how to product research for shopify

COMPLETE Shopify Product Research Tutorial - How To Find A Profitable Dropshipping Product products

Ac Hampton

Updated on Feb 23,2023

COMPLETE Shopify Product Research Tutorial - How To Find A Profitable Dropshipping Product

The above is a brief introduction to how to product research for shopify

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COMPLETE Shopify Product Research Tutorial - How To Find A Profitable Dropshipping Product

products like this and like this have,generated me millions of dollars in,online sales and it's been happening,time and time again from the same,methods that i'm going to show you in,today's video if you have ever struggled,with finding winnie products i promise,you this is the video that you need and,the main reason behind that is because,product research is a key component of,having success with drop shipping or,anything e-commerce related and these,strategies are proven not just for,myself but from my students as well as,they generated over 13 million dollars,in online sales just last year alone,finding winning product after winning,product and it's time for you to do the,same let's go ahead and jump right into,it,what's going on everyone my name is ac,hampton i'm an eight figure marketer who,gets to teach people how to test build,and scale profitable online brands if,you know who i am welcome back and thank,you for always showing love if you're,new here welcome in and make sure you're,strapped in for some serious value,before we head into the video you all,know that each and every week i hand out,a free consulting call to one lucky,winner and i'll be announcing the winner,from last week somewhere inside this,video so make sure you watch it the,entire way through if you want the,opportunity getting on this call with us,and go over everything that you may be,needing help on all you have to do is in,the comments section below comment the,word product and what your biggest,takeaway from this video was finding,winning products is a struggle for many,people in the beginning and even,advanced stages of drop shipping but in,my one-on-one mentorship we break down,exactly what you need to know about how,to find winnie products and how you can,maximize off of them i have limited,spots available for the month of april,so if you're ready to take action,towards working with myself and my team,towards finding a winning product and,building an online brand that can help,you achieve financial freedom then i,have something special for you all you,have to do is head over to my instagram,ac underscore hampton and dm me the word,mentorship so i can reach out and help,you get started now without further ado,let's go ahead and jump right into it,when looking for a winning product let's,start off with all the options of,platforms that you have that will show,you all kinds of products that you could,be selling and that have ton of traction,surrounding them in today's video i'm,going to be showing you exactly how you,can maximize on finding a winning,product whether you're using a paid,search engine or free search engine,along with giving you tips after finding,this winning product that will help,those sales continue to keep rolling in,for the product that you choose let's,start off with paid product research,tools first then next i'm gonna show you,all the free methods so that every,single person that's watching this video,has no excuse on how they can find the,next winning product that could,potentially change your life some of my,favorite paid search engines for winning,products is ad spy dropy spy and big spy,which you guys can get some major,discounts by clicking on them with the,links down in my description and like i,said let's not forget about the free,search engine some of my favorite free,search engines are my ad finder chrome,extension tick tock and facebook ad,library alright so starting off with the,paid versions as i know a lot of you,guys are using tools like this i do want,to make sure that you're using it to the,fullest capability one of my favorite,tools that i love to use for product,research as many of you guys probably,know is ad spy aspire allows me to not,only look at all the products that are,currently being sold in the market but,also filter down exactly what i'm,looking for which is the key to finding,the winning products that you are going,to start making some serious money off,of so without further ado let's go ahead,and jump into ad spot and show you a,little bit of what i'm talking about so,literally the only thing i'm going to do,is come over here to and it,will pull up a screen just like this and,as you can see they have so many,different search filters that you can,play around with all day long i mean,from scene between the creator between,language buttons technologies you can,find out so many different products by,just playing around with these filters,now there is a couple ways that i like,to go about this the first thing is i,like to check out what is currently,trending but i'll also love to see what,was currently trending at this time last,year let's go ahead and start off with,what is currently trending and see what,we're able to come up with i already,added some of the filters that i love to,use on aspire as you can see right here,with created between the last two months,seen between within the last couple of,days and the different types of media,types so let's go ahead and jump into,this and give you a better understanding,of what it means so creative between is,basically when the actual advertisement,was created scene between is very,self-explanatory is basically just when,it was seen last and is it currently,being advertised today media type i went,ahead and entered videos as this is,typically what i use for any products,that i'm selling i like to do,technologies as shopify clickfunnels and,woocommerce which are going to be the,biggest ecommerce platforms in the world,last thing i want to do is filter down,by the language which is english and,ultimately why i use english is because,i just want people who can actually read,my ad to be the person who can buy my,product lastly after you have those,filters set up the last filter you have,to set up is come over here to this,button and go ahead and filter by likes,and then you'll just see all these,different advertisements that are,currently going crazy on the market,today and as i'm scrolling down i,already see a product that caught my,attention which is this advertisement,right here and like i said this,advertisement caught my eye solely from,the thumbnail which is why i always say,thumbnail creative testing is so,important to wipe out your competition,by having the strongest advertisement on,the market and i break down exactly how,you can do that right here with this,video if this thumbnail caught my,attention think of the amount of,customers who are just scrolling down,their facebook and their instagram,timeline who will see and perceive the,ad the same exact way which will then,convince him to go ahead and click on,shop now come to your website purchase,your product and now you're in a,position of collecting that money now if,we go ahead and head into the actual ad,spot link and take a look at the video i,can see that this product hits all two,of those points that i'm looking for,which is solving a problem and having,some sort of wow factor to it and to,dive deep into it even deeper you can,also analyze and see the trend of likes,on this product which is a huge,advantage of using ad spy and i mean,look at these likes over time these,likes are completely skyrocketing on,this product which tells me that,customers are interested in this product,and we are not reinventing the wheel,something that's going to verify the,interest in customers even more are the,comments that are happening under the,advertisement and to get to the,advertisement very simple you just come,over here and right click this button,and go ahead and open link in new tab,which will then show me their actual,advertisement that they're running as,you can see this is a seat cushion that,relieves pressure on your tailbone and,your lower back pain and i mean this,advertisement is starting to low key go,off with over 751 comments and 1.2 000,shares in less than a month so when you,scroll down to the comments section,you're basically going to be asking,yourself two questions,does this product have high perceived,quality and is this advertisement,getting engagement on it today so to see,if the product has high perceived,quality the section that we have to go,ahead and check out is the most relevant,comment section so that's simply going,to be this button right here where it,says most relevant then as you can,scroll down you can see a lot of people,saying some amazing things absolutely,stunning fantastic been using it for,years and honestly just pretty good,feedback throughout it now after seeing,if it has high perceived value through,the most relevant comments section the,next place we're gonna check out is the,newest comments to see is this,advertiser currently spending money on,this product today so you simply scroll,right back up you go to most relevant,and then you go to newest i mean as you,can see comments within the last hour,three hours four hours six hours seven,hours this product is going crazy this,is basically just telling me two things,one the person who's advertising this,product today is actually making some,serious money off of it and two there's,an audience of people who see some,perceived quality behind this product,and there's a demand behind it as well,again we're basically just focusing on,not reinventing the wheel and allowing,what's working today for others to work,for me now the next thing that i want to,do is head into their product page now,this part is key because this is where,i'm able to figure out how much you're,selling this product for after tax to,make sure that i'm able to source it,within a 2.5 x margin which i'll show,you exactly how to do in this video,right here but even more importantly i'm,able to see how i'm able to,differentiate myself from my competition,or even if it's possible at all this is,one of the key tips when deciding to,sell a product and make it your winning,product and when reviewing the,competitor's website i ask myself the,following what aspects can i do to be,better than my competition can i sell,different colors can i add any,additional branding can i market this in,a different way ultimately you need to,be thinking about what would make you,different than every single other person,who is selling the same product so that,you can wipe out your competition and,start building a longevity brand let's,go ahead and hop into the product page,and see how we're able to set ourselves,apart so boom we just got to their,website and right off the bat i can see,that they're selling multiple different,options and colors which is always great,to give your customers options and,they're doing a great job of that which,is something that you would want to go,ahead and model but if we scroll down,and look at the product description this,is really where i'm seeing the,opportunity for you to go ahead and set,yourself apart from this competition one,of the first benefits after listing,about the product is that it is super,soft and yes this may be important and,something that may need to be mentioned,but i can assume that there's going to,be some other aspects that may be a,little bit more important for potential,buyers to know about this product rather,than it just being super soft so what i,do like to do first is make sure that,i'm as convincing as possible to the,prospective customer and understand what,is the main reason the main problem that,somebody would have when coming to my,website and why they should purchase,this product in the first place now for,this product specifically a couple,reasons i can think they would be here,for is back pain old age desk jobs hip,pain these are going to be some of the,main points that i'm focusing on,whenever i'm heading over to amazon on,amazon this is where i like to check out,the reviews of the same exact product,i'm testing to look for certain benefits,and features that i can be adding to my,product page so i'm simply just going to,come over here to amazon and type in,seat cushion and find out all the,different variables or products that are,being sold and i mean there's definitely,a lot of them but we can just go ahead,and choose one of these examples real,quick and boom we can just go off of,this competitor right here i'm going to,start off by reading some of the,five-star reviews to see which key,features and benefits i can take away,from it and potentially put in my own,product page but i'm not going to just,leave it there i'm also going to check,out some of the one star reviews to see,what problems people were having with,this product in order to nip them right,in the butt and address them in my,product page to further convince my,customer to buy from me so let's go,ahead and jump into the five-star,reviews and i mean there's some really,good reviews in here i mean like,paragraphs and this is what you want to,see when you're selling a product and,basically after reading these reviews i,can see that most people are approaching,this product to either work from home or,just because of long hours of sitting,down and i mean it also works for people,who are trying to lose weight as they,discovered that is uncomfortable to sit,on firm or thinly padded chairs so not,having that padding there is not,allowing them to sit in comfort so you,are immediately solving a problem with,this product and now what i can also see,is that customers not only care that it,is soft but that is a perfect mix of,soft and firm so not losing the shape of,the product no matter weight or height,is more important than it just being,solved after checking some of these five,and four star reviews let's go ahead and,head over to the one star reviews and,see what problems they were having with,this product so we can see that there's,not enough support people saying it,turns into a pancake and it just gets,flat we can also see that they're,concerned with the longevity of the,product and we can see that some people,thought that the product was not even,wide enough and this information is,great feedback and can help you not only,improve on selling your product page but,also with your advertisements to,continue to keep bringing people into,your store and if we head over back to,this competitor's product page we can,see that they don't even offer different,sizing options based off the width and,they also don't go in depth about the,longevity of the product they only talk,about how long you can use that product,in one single day hey so just like that,you've now found two ways that you can,outsell and out market your competitor,to turn this product into a winning,product for yourself and again i just,want to reiterate these discoveries that,you have just found in the market about,this product and how you can do it,better should not just be a reflection,on your product page but also within,your advertisements you should test out,three different videos all that start,with the first three seconds being,different and showing a different,feature and benefits so that you can see,which one works the best for you and,what is bringing in the most serious,customers now before we head into how,you can be finding winning products for,absolutely free if you're having any,questions about this video or how you,could be finding your own winnie,products make sure you head over to my,instagram at ac underscore hampton and,dm me the word youtube so i can reach,out and help you out in any way possible,and remember it's not about how much,money you can make in this world but how,much knowledge you can teach others to,change your life if you're feeling stuck,at all dm me the word youtube and i,can't wait to help out in any way now,you have all heard me say it time and,time again and i'll say it again social,media has opened up the doors for so,many entrepreneurs to pave away and,start making money online if you're,using social media just for,entertainment and not to make money i,hate to break it to you but you're doing,something wrong i say this because tic,toc has been on the rise and advertisers,are using this free platform to enhance,the opportunity to create financial,freedom through the power of e-commerce,and you could be using it to create your,own success as well when i'm scrolling,on tick tock yes i enjoy the funny,videos but more so i enjoy finding,advertisements of winning products that,come across my timeline i always tell,people if you're one of the first people,to take a viral tick tock product and,sell it on facebook you're going to pop,off take the scrunch leggings for,example we were seeing advertisers go,crazy on tick tock with this product and,the first people that took it over to,facebook and run ads for it made some,insane money and i mean you don't have,to take my word for it i mean look at,this advertisement on facebook 91 000,comments 33 000 shares and i mean these,likes went absolutely crazy i mean over,90 000 likes in a single month so let me,show you exactly how you should be,looking for these viral products on tick,tock now the first and most important,rule is to engage with the ads that,you're seeing as you continue to engage,with these drop shipping advertisements,that you're seeing on your timeline you,want to also ensure that you're focusing,first on being a buyer on that platform,this means you need to be commenting,liking and even clicking shop now on,every advertisement that you see this,algorithm is going to pick up and keep,shooting you these different types of,drop shipping advertisements that can,turn into some serious money for you if,you take advantage now if i'm not seeing,too many advertisements that are,catching my attention i then go out and,actively look for these products so on,tick tock i'm going to click on this,discover tab right here in the search,bar at the top i'm going to type in drop,shipping products and see what comes up,for me and then from there i'm about to,head over to the hashtags and search,through the video showing off different,products i like to find videos that have,over 20 000 likes and have a ton of,comments so here's a perfect example of,that and even before i click on this,video you can see that this has over 69,000 likes and over 148 comments and it,basically is covering the exact same,credentials that i mentioned at the very,beginning of this video once you go,ahead and watch it let's go ahead and,check it out okay easy storage for your,phone cash wallet keys i mean there's,basically so many reasons why you would,use this product so basically from this,product i could see that as meeting the,exact same requirements that we talked,about earlier it has a problem solving,factor along with the wow factor and,ultimately has a huge buzz behind it,from there it would be time to do a,little more digging to see if it has the,potential to be a winning product for,you by doing all those requirements that,we mentioned at the very beginning of,this video all in all there's many ways,that you can be finding many products to,sell on your drop shipping store but the,first step is taking action and just,doing it it's just a matter of making,sure that these products have the right,strategies to verify that they have the,potential to be a winner along with,actively searching for sellable products,that you could be selling right now once,you find a winning product the next,major concern is making sure that the,product continues to sell well and not,just for a short time span when you're,trying to find a winning product the,goal is not to just sell it for two,months and be done with it but to have,something that can bring you in passive,income over a nice period of time and of,course you guys know i got you i have,three tips for making sure that your,product continues to sell the first is,making sure that you're continuing to,test out different advertisements,surrounding the same product a lot of,the time i see people get way too,comfortable with one advertisement just,because it's working right now but there,is something called ad fatigue where,customers are tired of seeing the same,advertisement and will no longer come to,your store as you continue to sell your,product different drop shippers are,going to hop in the market and start,taking the same videos you're,advertising with so it is key to have a,lineup of different advertisements that,you can put out to keep the attention of,your customers and separate yourself,from the competition now the second and,next piece of advice that i have to keep,your product selling is making sure that,you're continuously studying the market,surrounding the customer's needs for the,product as seasons change people are,going to need your product for different,reasons keep that in mind and continue,taking the feedback that people put in,your comment section of your,advertisement or in the reviews of other,advertisers websites and use them to,your advantage customers needs change,and you either have to adapt to that or,get left behind last but not least be in,communication with your supplier make,sure that you're doing quality checks on,the product so that you're not getting a,ton of negative comments that can be,detrimental to the longevity of the,product that you're selling stay on top,of the concerns that customers are,having with your product and make,changes accordingly i hope that this,video was able to give you some,confidence and motivation to go back out,there and start looking for winning,products that can turn into a lifetime,of financial freedom if you like the,information that i just gave out make,sure that you show me some love smash,that like button below subscribe to my,channel so you don't miss out on any,value that i put out every single week,but before i head out you know that i,couldn't forget to announce the winner,of the free consulting call from last,week and the winner of the free,one-on-one consulting call from last,week's video is,troy leverett troy congratulations on,winning go ahead and reach out to me on,my instagram at ac underscore hampton,let me know that you won we can hop on a,one-on-one zoom call look over your,product research look over your shopify,store and help you out in any way to get,the success that you deserve and,remember if you want the opportunity of,winning next week all you have to do is,in the comment section below comment the,word product and what your biggest,takeaway from this video was now we all,got some work to do let's go ahead and,jump into finding some of these winning,products i can't wait to continue to,keep dropping this value each and every,single week this is ac with supreme ecom,and i'm out,fast

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