how to remove taxes from shopify

How To Change "Taxes and Shipping Calculated at Checkout" in Shopify | 2021 METHOD yo what up guys w

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Updated on Mar 03,2023

How To Change "Taxes and Shipping Calculated at Checkout" in Shopify | 2021 METHOD

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove taxes from shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove taxes from shopify

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How To Change "Taxes and Shipping Calculated at Checkout" in Shopify | 2021 METHOD

yo what up guys welcome to a brand new,video on my channel today we're looking,at another shopify tutorial,uh specifically how to change the,um the text ad in the add to cart,section that says shipping and texas,calculated the checkout,this one can be a really game changer,because the customer,wants clarity uh they don't want they,don't like things they,didn't like cost above the product,they're already ordering,so this way you can just tackle,that conversion struggle so without,further ado,i have my shopify dashboard right in,front of me,all we need to do is go straight to,online store,from here you get to see all those,team files and how we're looking at,today is just,actions at the current team and,click on edit languages,from here on we'll get to see all the,data within the team as,in the text the team got within the card,at checkout at home pages at cedar at,syria,and all we need to do is look for the,calculated,checkout thing so let's just type in,calculated and,if i'm right we will exactly get,to see the carton general section and,within there,as you can see text included the,shipping code click the checkout,at the right side you see all the dutch,translations,because i live in the netherlands and,shopify automatically,like changes it translates it to dutch,but let's say we want to remove this or,we want to change this,so let's say we have a one product store,we,sell product for twenty dollars we,charge no shipping at all,we want the customer to know that right,so what we're going to do,is change it here to,free shipping if you have a,store and sell products with like um,free shipping about 50 order value of,course you want to,say something like free shipping above,free shipping on all orders,above uh,50 dollars so this,customers will see this in the checkout,but for now we're going,to leave it at free shipping,change it all like all the things within,the card general section,needs to be changed after that you,simply click on save,and if we now go to,our card so i've added this product,right here,just click on preview click on add to,cart,from here we can go to our cart,and as you can see it now says free,shipping,instead of um instead of,let's see shipping and taxes calculated,the checkout,so this way customers just know like,what they're buying,that are that are going no not to be,like,any additional cost above the product,cost,so this way it just optimizes conversion,um having like some clarity within your,ad card just changes,the whole process a lot so that's about,it,i hope this video has helped you i hope,your shopify store is going,and doing well um if you have another,question,if you need me to show you something,else within shopify,just let me know in the comments below,don't forget to leave like,and subscribe if you haven't already and,other than that,i just want to thank you for watching,this video and,hope to see you in the next one thank,you

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