tiktok ads center

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How to Create a TikTok Ads Account & Business Center

how's it going everybody corbin here,from zoco marketing in today's video i'm,going to be walking you through how to,set up a tick tock business center and,how to create a tick tock ads account,and how to link up your tick tock ads,account to that tick tock business,center now for those who are wondering,on why you might may want a tick tock,business center the most common reason,is that you are running multiple tick,tock ad accounts say you are an agency,or you have multiple ad accounts that,you want to manage all under one roof,that is essentially the reason why you'd,want to set up a tick tock ad center,also if you are just managing one,account i do recommend setting this up,because it's just kind of clean hygiene,it's an easy way to give people access,to different different settings and,things like that essentially a tick tock,business center is the equivalent of a,facebook business manager if you're,familiar with the facebook world and,here's what tic toc has to say about the,business center on essentially why,people would consider doing it is one is,for the collaboration centralization all,of your assets are on one place and then,accountability you can control who has,permission to those assets as well so,there's lots of different reasons on why,you'd want to set up a tick tock,business center but basically like i'm,saying i recommend everybody sets up the,tick tock business center and then,creates their ad account and attaches it,there so i'm going to show you exactly,how to um do this so the first thing,you're going to want to do is come over,here to,www.tiktok.com forward slash business,i'll link this down below as well so you,can just go through and click that link,you're going to see something like that,looks like this we're going to click in,this top right hand corner create new,and if for whatever reason you've,already created a ad account then no,worries i'm going to show you how you,can link up that ad account directly to,your,business center account as well so i'm,going to go through and add these,details real quick in here,and once you get to this point it's,going to ask for you uh for a,verification code to send your email so,you got to send that over you got to,pick the shapes,so we got here objects that are the same,shape we've got k and k we're going to,hit confirm,verification complete and then now it's,going to send a,a code to our email so we're going to go,and grab that real quick once you have,that verification code in your email,just copy that inside there and then,we're going to sign up it is worth,noting as well you can sign up through,tick tock directly or with a phone,number if you'd like if you don't want,to use your email but we're going to use,email for here we're going to click on,these terms and then if you want to get,emails from tick tock you can keep this,checked i'm going to uncheck it we're,going to hit sign up okay and now we are,going to go through and create our,account so i am in the united states i'm,going to keep that as is industry i'm,going to call this e-commerce,and it asks for even more we're going to,say closing shoes this is just a test,account so we're going to keep it at,that and then business name we'll call,it house to home diy and then,our time zone i am located,american denver and phone number and,currency and once again we agree to the,terms and services and hit register,now it's going to go through and ask for,a couple of different other descriptions,to describe your business,okay so we went through and added our,website and then it's asking for billing,information so i'm going to add in some,billing information real quickly,or billing address sorry,and then here is kind of an important,thing depending on how you want to get,billed you can either do automatic,payment where you essentially add your,credit card and when you hit a certain,payment threshold tick tock will charge,your credit card or if you wanted to,only say oh i only want to charge 100 no,matter what that way it doesn't go over,you could add a manual payment,so that that way the card never gets,charged any more than you want it to i'm,going to keep it on automatic payments,for now we're going to hit next,and then here it's going to walk you,through and ask you if you want,simplified mode or custom mode i,recommend custom mode because it gives,you more options inside of the platform,and i do have full tutorials on that,tick tock ads if you're you're wondering,you can check out the links down below,to get resources to learn tic tac ad so,we're going to go into custom,and then now we are finally going to be,brought to our actual campaign it's,going to drop you into like start,building out a campaign which you could,start doing if you'd like but i want to,go back over here to the dashboard so,now we have successfully created our,ads account but now we want to go,through and add this ad account to a,business,business center account and how you do,that is once you're inside of your ad,acco

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads center

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How to create Tiktok Ads Manager and Business Center

How to create Tiktok Ads Manager and Business Center

hello and welcome to my channel take,your social media marketing pills,i hope you will enjoy the video and that,in the end you will learn something new,and useful,before to start i would really,appreciate if you could follow my,channel,and like the video so,in this video we're gonna talk about how,to create,a tick tock ad account and business,center,then we are gonna see how to set up,the ticktock account and the business,center,in the end we are gonna see how to,add and manage tick-tock account,and permission of your staff inside the,business center,so let's get started first thing to do,is to visit the link at,tick tock,we will have this page and we will click,in the top right on get started,we will choose our email address the,email address that we want to use,to sign up to tick-tock,for business otherwise we could also use,our phone number so,i add my email,then i choose password,i confirm the password,and then i click on send code here in,order to have,an email with verification code,now you will have a verification,uh we have to simply drag the slider,to fit the puzzle and here we are,so now we will receive at the email,provided,the email selected a code,that we are gonna use we are gonna add,inside here,i already got mine which is this one,will be a one-time code just,to verify that you're using,an existing any email,we click on tiktoka's terms a condition,and privacy policy and we can sign up so,this is a first little,setup of our tick tock ad account,we are gonna choose first our country,region in this case,united states our industry in my case,it's an ecommerce,clothing and shows business name,we are gonna just put the name,of my terminal,then we can choose the time zone that we,prefer,we can select our phone number,now i will put a random one just to,have it and we can choose the currency,that we want lastly,we we are we're gonna um click again,on terms and condition platform payment,terms and advertising guidelines,then we can click on register,cool now as before for the email,we will have a verification also for the,phone number,so once we arrive at this page,we just need to um,to click on send code and we will,receive,an sms with a small code that we need to,put here,and verify,okay so if you arrived here you have,created your tiktok ads manager,your tick tock account and we can start,to set it up,the first thing you will see is this,information regarding,ios 14 new policy that may affect your,your ads um either for tick tock but,super for other social media marketing,platform,but we will talk about this in depth in,another video,so stay tuned on my channel and watch,the video that will be uploaded in the,next weeks,so usually i don't set up,my business the business of my clients,in this page,but i prefer to do it here so we click,on the logo on the top right,side and we go on account,info,so here we will have the the full setup,for the account in order to have it,ready to go,because in this status you just created,it but is,not ready yet to create the ads,so we are gonna put a website link,an address of our business so,for,new york,postal code,you can choose if you are an agency or,not,in my case i'm not and the payment,method,once we click on submit,the account will be under review,as you can see by clicking here on,account setup,on the left column you can see that the,account,is under review once you will see,the account status in good to go it,means that your account is ready,and you can go on with your tick tock,ads,or creating the pixel and so on,usually it takes really few minutes so,for example,if you refresh three times you should,already see,that the account is ready let's try as,you can see,the account is already good to go so we,can use it,to create our ads or to set up our pixel,and so on so what we will do,now is to talk about the business center,so how to create it and how to set up,the business center itself as you can,see here,we have all our information the,information about our business,the contacts the owner and the payment,method,now we can go to create and set up our,business center,which is another important part of our,tick tock for business,so we go again on the top,right side of the screen and we click,on the back logo which is the business,center part,we will have another window,where we can create,the tick tock business center,so here we are as you can see,um since the account is new when we have,just created,we can create a new business center,so we just put again the name,of my channel,take your,pills time zone again,let's put new york and we can,create our business manager it's very,easy as it is,here now we have created our business,center,we can go inside or create more,business center,in this case i want to show you how it,looks,and especially once we have created it,how to add other accounts and also,manage the stuff you know for example,if you have someone working for you who,creates for example the pixel or,who manage uh your tick tock hats,this is the part

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Complete TikTok Creative Center Tutorial #business #marketing #tiktokads #tiktokviral #advertising

Complete TikTok Creative Center Tutorial #business #marketing #tiktokads #tiktokviral #advertising

what's good YouTube Welcome Back to the,channel this is marketing with Deb make,sure you guys give me a like comment and,subscribe and turn on the Bell,notifications so you can be notified,every time I post a video just like this,and you want to be notified when I post,videos like this because these videos,are going to help you grow your business,in turn which is going to help grow your,bank account right and that's exactly,what we want to do as business owners we,want to help more people and of course,make more money in the process so,without further Ado what we're going to,be talking about today is The Tick Tock,ads creative center now what even is,that so The Tick Tock creative Center is,a giant library of all of The Tick Tock,ads that are currently running right now,so if you're a smart Advertiser you will,be spending a lot of time here because,you can get so much insights on Trends,on different kinds of angles people are,using and so many different things just,by analyzing your competition analyzing,other people in the marketplace and,seeing what they're doing and how you,can possibly implement limit some of the,strategies that they're doing and,improve your business in the process,right so without further Ado let's go on,this field trip and I'll take you guys,into the tick tock ads creative Center,show you guys how to do it what to look,for and how you can Implement certain,things to help grow your business and,make better ads let's go,what's up guys and welcome into the,field trip to the tick tock ads creative,Center so you guys can get here by going,to ads.ticktock.com or you can also get,there by just typing in Tick Tock,creative Center on Google so right now,we're on the home page and this is where,all of the ads are going to be so,this is such an important tool because,you can literally just go through all of,these ads take your notes pay attention,to all the different Trends all the,different sounds all the effects the way,they're transitioning you guys can,literally just take advantage of all of,these other advertisers who are spending,money on ads so you know if they're,spending money on ads they put a lot of,time energy and effort into trying to,make a good ad right so you can,literally just look through all these,ads get inspiration see what's working,see what's not working and things like,that so for example let's take a look at,some of these ads while we're here,foreign,so you see they're using a sound oh my,God oh my God they just keep saying oh,my God every single time right so if you,are a business owner you're an,entrepreneur you can say okay well this,sound is doing well right so how can I,potentially use this sound for my,business and you see how he's doing a,lot of quick transitions showing a lot,of different scenes so that's another,thing you can take note of and when we,click on this ad we are provided with,even more insight right so we can,actually look at some of the data that,this ad was actually kicking up while it,was running so at the top we see the,region they're from the United States,the industry is home decor the objective,for this campaign was a convergence,campaign obviously the source is Tick,Tock ads manager this picked up 58 likes,two comments and four shares so far but,if we go here so we can literally look,at the click-through rates we can look,at the CVR we can look at the clicks,conversions all these different types of,data points that we can look at to see,okay well they created their ad like,this and it performed kind of well or it,didn't perform kind of well whatever it,is and you can kind of see if that's,something that you want to also try if,that's a strategy you want to try if,that's a sound you want to try it that's,an effect you want to try whatever the,case may be,but not only do you have the,availability to look at the creative,itself you can also look at some of the,data to help you best make a decision so,again we can look through here there's a,graph it'll show you,um The Click through rates and all these,other metrics so when you guys are going,through these make sure you guys are,actually taking the time going through,all of these different things but make,sure they're in your industry or in your,Niche or something related so you can,kind of get a feel for what works in,your industry right so if you're not at,home decor then this may not be helpful,for you but if you're in another,industry you can search that industry,and look for those ads now let's do a,search on here to see what will happen,if we search up something specific right,so a popular thing on Tick Tock is the,hashtag Tick Tock made me buy it there,are a lot of products that get,advertised using this hashtag right so,let's check out that hashtag Tick Tock,made me buy it,okay so we made that search and now we,got 500 results for all of the ads that,are using this hashtag right so let's,take a look at a couple,that actually looked pretty cool but,again pay attention to the sound pay,att

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Hai inilah satu fiturnya kalau misalkan,teman-teman pengen lihat ya dari eh,softlens yang ada di shopeepay nih Nah,ini adalah tampilannya disini tiktok,shopping klik aja di situ terus klik di,bagian scan kode QR ini Oke kita,langsung pergi ke bagian tips Manager,disini kita akan lihat untuk menyahut,nah ini kita udah masuk ke Kayla Store,tentang menjaga kita tinggal klik saja,buat iklan disini dan kita lihat apakah,sudah ada fitur software cesnya ataupun,belum ia tailaso itu saya udah buat tadi,ya di awal di bagian sini untuk,menyakini dah kita buat barusan ya Nah,kita tunggu dan disini sudah langsung,kebuka softcasenya,Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi,wabarokatuh Halo semuanya dan selamat,datang kembali di channel saya di video,kali ini saya ingin menjawab banyaknya,pertanyaan teman-teman mengenai tiktok,at salah satu pertanyaan yang sering,ditanyakan adalah bagaimana caranya Dang,ngebuka pintu shopchest yang ada di tik,tok Hai nah ini dalam satu pintu yang,lagi rame dibahas di beberapa grup,munculnya G grup WA bahkan yuk Facebook,teman-temannya dan sebagian pengiklan,dicekek juga ini mengetahui cara membuka,file tersebut untuk membukanya mungkin,beragam yakni pengiklan ada yang ikutan,kelas online bahkan ada yang menggunakan,jasa untuk membuka pintu tersebut di,video kali ini saya ingin bahas juga,fitur yang software sini Bagaimana cara,membukanya step by stepnya dan apa yang,harus dipersiapkan dalam video kali ini,ada 3 cara untuk membuka pintu software,sini dan buat temen-temen yang pengen,tahu caranya menggok disimak sampai,selesai ya untuk video kali ini nah,sebelum dibahas temennya ketiga tahapan,tersebut disini Saya ingin ngasih tahu,dulu sedikit tentang Software sini dalam,fitur software sini ada dua yaitu live,shopping dan video shopping nah Let's,shopping itu digunakan untuk Libya kalau,misalkan teman-teman website Ming Bisa,ngikat menggunakan software sini dan,kalau misalkan teman-teman mau ngiklan,produk pakai konten baik itu yang dari,selebgram influencer ataupun yang,lainnya itu bisa dikaitkan menggunakan,soft kita sini Apa perbedaannya dengan,iklan yang lainnya sopo CS ini bedanya,itu kita kalau misalkan ikan menggunakan,pita tersebut ada pembeli ini yang,melihat iklan kita Nah si pembeli,tersebut langsung ngeklik tombol yang,nomor order maka si pemberi akan,langsung diarahkan ke akun jual Tik Tok,jadi dia bisa langsung beli di Akun,tersebut Nah untuk iklan yang biasanya,yang sering saya kasih tutorial yang di,video-video sebelumnya itu kan diarahkan,ke website teman-temannya diarahkan ke,website kayak Wedding Peach cataloging,itu mungkin terlalu ribet buat,teman-teman yang ingin simple maka bisa,menggunakan software sini nah itu,sedikit tentang hal yang ingin saya,sampaikan buat teman-teman sebutan,software chest ya dan sekarang kita akan,memulai langsung bahas step by stepnya,ada 3 cara untuk membuka software sini,kalau yang pertama adalah dengan sistem,top-up yang harus dipersiapkan dalam,namanya cokelat harus dipersiapkan itu,budget teman-temannya nah disini saya,sudah coba mengetahui untuk membuka,pintu softcase iman itu 5000000 untuk,membuka pintu like shopping dan untuk,membuka kedua api tersebut harus tofak,sebanyak 15 juta bayangin teman-teman,kalau misalkan sebab 15juta ya kalau,misalkan banyak lebih gampang kan tapi,kalau misalkan gak ada sama sekali akan,sulit ya nama kain ini bisa,dipertimbangkan kalau misalkan,teman-teman mau coba tuh pakai sistem,yang pertama ataupun sayang pertama,ketika teman-teman sudah top sebanyak 15,juta disitu temen-temen akan diarahkan,langsung oleh Cs nya Nah Caranya tinggal,pergi aja ke bagian pusat bantuan di,sini ya terus disini itu teman-teman,tinggal cari aja yang namanya itu,highstock shopping kayak gini nanti akan,muncul seperti akan muncul Tuh step by,stepnya apa yang harus teman-teman,lakukan ya di sini biasanya itu harus,mengisi formulir dulu nah selang isi,formulir nantinya pihak dari pusat,bantuannya itu akan membantu untuk,membuka fitur software sini itu yang,pertama Nah untuk yang kedua disini,adalah integritas iqomah nah integritasi,Khomeini menggunakan yang mana yang,namanya itu shopeepay ini Tentunya,shopeepay nih Nah ini adalah 1 zat yang,ada di luar negeri dan ini support hanya,untuk negara Amerika Serikat dan Inggris,Raya Inilah satu fiturnya kalau misalkan,teman-teman pengen lihat ya dari,software yang ada di shopeepay ini nah,ini adalah tampilannya disini tercipta,o'shopping jadi ini semacam kayak,kolaborasi itu ya ataupun udah ada,semacam ekstensi kayak gitu saya enggak,tahu tapi di sini kalau misalkan kita,daftar menggunakan negara Indonesia,disney Bukannya itu langsung daftar Trus,langsung bisa kebuka ya kecilnya enggak,Tapi di sini kita harus waiting dulu,ataupun harus nunggu dulu agar bisa,dikonfirmasi oleh tim dari shopeepay Ini,kalau misalkan menu saya ini kalau,misalkan di Indonesia itu bakalan lama,dan saya juga sudah coba ngajuin,temen-temen ya di beberapa minggu,sebelumnya itu masih belum ada keputusan,dengan teknik yang

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How To Give & Request TikTok Ads Access in 2022 (+ Set Up Tik Tok Ad Accounts & Business Center)

How To Give & Request TikTok Ads Access in 2022 (+ Set Up Tik Tok Ad Accounts & Business Center)

Hi there in this quick video, I'm going to show you how you can easily,set up a TikTok advertising account and share access to this account,with your agency or freelancers.,And if you are an agency I'm going to show you how you can request access to your,clients' TikTok accounts, super simply.,Let's do it.,In order to run TikTok ads, you first need a TikTok advertiser account.,If you don't already have an account, the first thing you need to do is,set up a TikTok business center.,So go to business.tiktok.com and then create a new account.,You can log in with your existing TikTok account, but then you have,to still authorize, TikTok business to have access to that account.,Once this is done, you will see your new business center in front of you.,On the left-hand side, you can see a menu called assets, click there,,and then go to advertiser accounts and click add advertiser account.,You will then have to choose whether you want to create a new,advertiser account or request access.,Select" create new" then go next.,And then fill out some information about your business.,Once that's done confirm, and you should have your advertiser account ready.,If it's not ready straightaway, then TikTok will approve,your account very quickly.,So, how can you give access to someone within TikTok again, go,to your TikTok business center.,And then on the left hand side, you will see a menu item called users.,And the first one is for members.,Members is if you want to add someone from your organization to your business,center account and to your ad account.,So to do that, click on invite member, type in the email address of,this person, and then confirm which access to this person should receive.,In order to give access to a freelancer or an agency to work on your advertising,account, you need to click on partners and then click add partner.,Now you need your partners' TikTok Business Center Center,ID, you to type that in here or paste it in and then continue.,Then you can assign permissions to the advertising account to this partner.,If you don't have your partner's business center ID, then ask them to use Leadsie.,We make it as simple as two clicks for you to give them access to your TikTok assets.,Are you an agency or a freelancer, and you're looking for the easiest,way to request access to your clients' TikTok advertising account?,Then do the following.,Go to your TikTok business center.,And then on the left, go to assets and select advertiser accounts.,Then click on add advertiser account and select "request access".,Continue.,Now you need to paste in or type in the advertising ID of your client.,You may have experienced the clients often do not know this,ID and that's causing friction.,We at least have solved this problem and made it super simple,for you to request access and for your clients to give you access.,And I'm going to show you how Leadsie works just at the end of the.,Once you have requested access, your client will receive an email and,they have to approve the access for you to start working on the account.,In order for you to use your client's profile for your ads,,there's one last step we need to do.,go to your business center again, and then select TikTok accounts on the left.,Then click on request access, and select the access level that you need.,Now you will be presented with a QR code alongside with instructions,that you can share with your client.,Your client needs to open their TikTok account and scan the,QR code with their TikTok app.,This will give you access to be able to run ads through their ad,account, using their TikTok profile.,And once the process is completed, you will be able to see the TikTok profile,added in your TikTok business center.,With Leadsie requesting and giving access to TikTok advertiser,accounts is super simple.,You just log into a Leadsie account and then you can create,a custom request for TikTok.,You just select which level of access you need and that,you want to get TikTok access.,You save it, and you send it to your client.,Your client simply opens the link and then logs in with their TikTok account,and selects which TikTok advertising account to give you access to.,Then they click confirm and it's done.,Our tool Leadsie makes client onboarding hassle-free.,Not only can you get TikTok Advertiser Access.,You can also request access to Facebook assets as well as Google accounts, such,as Google analytics and Google ads.,You can try us out for free under Leadsie dot com.,And please leave a comment if you have any questions Thank you.

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How To Setup TikTok Business Center: Step-By-Step Tutorial

How To Setup TikTok Business Center: Step-By-Step Tutorial

hey what's going on guys Neil here from,links digital and in today's video I'm,going to be breaking down how to set up,your Tick Tock Business Center now you,might be thinking why do I even need a,tick tock Business Center well the most,common answer for that is to hold and,host different Tick Tock ad accounts now,you can also use the tick tock Business,Center to do a variety of other things,including assigning certain people,certain permissions within your business,like assigning them certain business,assets like your other Tick Tock,profiles or even your Tick Tock ad,account pixels so it's a very handy tool,to organize your entire organization's,workflow and permissions all in one,Central Hub but like I said the most,important thing is to be able to manage,other Tick Tock ad accounts within the,business center now the main thing that,I mentioned was the ability to use,different Tick Tock ad accounts under,one umbrella and why might you want to,do this well if you are a business with,multiple offers or a brand with multiple,offers what I highly recommend is that,you use a different ad account for every,single offer even under the same,business and the reason for this is one,you don't want to mix up the data,between the offers especially if they,are very different offers so let's say,you are running a low ticket item and a,high ticket item well the types of,advertising campaigns that you're going,to be running for both those offers are,going to be completely different and,that means that the data that's coming,into your pixels is also going to be,very different and you don't necessarily,want to mix that up now the second thing,and frankly this is the most important,thing is when you are using multiple ad,accounts what you are doing is risk,mitigating,um basically if one of your offers does,trigger a ban from Tick Tock at least,your entire Business Center won't go,down you will still have access to,several of your ad accounts you can,still run things the rest of your,business won't be affected if you are,using a business center we have also,found that accounts under a business,center do get a little bit more leeway,when it comes to ad policy and getting,accounts reinstated so another great,reason to get this account Business,Center set up from the beginning now,don't worry if you already have set up a,tick tock ads account and don't have a,business center yet I will also be,showing you how to link the tube so,let's jump into my computer and I will,show you guys exactly how to break that,down alrighty now that we are on my,computer what you are going to want to,do is go to business.tektalk.com and,then you will be taken to a page that,resembles this and all you're going to,do is come here and click the create new,button and you'll be on your way to,create a new business center now what I,recommend is that you create a brand new,business center that is not linked to an,existing Tick Tock account for the,reasons that I mentioned earlier so I'm,just going to go ahead put in my email,and verify it we have to do this little,uh confirmation thingy and get the code,from our email so I'll go ahead and do,that hey guys before we continue with,the video I quickly do want to take a,second to talk about today's video,sponsor which is me more specifically,The Tick Tock ads masterclass that I put,together now a lot of you already know,this but Tick Tock ads are the hottest,thing in advertising right now and,rightfully so I would kind of compare,them to say Facebook ads in 2015 2016,they're that good so I put together this,master class which is designed to bring,anyone up to speed and set them up for,success with Tick Tock ads and right now,you can take advantage of our special,introductory launch pricing and get the,master class at a massive discount if,you are interested check the link in the,description below and with that let's,jump back into the video and all I'm,going to need to do is once I have my,verification code just come in and read,to the terms and services and I am good,to go there and boom now you will be,able to name your Tick Tock Business,Center so we can make this a test,Business Center now we will need to name,our business center something unique,um and I can just pick an Eastern next,up you are going to need to pick a,couple of things so first thing I highly,recommend that you do is pick I am an,agency again this allows you a little,bit more flexibility and freedom down,the line should you choose to use it and,it allows your account to be added to,other business centers again this is,just if it's there use this option and,after that you just need to put in your,billing information including a billing,address and picking your currency now,make sure that the currency that you,picked is the exact same that your,payment method is once you put in your,billing information what you need to do,is if you have the option here is select,between manual and automatic payment,right now I don't have that option,becaus

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Personal TikTok Ads Account or TikTok Business Center?

Personal TikTok Ads Account or TikTok Business Center?

should i create a tick-tock personal ad,account or should i create a tick-tock,business center,hi everyone this is jason i'm a facebook,ads and digital advertising coach since,2010. i've actually worked with over 6,000 people from 30 other countries and,i'm gonna share with you how do you,actually do tik tok advertising right,now basically when it comes to tick tock,advertising there are two entry points,for you to start now first thing first,is when you go to,ads.ticktalk.com nonetheless it would,say yeah don't make x make tick tock,videos and it says uh this is actually,top right it's a it's a button for you,to actually create now in a way you can,actually create a tip talk personal take,top ads account uh within this link by,going to ads.ticktalk.com,however i want to give you another angle,to come in basically i'm actually,suggesting that you create a tick-tock,business center in stick so all you do,is you go to business.ticktalk.com,so this is the ticktock business center,by creating the top right button you,will have a create new button basically,that's where you create a tick-tock,business center where you're able to do,a lot more things now tick-tock business,center is very similar to facebook,business manager if you're familiar with,it you will definitely know that in fact,business manager can do a lot more thing,than just uh ad account so if you're,starting fresh right now i would suggest,that you know uh immediately bypass the,individual account go straight into um,you know like the business center and,create a business centric account and,group everything within one because it's,a lot easier for you to organize even to,work together with some agencies and,partners in the future uh it prepares,you to go to the next step very easily,so yeah now i'm gonna go into my,business center okay because i already,have a business center i'm just gonna,take the click the top right and say,enter the business center and basically,it will bring me into the tick tock,business center uh within here so i'm,just gonna quickly walk you through,right so when it comes to the tick tock,business center what we have over here,is uh first thing first,you can actually create uh you can,actually create multiple as in like,bring in multiple members into your,business center so over here if you have,a team and you want to work together,with a bunch of let's say for example,you have multiple tick-tock account and,you have multiple ad account and you,want to assign each and every one of,these to different people within your,team it's a lot easier for you to,organize that and on top of that this is,where you want to work together with,external parties like agency coaches,consultants,yeah so this is where you can actually,work together with other business center,by connecting to each other using a,partner's so-called as a partner so it's,a lot easier for you to manage that way,because the moment you pathway all you,need to do is to remove them from your,partner list and they will lose access,to all your so-called assets,remember we don't give access,to our ad account or business manager,account or business center account to,individual we work together if let's say,we are working with external party we,work as business entity okay very,similar to facebook advertising now the,beauty of this when you're having a,business center is in fact you can,immediately create multiple business,advertisers account now so already you,see we have this tribal academy which is,the one that i'm actually using now you,can actually easily create,you know like advertisers account over,here or you can actually request access,to other people's advertisers account so,let's say if you are planning to work on,multiple businesses within the business,center it's a lot easier for you to,separate them into different ads,accounts because basically it makes it a,lot easier for you to kind of like you,know like different shade and then of,course if you create audiences then this,is where you can actually share,audiences between business,centers and of course this is where you,connect with multiple different tik tok,accounts so let's say if you have a lot,of tick tick-tock accounts and you want,to connect them to one to another it's a,lot easier for you to actually you know,quickly kick-start and build a different,kind of control over here and on top of,that your finances and all that so this,is actually how i think you should start,when you want to really start,advertising on tick tock and of course,immediately whenever you're ready once,you have created the ticktock ad account,uh basically all you need to do is to,immediately click here and go into the,tick tock ads manager and you're able to,create your first ad account right away,but then again when it comes to,tick-tock advertising is a very,interesting platform i would say it,carries features that are uniquely,tick-tock and if you're able to leverage,on these tools and features in a more,effective way it actua

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Como Criar Uma Business Center no Tik Tok Ads 2022 [TUTORIAL]

Como Criar Uma Business Center no Tik Tok Ads 2022 [TUTORIAL]

E aí,tá bom Bora lá agora eu quero explicar,um pouquinho aqui para vocês sobre a BM,né como é que funciona criei aqui é,minha BM como eu mostrei para vocês vou,clicar aqui nela e aqui ela vai me,mostrar os gráficos das minhas campanhas,Tá bom também você tem as impressões dos,cliques CPC CPM né E como é que funciona,que tem os member's né que são os,membros você vai deixa eu traduzir aqui,para vocês,você pode convidar um membro para ter,acesso a sua BM né Vamos lá vamos ver,aqui convide membros para se associar a,sucessora de Negócios em Sereno endereço,de e-mail em seguida atribua o acesso a,conta tá então você vai colocar o e-mail,aqui da pessoa que você quer que ela ter,acesso a todos os seus ativos aqui,dentro né Você pode colocar como ADM ou,padrão né ADM os administradores tem,controle Total sobre o seu centro de,negócios eles também eles e editar,gerenciar membros e contas da a Jenice,ar conta de anúncio gerenciar membros,alterar informações da empresa pagamento,entregue vai ter acesso total à sua,mesmo tá bom a padrão é recomendamos,definir esse acesso padrão tá membros,com acesso padrão só podem trabalhar em,contas para as quais foram atribuídas,Beleza então você vai colocar em meio,aqui da pessoa e só aquilo que você for,que você for atribuir você vai,dar certo outra pessoa tá bom então você,coloca o e-mail que dela e coloca o,próximo aqui em sócios as contas o,business Center agora a podem se tornar,parceiras tá então você vai cantar o,código lá da Business Center no seu,parceiro vai copiar e vai adicionar aqui,tá E vai deixar ele como seu parceiro,dentro da sua business in tá contas de,anúncio aqui em conta de anúncio você,o acesso tá a conta de anúncio de,clientes eu não é como é que funciona,você vem aqui solicitar acesso você vai,lá em outra conta do seu cliente na,conta já nosso dele acidente está dentro,da conta já nosso dele a campanha,pega aqui o código volta lá qual o,código aqui tá,o e seleciona é que eles vão passando,aqui interrompendo a sua aula para saber,se você está gostando da tá você pode,comentar aqui abaixo as suas dúvidas na,aula e eu posso tirar esse suporte a,gente sempre gratuito respondendo seu,comentário E lembrando que aqui ó nesse,cantinho ele tem ou não botão vermelho,onde você pode se inscrever no nosso,canal e assim participar dessa,comunidade tá E ajudando a gente a,entender todas as suas Beleza espero que,você esteja gostando da aula pode,continuar seus estudos né aqui tá,avisando né para gente solicitar é com,proprietário e que é a mensagem vai,chegar aqui nessa,nesse Sininho tá aqui você que se você,quiser solicitar o endereço operacional,você coloca tá bom é que você vai,selecionar o que que você quer né tem,acesso a essa conta de anúncio do seu,cliente né ou sua parte sua né a de,Counter admin,os administradores podem gerenciar e,aumentar mas aqui a tela o senadores,podem gerenciar configurações da conta,de anúncio Finanças permissões criar,editar e visualizar anúncios e,relatórios de acesso tá então você tem,que escolher aqui o que que você quer,ter acesso a essa conta de anúncio e ver,se o seu cliente vai estar de acordo com,isso tá você colocou o código selecionou,que você quer aqui analisando,conversando com ele e vai mandar tá,beleza o pedido foi enviado para essa,conta agora eu vou abrir a minha outra,conta tá Vou atualizar aqui a tela e,aqui vai aparecer um três ó uma,notificação,chegou uma mensagem aqui da minha,Business Center o Mickey e aqui vai,estar pedindo acesso à minha conta de,anúncios Tá eu vou aceitar Beleza agora,minha outra conta a tem total acesso à,minha conta de anúncios deixa eu fechar,aqui Vou atualizar Beleza agora eu tenho,Total Acesso né aquela conta online A,the member's ou selecionar essa conta,aqui,Oh e vamos confirmar deixa traduzir para,vocês ver,e vamos continuar beleza,a,beleza agora eu tenho acesso a conta de,anúncio da Borges academia aqui ó então,se eu criar uma campanha aqui né esse,dashboard aqui ó Nessa campanha aqui ó e,autor cria uma campanha aqui né Tá,rolando a campanha tá saindo as vendas,né então vou ter total acesso,outra BM nessa bem o que que a gente,criou a gente vai ter total acesso às,campanhas bem bacana né você pode ver as,daqui a conta Guilherme né E essa daqui,é a conta Borges Academy né então se eu,criar minhas campanhas aqui criei criei,de campagne né eu vou ter acesso a esses,dados eu conseguir otimizar criar tudo,por aqui por essa BM beleza bom então é,basicamente isso deixa eu ver se tem,mais alguma coisa aqui para gente ver,é que fica os audiência vão ser seu,públicos quando você criar seus públicos,vai ficar tudo aqui organizadinho para,vocês então é isso na aula não ficar,muito maçante eu vou acabar ela aqui,agora para gente ir para o próximo passo,tá bom parabéns você terminou mais uma,aula aqui no cantinho tem a continuação,dessa aula que você está assistindo é só,clicar nesse vídeo e conte nossos,estudos Lembrando que se você não for,inscrito no canal existe dentro do nosso,canal uma playlist

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