how to personalize the message on the receipt in shopify conversio app

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) | Double your Shopify sales in 2022 xero is one of the most under

Davie Fogarty

Updated on Mar 21,2023

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) | Double your Shopify sales in 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to personalize the message on the receipt in shopify conversio app

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Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) | Double your Shopify sales in 2022

xero is one of the most underestimated,levers that you have to optimize your,business everyone always talks about,optimizing your facebook ad structure,but nobody talks about optimizing your,landing page even on youtube the search,volume for cro is so low this needs to,change conversion rate optimization is,one of the only things that can double,your business with just a few tests for,those that are new here i'm davey,fogerty my shopify stores have done over,270 million dollars today we're going to,cover off my experience and tips on cro,first let me explain what cro actually,is it stands for conversion rate,optimization xero is just a process of,creating an alternative version of your,website that you can run traffic to you,then measure the difference between one,variable or the other also known as a b,testing you can obviously optimize all,kinds of things such as facebook ads and,email what we're going to talk about,today is actually website cro a lot of,tools like click funnels actually have,their a b testing built within their,platform making it really simple for you,to use things like webflow as well have,a really simple integration with google,optimize allowing you to run your split,tests while i hear that shopify is,working on a solution like this,especially with the 2.0 themes it is,still quite difficult to a b test,shopify you may need to use something,like google optimize or another cro tool,as well as a developer and a designer,what i recommend for ciro really depends,on a lot of things it depends on your,business size your business resources,and also your text app what are you,using to sell your product first let me,describe what i would do if i was just,starting out in e-commerce this is zero,dollars to about 500 000 revenue per,year with this amount of traffic coming,to your store i still recommend doing,cro you might just be a little less,structured about it you've got so many,things on the go that you're setting up,figuring out with your creatives that it,might not be your sole attention,regardless of your size i suggest,starting with a post purchase,attribution survey this is going to,start getting a lot more information,around why customers are buying your,products then i would try incorporating,that into my email split test this will,start giving you a lot more information,around what your customers are receptive,to now if you're using shopify and just,a basic theme you might want to use a,page builder you can use something like,gem pages or shogun they actually have,inbuilt a b testing providing you have,some basic design skills i would try,designing the page myself split testing,the insights that you've learned from,your survey alternatively you can build,an advertorial on click funnels this can,then push to a sales page and then also,push to one click upsells this has an,inbuilt zero function so it's great to,get started with if you really struggle,with design you might just want to hire,a virtual assistant to build the page,for you you can go into upwork or fiverr,and find a really great designer you're,going to want to use the word landing,page designer look for someone with,experience in either click funnels or,gem pages whatever software you're using,you need to understand basic cro,elements so that you can manage this,designer you can't expect a cheap,designer to understand these components,i'm definitely going to cover some of,these theories at the end of this video,and show you some winning tests of the,ud if you're doing 500 000 to 2 million,revenue you might be ready to hire,someone in this area this might be scary,to think about because you're finally,making some good profits but if you,think about it you're probably spending,a lot of money on facebook advertising,by optimizing the landing page that,you're sending that traffic to that,spend is going to be far more efficient,you've got to just make more to run,consistent a b test you're going to need,a ui designer you're also going to need,a developer that can code those designs,into the front end of the website you,want this developer to be able to work,with one of the cro tools such as google,optimize the third person you need is,someone that understands cro as,entrepreneurs we need to understand the,levers of our business so this might,need to be you however if you just don't,feel that you have this you can hire an,expert on upwork they are quite hard to,find though and you really want to make,sure the person can show past winning,tests in e-commerce one of the hardest,things about xero is getting those three,elements in line it's not only the,implementation and the testing but also,the hypothesis around why this testing,will work you really need the theory and,the execution to make it work if you are,hiring someone you might want to do a,fortnightly meeting where you go over,the proposed test that you're going to,do and then the implementation and the,results obviously the frequency of these,meetings will be determined by how many,tests you're running and also how many,tests you can run based on the traffic,going to your website to ensure that you,get a high enough confidence level that,a test is correct you do need a certain,amount of traffic i can explain that a,little bit more when i show you some of,our winning tests when you're doing over,2 million a year at great profits you,might really want to invest in your cro,team one structure that we're looking at,is a head of cro a ux designer a,front-end developer a data analyst and a,direct response copywriter the head of,cro runs the tests and the projects if,you're wondering what tests to run i,suggest the ice framework i first read,about this in hacking growth by morgan,brown and sean ellis the ice framework,stands for impact confidence and ease so,the impact is how much is it going to,increase your conversion goal confidence,is based on your experience how,confident are you think that this is,going to work and then ease is,implementation do you need external,teams or a developer to actually,implement the test this will really help,frame your priorities and get more out,of your cro program alrighty as promised,let's head to the woody website and,check out some winning tests that we had,and why they were so this is definitely,one of my favorite tests and so far when,i've rolled it out to any store it has,always worked that's not to say that,it's always going to work but so far it,has for me for all brands it's called a,floating add to cart this test we're,looking at now actually shows the,floating car implementation on desktop,we previously ran the mobile floating,add to cart and we got huge results,we then implemented on desktop under the,hypothesis that if the cta is always,front of mind more people will add to,cart we had 1.25 more revenue per,session which based on where this site,was implemented and how many people are,using desktop would equate to 1.73,million dollars for the audi australia,per year that's extra revenue we,wouldn't have otherwise with this small,design change that made consumers shop,more this other test i thought was,really interesting by simply adding the,new badge to new products on our website,we've got a great revenue uplift our,hypothesis that people would be more,likely to purchase the new ones and feel,excited about the product if this was,implemented just 12 months ago we would,have made 1.1 million more in revenue,this test is also very similar it's,showing the new badge on mobile in our,collection page you might be thinking,these are very very small changes and,you're right a developer can easily,implement these on your site and you can,easily test them without a designer,which is fantastic remember the ice,framework the impact of these tests are,generally pretty low because we have a,large amount of revenue going to our,store it obviously feels significant for,us the confidence we have in these tests,is relatively high considering the basic,selling principles that people use quite,often ease of implementing these tests,is extremely high so therefore in the,ice framework we should be rolling out,these tests if you're just getting,started you might want to do a really,impactful test such as changing the,whole product page as i described,earlier these large amounts of macro,changes can have a more significant,effect versus your control the more,significant change in the user,experience is the more likely there will,be a significant change in the,conversion rate when you're starting out,i don't think you should get too,dogmatic around what you're testing,golden rule of a b testing is only,change one variable at a time if you,change more than one then you don't know,what impacted the actual positive result,when you're just getting started out,honestly you're just trying to get as,many boosts as possible with very short,amount of time and resources i suggest,going to competitors websites that you,know are doing cro testing and doing,large changes at once until you get a,really strong baseline that you can't,beat then do small incremental changes,from there otherwise it's just too slow,and you're up against all your,competitors that you're trying to beat,final test that i wanted to show you,today which ezra firestone absolutely,loves and endorses is this social proof,under the product title social proof is,generally found really low on the,product page by adding it this higher we,can talk about our customer reviews and,get people to add to cart quicker those,are some tests that you can go ahead and,roll out to your store before we wrap up,there are some other things that you,need to know some warnings in fact first,of all sero tools can actually slow your,website down a lot same with design,changes if you slow your website down,too much by adding too many images it,will negatively affect how your traffic,is behaving on your website you need to,weigh this up this is often why i like,to actually use hard coding things into,the website when there's actually an app,available that can do it for you it,might be way cheaper to hire a developer,for 25 an hour rather than slowing your,site down by a second and costing you,thousands in sales the other thing you,also need to know is how to measure,success you need to be measuring revenue,per visitor or earnings per visitor,there are a few things that make up this,metric for example average order value,conversion rate also the actual,operational expenses behind your product,for example if you're doing an upsell,where you're selling three products,through a sales funnel or an order bump,that increases the amount of product,that people are buying there may be,cheaper fulfillment rates for that,product so you need to consider all of,these variables when you're implementing,a test don't just discount heavily think,about your profit per visitor i hope,today's video gave you a little bit more,insight on how i'd set up a conversion,rate program for e-commerce if you have,any questions please just leave a,comment below or in our community group,and i'll try to get a conversion rate,specialist to answer them thanks for,watching don't forget to like and,subscribe peace

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