how to pause shopify store 2020

Close Shopify Store | Close, Pause, Pause & Build today we're going to be talking about,how to eithe

Ecom Geeks

Updated on Feb 18,2023

Close Shopify Store | Close, Pause, Pause & Build

The above is a brief introduction to how to pause shopify store 2020

Let's move on to the first section of how to pause shopify store 2020

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Close Shopify Store | Close, Pause, Pause & Build

today we're going to be talking about,how to either pause,or close your shopify store now if the,reason why,you're going to go through this is,because your store isn't getting enough,conversions even though you're getting,higher traffic you might want to check,out our tutorial video on how to improve,your seo or,search engine optimization before you go,about this process,if you've decided for certain that you,do want to either close or pause your,store,then let's go through it so to access,this feature,click on settings at the bottom left and,then click on plan,and permissions once here scroll to the,bottom of your page,and you'll find that you have three,different options there's pause and,build pause,and outright closing your store now let,me explain these a little bit,so pause and build allows you to,go into a state where your checkout is,completely disabled,now you'll only have to pay or at least,currently you'll only have to pay nine,dollars a month,which means that it's way cheaper than,having a plan,and it allows the opportunity to,continue to develop your store,now one thing to be cautious about is,that if you go into the state,your customers can still access your,store can still view it can still,add things to their carp when they go to,checkout it won't let them to because,your checkout is completely disabled,now this might confuse your customers,and and think that your site is broken,or something like that,so if you do choose this option i very,highly recommend,that you turn your password page back on,so that people,can't view your site to do that you go,to,online store go to preferences,scroll down and under password,protection,make sure that this box here is ticked,off,because this is a demo store that i'm,working with it's already checked off,here,but for live store this will be disabled,going back down to our other options,so the second option we have is to pause,our store,and this means that you won't have,access to your store at all,and you won't be charged for anything,they will make sure that they keep your,information your store information but,you have to be very cautious with this,at least currently with shopify they'll,allow you to put your store into a pause,state for three months,and then they will automatically upgrade,to you to the pause and build,side of things and start charging you,nine dollars a month again,so you have to be very cautious with,this if you really want to close your,store,then you're going to have to go with,last option of actually closing your,store,to actually go about this operation,there are two things,you'll have to be logged in as a store,owner,click the close store button and then,you'll have to enter the password that,you use,as the store owner to log in in order to,actually,complete the process once that happens,shopify guarantees that your information,will be saved for 30 days,and they don't make any guarantees past,that now in my personal experience,unless,shopify has become a lot more vigilant,they typically do hold your information,longer than,30 days so if you at some point in the,future,do decide to reopen your store you have,that option,but they only guarantee that your store,will be saved for 30 days,and that's it that's how to either pause,or close your store,looking to improve your store hire a,geek we offer individual store,optimizations,one-on-one training as well as workshops,check out the description below for more,information

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