how to optimize images for shopify

How to Optimize Product Images for Shopify Hey guys! In this tutorial,,we're going to show you how,t


Updated on Feb 22,2023

How to Optimize Product Images for Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to optimize images for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to optimize images for shopify

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how to optimize images for shopify catalogs

How to Optimize Product Images for Shopify

Hey guys! In this tutorial,,we're going to show you how,to optimize product images,for Shopify.,Let's get into it.,I want to thank you for,consuming our content.,That really means a lot,to us. This year,we actually turned five years,old and that's a,big deal for us.,So in celebration of our five,year anniversary, we are,giving away over ten thousand,dollars worth of freebies,and our swipe file of,different ads, linking pages,and graphics that we've,created over the years.,The contest,is free to enter,,we will draw in a name on,February 11th.,You can find out more,information by going to,, for,more information on how your,business can benefit,from all these great deals.,Okay? Now back to your,regularly scheduled content.,You have really two options,here. First, you can go,to apps and,you can go to the App Store,and you can find some,sort of app that will help,you resize,these images.,I believe crush pics,is a good one, image optimizer,+ compression; they do have a,free plan.,So, I would say if you have a,lot of products in your store,and you want an easy,way to do that, then I would,go this route.,If not, then I,wouldn't add more,bulk and code to your store,,that's unnecessary.,So the second option would,be to use something like,, this,allows you to just drag &,drop images in there and,the good thing about this is,that, for example, if I do,choose images, I'm going to,click on this bone image.,I can actually click on file,size and I can specify,the actual kilobytes that I,want this,image to be. So typically,,when you take pictures,with your iPhone or a,professional camera,,these photos are going to be,megabytes.,So if you have some external,person doing the photography,,you can actually ask them to,get you images that are less,than two hundred kilobytes.,That's usually what's,recommended.,If you have less than that,and the images still look,really good, then,that's even better for you.,But typically you want to do,less than 200 kilobytes per,photo.,But you can also, if they,don't provide that avatar for,a professional services,provider or if you're taking,your own product images with,your iPhone or maybe you,bought some sort of DSLR,camera, then,you will have to do something,like this.,Bulk Resize Photos is,free. It's easy.,Here you can actually specify,the actual file size,that you want. Basically,hit start and download,the picture.,I want to upload that picture,into your product.,So I want to go to products,and go to,this one.,And then, in here you see,that I have that picture in,there.,It's already been optimized,as far as file size.,So that's a number one thing,that you want to do, is make,sure that your file size is,somewhat manageable.,You're not into the,megabytes.,You're into 200 kilobytes or,less.,Another big thing that you,can do here, and I would,recommend everyone to do is,add multiple images.,Adding multiple images will,allow you to have a better,user experience.,And then, you can also add,alt text to these images.,You can add different alt,text images,just to kind of get a few,more keywords in there as far,as SCO.,So if we click on this image,,we're able to see some,information about the image.,And then, down here, the left,bottom corner,,we have crop and rotate.,You can actually draw.,So there's let's say like a,red circle or something, for,some reason on this image,,you can actually make a,little quick fix on that.,You can also resize the,image, but not in the sense,of file size like,we did earlier from Bulk Size,Photos. And,then, the next thing we want,to do is right here, there's,a button or blue text link,that says add alt text.,In this instance we're going,to add 'dog treats',and then we're going to save,the alt text.,Now, if we have multiple,images for the particular,product, then for the alt,text, I can actually, for the,next one, do maybe,'canine treats'.,If that's a keyword that's,relevant to your productus,just to add more keywords,to your store,and to your photos. After,doing that, and if you have,variants, you can also assign,pictures of two different,variants. So right now, if,we don't assign a picture,,this main image will be the,one that gets assigned to,all these.,If you have different images,,you can assign,different images to different,variants, depending on the,size options.,So let's say you're selling,,the first thing that,comes to my mind is tins,or you're selling tins of,maybe candy.,You have a small one, you,have a medium one and you,have a large one.,All these images, you can,actually put them and assign,them to each of those.,That will give, again, a,better user experience.,When the customers,are adding maybe a medium,size of tin,for that particular product,,it will actually show that,image in there.,I think this will be maybe,more relevant if,your variants are colors,,right?,Let's say you're selling T-shirts.,You have red, blue and yellow.,You can actually assign the,yellow to the yellow product,,etc. and that will actually,showcase in their cart,or in the checkout process,,which will provide a better,user experience in general.,I think that's all we have,for today.,As far as optimizing some of,these images, one of the most,important things, again, is,the file size. Just to make,sure that these images,load fast on,everyone's computers,when they're loading your,website and then adding,alt text to these images,again will help with keywords,and people who are searching,for these things.,It would absolutely help you.,Obviously, just having,multiple images as well per,product will help you,definitely in the long run,and then especially with the,user experience as well.,That's all for today.,If you like this video, make,sure that you hit that like,button and also,make sure to subscribe to our,channel. That will help us,tremendously.,You can actually hit that,bell button if you want to be,notified any time that,we submit new Shopify,tutorials for you guys.,If you have any ideas on,tutorials or things that you,want to learn instead of,Shopify, you can drop a,comment below to let us know,and we'll make that video for,you.

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