how to remove shopify business manager from facebook

How To Remove Website Domain Name From a Restricted Facebook Business Manager Account in 2021 now we

Johnbosco Ife

Updated on Feb 22,2023

How To Remove Website Domain Name From a Restricted Facebook Business Manager Account in 2021

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove shopify business manager from facebook

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove shopify business manager from facebook

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How To Remove Website Domain Name From a Restricted Facebook Business Manager Account in 2021

now we've reloaded the page you click on,remove,remove domain,and voila,we have removed our domain name from a,restricted business manager account,hello guys welcome to my youtube channel,once again in this video i'm going to,show you how you can remove a domain,from a restricted business manager,account,you can see this business manager is,restricted and that means we do not have,access to the pixels we do not have,we can no longer remove our domains so,what you're gonna do is this,i'll leave this link for you,in the description below so you copy it,and paste and then you change these two,numbers,with the you know business,id okay so remember you've got to go to,your business,find out the idea of your business okay,so this is the,business,id so just don't forget,so,you copy this business id this is what,we're going to be using to replace,you know the these numbers i have,written here so don't forget you're,going to be replacing this with your,business id,now let's head over to our domain you go,over to brand safety you can see our,domain here,this is the domain is verified and we,can no longer remove it from this,restricted business manager account this,is because we have set up the,aggregated events measurement okay and,as a result,you also know we can not have access to,our events manager i'm opening this in a,new tab,you see we can no longer have access to,it,because it has been disabled,all right so what we're gonna do is,remember the link to change the numbers,there to your business side i'm gonna,leave this link in the description below,go to a new tab,you paste it okay,and,as soon as it opens,you can see this page you will need to,remove a lot of things so you click on,dismiss now,then right click on your browser,click on inspect elements,okay this is what you have to do you,click on inspect elements,next you click on this arrow,when you do that you select each of the,elements and hit the delete button,okay,if it's not selected again you go back,select the arrow click on it,hit on the delete button you're going to,be doing it until this text above here,is highlighted okay so let's continue,you know select the layer,delete it,so it's not highlightable yet so you,select again,select,so keep doing this it's not as,highlightable we're going to be able to,highlight this text so we click this,again,click on it,make sure when you click on it it's blue,you come back select and then hit the,delete button,okay,so keep an eye you see yes we cannot,select this text you're gonna repeat it,a number of times until you have access,so,we select and we delete so right now it,seems we can now highlight our text it,means the overlay is out and we've got,to close our um inspect elements okay,now this is the domain name we would,like to remove,it's a domain name of one of my clients,but it's been stuck here and i need to,move it to another business manager,account when you are here you've got to,click on you know the domain there might,be one on two depending on how many,domains,you've added to your business money so,i'm gonna click on it to expand,and when i expand i'm gonna click on,this is supposed to be,um manage events so i'm gonna click on,it now,so if this video seems to be too fast,for you try to watch it over and over,again once you are able to do this okay,so here we are,um it's giving us the one in the 72 hour,warning but we don't care i'm gonna,click on the edits,and then it brings us up to this page if,your screen is not wide enough you've,you've got to you know come down here,and scroll this bar so it's custody and,so you can have access to this x,buttons here so these exporters are what,we use to you know delete and remove,this um aggregated event setup and then,we can now have the access to remove our,domain name so i'm going to be clicking,on this x we have four,um,pixels,we have four events set setup yeah i,think this was purchased this was,initiate checkout i think this was lead,and this was a landing page or something,but we don't guess is we can no longer,use it all we have to do is to remove,them so i'm going to go ahead and click,on the x remove click again remove click,again remove and then the last one we,click on it and it's out,so you're going to be able to scroll,down and click on i think this should be,save or something or submit whatever it,is click on it this um warning comes up,and you've got to select yes,then you can click on apply boom,we've done the magic we've successfully,removed,and all our you know events set up and,we can now,head over to,our you know business page where we were,unable to remove our domain name now we,can click on remove we send the same,thing so we've got to reload this page,okay so that it gets fresh data,so,now we've reloaded the page you click on,remove,remove domain,and voila,we have removed a domain name from a,restricted business manager account all,right this has taken me a lot of,research and thanks to paul,yeah i think his name is paul one one of,my friends on facebook he took this,research to a step ahead and i got the,rest of what i needed to be able to do,this from one of his videos so all,thanks to you guys for staying put and,watching this video to the end do well,to subscribe you know turn on the bell,notification button share this video so,that your friends can find out how they,can you know remove their restricted,domain from your restricted business,manager account i'll see you guys next,time do what to check back on my channel,to watch some of my videos over and over,again bye for now,you

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