yo what's going on guys,welcome back to the channel my name is,nick tario and today i have an exciting,new video for you guys,we'll be going into how to scale a,multi-product,store so before we get started make sure,you hit that like button,and hit that subscribe button for new,videos every other day,just like this one so let's get started,guys,okay so i've been getting a lot of,questions on how exactly to scale,a multi-product store so i completely,understand you have a lot of products on,your site,and you know with structuring a specific,like account structure on your facebook,ads where you do a top of funnel,campaign,middle funnel campaign a bottom a funnel,campaign and then a pass,purchases campaign it's very hard to,figure out exactly you know do i create,100 different type of funnel campaigns,and 100 different middle funnel,campaigns you know one,per product so it's really hard to,figure out how exactly to structure your,ad account and i completely understand,i've been there before,and i've really realized through this,that i've been,too close to the problem and it's hard,for me to really widen my perspective,so this video is going to do just that,it's a wider new perspective a little,bit about,having a multi product store and the,best way,to scale one so the first thing you got,to realize is,facebook ads is all about acquiring,customers,at good cost and having a system in the,back end to nurture those,customers to where you're not completely,reliant just on facebook ads so what you,want to do is you want to really focus,on,okay what products are selling best,right now,with facebook ads what is my best,sellers with,facebook ads specifically so this way,you're starting to realize okay hey with,these few products,we're crushing it atop a funnel and,let's just focus on those few products,stop,forcing and trying to stress out to get,these other products,that are not selling to sell atop a,funnel or metal funnel or obama funnel,with facebook ads focus on getting,customers in,with those few products and you're gonna,lead with your best sellers,so instead of trying to stress really,hard hey i need to have all of these,products promoted top of funnel,okay let's focus on what's working best,and let's,focus on keeping those products in stock,focusing on creating new angles getting,more content with it getting more,creatives and stuff like that so that,way we can,keep it fresh for the algorithms because,if you just keep running the same ad,over and over you're gonna run into ad,fatigue and then your whole account's,gonna start you know coming down,so focus on those three four products,some people it's one product some people,it's two products some people it's ten,products,focus on those products and really push,them on top of funnel and facebook ads,and keep,scaling your business if you're running,low on inventory order more,products and what it's going to do is,it's going to really allow you to scale,really hard,really fast because they're they're hot,products they work really well you're,going to acquire customers at good cost,because you're going to you know you're,going off their top of fun we're going,to have 30 people who've never heard of,your brand and,you want to focus on just getting,customers to your brand acquiring those,customers into your brand now once,you've done that,now it's all about okay what do i do,with these customers so i've built up a,list of a few thousand customers they've,always purchased for me i was profitable,the front end but,if you just let that with liv if you,just let that list sit there and do,nothing,it's when it becomes unprofitable so,because that list just sits there you,don't do anything to those customers and,those customers purchase once you have a,lifetime value of just your initial,purchase and that's,it so now what you want to focus on is,your customer retention,your customer frequency getting,customers to purchase,more from you and when you start to,focus on that,you're gonna need products to position,in front of these customers these,existing customers,and where you can get those products,it's the other products on your store,so start positioning those products in,front of your existing customers,use email list use loyalty programs,use you know bundle and save type things,to where if someone comes and purchase,this they also,you'll get this and save run sales and,exclusive offers to your existing,customers,run facebook ad campaigns you do tick,tock campaigns and all that,to your existing customers so that way,you're getting them to purchase,more and your customer frequency if this,is something that you've never focused,on may go from like a 1.2,all the way to 2 to 3x and then you're,going to start focusing on the higher,level,picture that hey i'm simply using these,paid advertising tools to get new people,into the brand i care less what they,purchase just they're purchasing,something we either,break even up front or we have a little,bit of profit up front but that's,totally okay for the first sale you know,if you look at a grocery store and a,grocery store they offer like,you know 100 to 200 in free gas if you,sign up for their credit card or their,loyalty program,like what the hell you know but the cust,the grocery store,is not looking at that 50 bucks you,spent that day they're looking at the,next,year of you coming back into that store,every single day i know for me i'll,spend 50,a week at my grocery store and if they,give me 100 of free gas,my first sale you know for their for my,first buy with them,imagine the next 52 weeks next year's,worth of me coming back and spending 50,bucks every day at their store or every,week at their store they look they're,looking the next few years because they,know that,as long as they keep a good service i'm,not going to switch grocery stores like,crazy i'm going to keep coming back,my parents been going to the same,grocery store the last five six years,so imagine that with your brand you know,getting customers in at good cost,focusing on those few best sellers to,really get customers in and that way you,can scale,really aggressively and if you start,running low on products simply just put,more product into your store more,inventory store not necessarily the,product,but you know you have three or four best,sellers keep that inventory full,keep buying more inventory and that way,you can scale it aggressively and if,it's a seasonal thing,then you know say if you run a clothing,brand and it's a seasonal thing whereas,you know you only have these pants in,once a year then figure out,how to have a year-long season you know,yes you can do your seasonal drops but,also have a few products you keep in,year round these are called evergreen,products these products excel,consistently over and over and allows,you to keep acquiring customers,and then then focus on increasing,customer frequency how to keep getting,them in more,to purchase more well we have other,products you know if you're a seasonal,clothing brand you are going to rely,purely on this type of structure you'll,have a few of your,evergreen products that you keep pushing,every day you can scale scale scale,scale,and then you have your drops well every,time we drop we hype up the customer,list we hype up our email list and stuff,and we get people to keep coming back to,purchase more clothing brands have some,of the highest customer frequencies,and if you're a one product shop you,know for example laser hair removal or,you know you sell gaming chairs where,your customers are coming purchase the,gaming chair they're not going to come,back and purchase a new gaming chair,every season or every month but what you,can do is,is you can create more products that go,around that,so for example a gaming chair that's,their first purchase then the second,purchase is maybe a headrest a better,headrest,you know maybe your original one doesn't,have it and this now you have a cut,headrest you can put on it maybe,instead of a you know a gaming chair or,instead of a headrest you can go in and,you know have an led kit that you know,hooks up to the chair and stuff like,that,to where you know it's an upsell so 200,and that's another thing a customer can,come and purchase,so a customer come purchase a few,hundred dollars more parts and stuff,like that to upgrade the chair,then you know you're scaling,aggressively you don't want a hundred,five hundred thousand dollars a month,revenue what else can we launch that,fits around that gaming chair well we,can launch a new line yes but it wasn't,really someone really supplement,you know new customers or existing,customers but what about other parts,inside of their gaming you know,ecosystem so a better desk you know a,better,mic you know just different things and,products and stuff,you can circulate around their initial,purchase,to get them to purchase more so there's,a lot of strategy that's involved it's a,lot of thinking time that's involved,and you really got to think about the,customer and what other stuff you can,give,them because they want to purchase from,you they had a great experience which,you did really a lot of work to get them,to come and purchase from you once they,want to purchase from you again,and it's 10 times more likely an,existing customer will purchase from you,versus a new customer a new customer,it's not going to purchase from you the,same way an,existing customer will existing customer,is 10 times more likely to purchase from,you,versus an existing customer and some,people have a limiting belief because,they work so hard they got this customer,you they send their product and stuff,and some people have this limiting,belief and,i think it just comes around you know if,they're they're starting out you know,they only have a lot of money you know,with their shopify store and stuff i'm,talking about shopify owner right now,they only have a lot of money they work,their hard,they're breaking even them up so they,have a scarcity mindset right now and if,they have a scarcity mindset they,reflect that,view on their customers so if they're,thinking hey i'm barely affording gas,this week they're thinking their,customers are going to purchase their,product and they're also struggling that,same situation,which is not the case and when you're,constantly thinking about that,it's going to prevent you from,increasing your prices it's going to,prevent you from adding other options,you know at the checkout so you can,increase aov,it's going to prevent you from hey you,know purchaser wants from that brand,you know that i might not i'm likely not,going to have enough money so,that way when we drop other products,that,they're not going to purchase from the,beginning because they're thinking their,customers in that same mindset too and,that's not the case,customers want to purchase from you,again so lead with your best sellers,keep those in stock keep focusing on,those and how we can really,scale those really high influencers,facebook ads all that good stuff really,push that,hard and really focus on those inventory,levels and stuff like that,and over time you might have more and,more best sellers you can add to that,list,and going back to like the facebook,account structure what i'd simply do is,have my,creative testing campaign my audience,testing campaign and i'll have my,scaling campaign that's it,three campaigns for you know maybe a few,hundred products in a store and,i just keep adding you know so like for,example we have best you know our best,creatives going our scaling campaign our,best audiences all of our best stuff,going that skilling campaign and what we,do is,is we might have three creatives in that,scaling campaign and each one may be a,different product,because those are our three bestsellers,they're performing really well across,that account let's just put those,together and then we'll let facebook,decide,you know hey which one gets all the spin,so that's a few different ways to where,you can really,hammer down and scale your e-commerce,brand this is something that,i i you know i it took me almost a year,to realize this,not gonna lie it took me a while to,realize this and i've realized that,when you start viewing this from the,perspective of we're just acquiring,customers with facebook ads,that's it that's all we're focusing on,and we have retention programs in the,back to maximize profit that's how you,build,a multi-million dollar e-commerce brand,that's how you're gonna,build a brand that completely,revolutionizes you know the industry and,everything of how you build and all that,stuff so hope this video was helpful,guys,it knows a lot just sit down and talk,and just kind of bring you guys some,value and stuff some strategy and,everything,and a little bit more strategy intense,because you know while we can focus a,lot on the other stuff like,audience overlaps and you know better,creatives and stuff there's some stuff,that we just need to look from a,different perspective of higher,perspective and that's what this video,is for,so if you're an e-commerce brand owner,and you're spending at least a thousand,dollars a day and paid,advertising and would like help on,scaling further,maybe to spend a few thousand dollars a,day maybe trying to crush 400 to 500 000,per month in revenue and make sure you,click the link below let's schedule a,call with us together and we can discuss,how we can help you continue to grow,your brand if you're new to the channel,or and you enjoyed this video make sure,that like button and hit that subscribe,button post new videos every other day,just like this one well guys about that,time my name is nicktario hope you,enjoyed this video i'll talk to you guys,later,peace
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