hey,everybody,justin cener here in this video i'm,going to teach you how to increase sales,by implementing a toll-free support,number for your shopify store very,straightforward very quick and easy,strategy here increasing trust is going,to increase sales in fact increasing,trust is by far the quickest and easiest,way to increase conversion rate have,people feel more comfortable to become,buyers and obviously in that way,increase your sales,and having a support phone number lets,buyers know that you're real and when,you have a toll-free number on your,shopify store you're going to have,improved customer service but you're,also going to have an increase of trust,overall for your brand you're going to,be able to generate more sales you're,going to be able to improve privacy as,well when you register for shopify you,need to have a phone number on a file,for your invoices you need to have a,phone number if you want to validate on,instagram on google ads accounts right,you're going to have a phone number,fully tied to your business and i'm,going to show you it over the shoulder,and there are definitely some pain,points when you go out there to go and,look for that toll-free number for your,store first of all there's no built-in,phone number that comes with shopify,when you sign up there's no phone number,at all just basically assuming that,you're going to do customer service over,email only and again there are a lot of,different benefits of having that phone,number outside of customer support but,number one we want to have that phone,number there available to increase,trust and conversion rate we're going to,use an app i'm going to show you the one,that i use and it needs to be easy it,needs to be cost efficient and most,importantly you need to be able to track,everything online through the app like,text messaging incoming outgoing missed,call same thing right scheduling when,are you available when is the,when is the call going to route to you,when is the call going to go right to,voicemail you want to have all these,different controls i'll show you how to,do it and i use switchboard this is what,i use is what i recommend for all of my,students is what they use incredibly,easy to use you're going to see that,we're going to get set up in just a few,minutes and you see the link directly,below this video highly recommended but,it's just so easy and this is the,switchboard app page over here again you,see the link directly below this video,and really really powerful way you're,going to get a number to increase sales,you're going to get a number to give,better customer support you're going to,get a number to protect your privacy,that's what switchboard is all about,we'll go over the shoulder here's some,screenshots of the backend you can see,the text messages that come in see the,call log in terms of timing in terms of,scheduling when it should calls go to,voicemail when are you live and i invite,you to take a look at this definitely,read more about it i want to show you,all of the five star reviews over here,five star review after five star review,just talking about how great this app is,you can read these all again the link,directly below the video but what we're,going to do is we're going to go over,the shoulder and i'm going to go ahead,and install this app in our store all we,need to do is press this green add app,button and you get a 7 day free trial,here as well you'll then be brought over,here you press the green install app,button then you'll be sent into the,switchboard pick a plan and you'll have,a seven day free trial over here i'm,going to be going with the enterprise,plan you see the different features out,here now we're into our dashboard and,the first thing that we want to do is of,course pick our number and you could,pick really anything you can go for some,of the more popular area codes new york,boston la dallas seattle miami you can,pick popular toll-free numbers like,833-866-877 right the ones that you are,you know are kind of typically used to,hearing or you can pick one locally,we're going to also set up forwarding,voicemail etc and we can literally come,through all these different ones let's,say i wanted to have a local 2la number,i could just come over here and search i,could even search for different patterns,like a bunch of threes in a row or,whatever it is i'm going to come over,here and go with a toll-free number 833,and we'll come over and select this one,right over here it's going to confirm,that we want this number we're going to,select this as our toll-free number and,just like that we now have a number for,our store we're going to be able to use,this to increase trust provide customer,support verify our accounts on shopify,and other platforms you saw it literally,just took a couple of seconds to do this,very powerful and now we're kind of into,our settings screen over here and this,is going to be uh where we kind of set,up our forwarding right where are we,going to get those calls forwarded to,probably our cell phone so we'll come,over and enter in our phone number right,over here so i've gone ahead and done,that setting up what your caller id is,going to show and once those calls are,forwarded you could either set it to the,caller's number or your shop's number so,you could easily identify set a max ring,time in terms of how long it's going to,ring text messaging a lot of people will,use this as well you want to forward,this as sms have this check box over,here so you could forward all of your,text right to your cell phone same thing,for email notifications going to uh give,you kind of a notification here in your,email you could select your customer,service inbox or your own email over,here to get those notifications we could,uh enable call recording really like,this we'll be able to put this little,message before here this call is being,recorded for quality and training,purposes kind of something that is,typical when you call any type of phone,number we'll be able to have these,recorded,even better because we can come back to,these listen to them use them for our,own kind of learning purposes or come,back and refer to them when we're doing,customer service forwarding schedule,very cool here you can enable the,forwarding schedule to basically have,different times of day when you want to,be available right you could say well on,the weekends i'm not going to be,available at all and the calls are just,going to go right to voicemail or you,could have specific times throughout the,day or you could literally just be in,this case always available it really,just kind of depends on how you want to,do it you could also have your voicemail,settings over here if you don't answer,the call play a greeting here we have a,default greeting which is going to be,we're not available right now leave a,message after the beep you can do a,custom where you go ahead and enter this,in here or you can even upload your own,mp3 file if you want to record something,yourself then you will basically hang up,after or they can leave a message really,depending on how you want your voicemail,to be set up especially if you have,recorded calls you'll be able to kind of,refer back to those later on so we'll,save these settings up over here and,again this is your actual number right,now where i should say this is my actual,number that we set up in just a few,minutes so coming back here into the,overview this is going to just kind of,be your kind of dashboard of course you,have your number over here you can,change all of your settings right over,here or back up here into the settings,but showing your last 24 hours how many,calls how many missed calls you had text,messages showing your plan available,minutes and your usage charges is kind,of your one-stop shop this page here to,kind of see everything that's going on,but again you can come back and edit,your information here in the settings at,any time over here is going to be your,little call log we'll come into the,calls section here we'll have all of our,different calls here we'll be able to,export calls as well for different time,periods here we can save that out and,use that data as we need also messages,here really powerful incoming and,outgoing messaging here when it comes to,those text messaging and this is,actually really important customers love,texting as well a really nice kind of,add-on for your customer service another,really awesome feature that's in beta,right now but coming soon to everyone,the sms keywords this is going to allow,you to automatically send things like,discount codes or automations based on,let's say summer sale if they go ahead,and text a word like that really really,cool you can get in the closed beta by,uh reaching out to the beta team over,here with the switchboard app but,incredibly powerful and again this is,going to be coming to everyone soon now,last but not least we want to make sure,that people know that we have a customer,service phone number in order for us to,get that benefit from it right the,raisin conversion rate so put it right,over here here's a couple places you,could put it in your announcement bar,this is great because it's going to be,on every page it's going to build trust,on every page so really cool here you,can also put it in something like your,faq page you definitely want to put it,inside your contact page right have your,phone number over here so they have the,ability to use a contact form or they,can pick up the phone and dial right,then very powerful again we need to have,it shown in our site in order to,actually see that conversion rate lift,so that was switchboard incredibly easy,and incredibly powerful you see why,there's so many five star reviews the,app does exactly what i've been,describing and i highly recommend it get,that toll-free number right inside of,your store you saw all the different,things that we could do inside the back,end highly recommend it again you see,the link directly below this video go,ahead and click on that link click add,app get this into your shopify store and,i hope this helps you increase trust,increase conversion rate and make some,money i'll talk to you real soon
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