um if you need it or you can also,click copy and you can copy the link so,if you're using a bot and you need to,edit link you can go ahead and just you,can copy the link but we'll get in some,other features with that in a little bit,um the next thing you'll notice on any,of the shopify,blocks is the price this is a really,cool feature i guess these two parts,the price is perfect because it tells,you what the price of the item is um and,a lot of times it's also this little,blurb here will tell you if the new,product is available for purchase or if,a product loaded,one thing to keep an eye out for price,is sometimes they will have numbers that,are very very very out there for example,a website like limited has a price of i,think that's a million dollars,um,no hundred thousand so if you have a,hundred like a product that's a hundred,thousand if i just go ahead and open,this product page um you'll actually see,that it says oh it says 213 dollars and,actually that's a really good deal um,so sometimes they will say that don't,worry about it but other companies like,from a company like in mexico releases,pairs and they usually are at weird,prices um i would recommend staying away,from those generally though,um the next feature on these so other,than the add to cart link you also have,these qt1 and qt 2 links these are super,useful they just mean quick task 1 and,quick task 2 and they are essentially,something that you set up when you get,to this link here if you want and you,have a bot you can use qt1qt2 which just,means quick task and you can set that up,based on if you have a certain bot and,you click bot1 or bot2 so for example if,i have project destroyer i'd click,project destroyer click bot1 and save,and so that essentially what that will,do is if i have a bot and it's running,in the background i can click qt1 on a,size 10 and it will automatically take,that link and paste it into my bot and,get it automatically running so,it basically just quickly makes that,task for you on the bot it's super,useful,now i'm going to get to the bottom part,which is the links section,these are super useful qt essentially,quick task if you click on that that,essentially will just take you to this,page so if you need to make any edits,click on qt or i would recommend,clicking on setup those are pretty much,the same things that will take you to,that page,mlc this is only useful if you use a bot,mlc means mass link change and what that,essentially does is it's going to take,all the tasks that you have loaded and,it's oops,and it's going to take exactly what this,link is here and paste it into your pot,so that's only useful and i would only,say worry about that if you have a,sneaker bot,um the other really awesome features,about this is i'm gonna find a good,product to do it with let's do it this,on this guy um there's these two other,links down here that says stockx and,ebay these are super useful so if a,thing loads if an item loads up and,you're not sure whether or not you want,to buy it if you're trying to flip,products and resell things,you can click stockx and it'll take the,product name and search it right into,stockx i'll show that right here,so it just took exactly the product page,and this is the product right here so i,can quickly go ahead and see hey how,much is this worth and things like that,so that's a super useful thing and same,thing with ebay,so that pretty much concludes the,portion of what the monitors are what,they do how to use them and things like,that but now what i want to go through,is how,like to actually talk about how and,where these monitors are super useful,and how to use them to their full,potential,so,like i said earlier when it comes to,release day,when it comes to release day and let's,say for no specific website at a random,drop time i would recommend watching,this filtered us list because anytime a,release or an item shows um chances most,chances are is it's going to pop up here,and when it shows up on this page here,you can go ahead and click add to cart,for the size you want and it'll take you,right in and um so it's just a really,quick feedback here,unfortunately however you are still,fighting bots um who preload a cue,typically beforehand if they know,of a release,so you still have to fight through that,queue,but nonetheless this will help you find,the product page quicker and go right to,checkout without having to select a size,on the product page,um,another perfect example in where this is,useful so it if there is a time where,for example undefeated is releasing a,shoe at 8 am i would personally,recommend sitting right on this,undefeated channel and watching their,page at 7 59 uh any time before the,release um and you'll see the product,load here it's a perfect way to just,basically get less clutter because um if,you watch these on a weekday like i said,earlier,these will be flooded with information,at like 10 a.m eastern and they're,you'll be trying to click on a link and,everything's going to be flying on your,screen because more things are being,loaded across every shopify website,um,moving into the next guy um,i want to also talk about honestly how,these are like,super super useful when paired with the,apple pay method,um if you are unfamiliar with the apple,pay method we actually have a quick,tutorial of that in if you go to the,important tab if you're in the discord,if you go up in this type right top,right corner and click pinned messages,you can scroll down and you can see that,i'd put together a little guide on how,to use the apple pay method on,undefeated as well as other websites,like canary yellow,those are super useful if you are on,a mobile device on discord like an,iphone,go to the important tab and swipe to the,right swap excuse me swipe from right to,left and that will pull up pretty much,the members list but at the top of that,you will go ahead and see a pin messages,thing click on that read through it and,it's something that is super useful,and undefeated is the best for that,so,these monitors come,really come in best handy when paired,with that apple pay method on websites,like undefeated,that sometimes restock pairs often on,the release day,so what i recommend is signing into,undefeated first and then watching,undefeated channel at the drop time um,and run and basically click add to cart,the item might come up as sold out but,keep refreshing the page until you can,get to that apple pay screen and check,out accordingly,this is really helpful again it'll take,you right to the product page,and you can attempt to use the apple pay,method um another thing too is you can,keep an eye on the shopify monitors is,basically to,to be notified for a release too so,that's something that's also very useful,what i had mentioned about undefeated,oftentimes they actually restock items,so if i go to undefeated here we can see,that when they released foam runners,you can use the monitors to your,advantage to see,all of the restocks that they release on,this on,6-16 so you can see they keep restocking,it and it's the beautiful way to be able,to see hey sizes are still being loaded,continue to try and that's where this,will instead say back in stock meaning,they're restocking um so that's a super,useful thing um,other times,another place where this is useful is,sometimes sites like kif will actually,load up a product and have the link,ready but the stock officially never,drops um this is a nice way to just say,hey a release might come,and i have a perfect example of that so,if i go to,in this other discord kith.us,we can see um,on,whichever day this is here i don't see,the the thing at the bottom but we can,see that,kiff had loaded up this website again,for the travis scott air max 1 and it,says new product added,but we can see there's no add to cart,links like this up above that means that,hey they loaded the product on the back,end get ready because it might release,so that's another thing that's just to,keep a heads up up for and if one of us,mods see something like this we can tag,everyone and say hey fyi keep an eye on,the kif monitor because they might be,releasing something um,unfortunately,like i mentioned earlier we we don't,control what shows up and filtered and,unfiltered,but another way that this is useful,sometimes for example like the uh the,union dunk for example or the union,cortez sometimes they will show up in,unfiltered that doesn't match the preset,filters,and keywords that the monitor provider,has set in place,so with that said sometimes if it's a,non-jordan release or a non-dunk release,like i said for the union cortez you'll,want to keep an eye on unfiltered u.s um,and i think i could probably just uh,find it to find an example maybe,um,like here you can see kith they,restocked the um union uh nike union,cortez um and again this would show up,in unfiltered and not filtered just,because,uh cortez is not a keyword that the,monitors have set in place it's also,something that we can't control,unfortunately,but that essentially concludes the,entire tutorial and walkthrough of these,monitors i apologize that this was,was long i'm going to try to split,everything up in the video so that it,can maybe be easier to look back and,watch um and jump to each part in the,process but this is something that is um,going to be super useful it's here to,stay and you know like i said if you're,interested and want to have access to,these shopify monitors check out raffy,collects again the link for his web his,channel um is in the description below,as well as uh his join membership,channel so keep an eye out um discord,we're open for members in the discord uh,we're currently,we are always accepting new members um,and if you want to have access to these,again it is two bucks a month and that,is through the youtube membership by,linking your youtube account to discord,from discord to youtube um so again that,pretty much concludes this video um,my name is vinnie so if you ever see me,in chat say what's up um and if you ever,have any questions you can always um,either one message one of us mods or you,can open a support ticket here and we,will um reply and hopefully help you out,as promptly as possible,but with that i hope to see you guys in,the discord and i hope this was a useful,and helpful,guide to be able to use them there are,some other guides like i mentioned that,are already posted,but hopefully this can be more in depth,and teach you tips and tricks on how to,use them um and uh and yeah and i also,might be releasing some videos of me,checking out uh through the use of these,add to cart links so,be on the lookout for that and uh and,yeah well thank you guys all so much for,watching and i will catch you guys later
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