are you ready to get started with,Pinterest for your Shopify store well,you are in luck because we are doing a,four part video series all about,Pinterest and Shopify and in this first,video we're going to show you how to,claim your website on Pinterest so stay,tuned,hi and thanks so much for joining us if,you are new here my name is Elle McCann,and I've been a Shopify expert for six,years now if you've already been a,subscriber to this channel thanks so,much for watching and make sure to,comment below and say hey now I am so,excited to be doing a four part video,series all about Pinterest and Shopify,and how they are just perfect together,so if you are just getting started on,this and maybe it's already come out,well then you are in luck and you can,watch the full playlist up in the info,cards above or in the description below,now in this first video we are going to,be talking about how to actually claim,your website on Pinterest and you just,need to do a little bit of tweaking or,put in some code on your Shopify store,so that you can claim your website now,the benefit of doing this is that,there's another place where your website,is listed and maybe people go to your,actual Pinterest profile and click on,your website there after they found a,couple pins that they like so it's just,another place to link in your Shopify,store and get it connected to Pinterest,so let's go ahead and hop into my screen,and I'm going to show you exactly how to,get that set up okay so I am in the back,end of my Shopify store now and I am,under online store and themes and we're,gonna actually be adding some code into,our Shopify theme here so to show you,exactly what it's gonna look like let's,hop over to Pinterest and you can see,here for our curious themes profile you,can see here this WWC our themes calm,and it has this little globe with a,check and it says this website has been,claimed so this is what we are trying to,set up on our Pinterest profile for this,website as well of in all home so we,don't have it here so we're gonna go,ahead and claim our website for this,profile so to do this we're just going,to click on the three dots in the,right-hand corner and then go to edit,settings and then claim and you can see,here it has this area of claim your,website so we're just going to type in,our website URL,okay and I'm gonna hit claim and you,have two different options you can,either add HTML tag to your site or,upload an HTML file so since we are,doing Shopify we actually don't have the,option with Shopify to upload an an HTML,file to our root directory folder,because this is all on Shopify servers,so the option that we're going to need,to do if your web site is with Shopify,is this add HTML tag so we're gonna just,click on this here and I'm gonna copy,this and I'm going to before I hit the,next button I'm gonna go back to my,Shopify store and now I'm going to click,on actions and from this drop-down menu,I'm gonna hit edit code now you want to,be careful when you're doing this,because you can you know mess up your,site design or your site functionality,so you want to be very careful and pay,attention whenever you're editing any of,the code in this area under the layout,area you're going to click on this theme,dot lick one and then now you're going,to see a few different things on the,page so you're gonna see this first head,tag and then you're going to want to,scroll down and see where the end head,tag is you need to paste this code that,we copied in between these head tags if,you do it too far down the page then it,won't work correctly so I'm just gonna,put it here next to this tag and I'm,gonna hit enter twice and then paste it,in and then I'm gonna hit save in the,top right hand corner okay so now we,have our Pinterest code on our site so,I'm just gonna head back to Pinterest,and I'm gonna hit next and now it's just,saying that we are going to submit it,for a review and it's gonna take about,24 hours for Pinterest to review it on,your site and make sure that the code is,in there correctly to get that website,showing up on your profile so we're just,gonna hit submit and again you see this,stay tuned so then you'll be looking for,an email from them and then once it is,approved then you'll see that area on,your Pinterest profile and that's,you have to do thank you so much for,watching and I hope you found that video,tutorial helpful in our next video we're,gonna be talking about how to set up the,Pinterest conversion tags so you can,actually track exactly what actions,people are taking on your site whenever,they come from Pinterest so stay tuned,and if you're not a subscriber yet make,sure to hit that subscribe button below,and be the first to be notified when if,we put out new videos and tutorials all,about Shopify and how to grow your,online store,thanks for watching
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