how to remove varients from several shopify ads at once

Shopify: How to Hide Sold Out Variants hey guys so today we're gonna look at,hiding sold out variant

Germinate - Shopify Resources

Updated on Mar 05,2023

Shopify: How to Hide Sold Out Variants

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove varients from several shopify ads at once

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove varients from several shopify ads at once

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Shopify: How to Hide Sold Out Variants

hey guys so today we're gonna look at,hiding sold out variants in Shopify and,we're doing this for YouTube so don't,forget to subscribe to our Channel and,you can also put a setting in there to,make sure that you get text alerts so,well push alerts to your mobile phone,when we put out a new video so we're,going to be doing new videos every week,so yeah quick reminder don't forget to,subscribe to our Channel okay,hiding sold out variance so let's have a,look at our site we're going to do this,on our green beans site and I've,actually gone in and marked three of the,variants for this particular product as,out of stock so let me show you that if,I go to the products here and I go into,the variant well into the product itself,that has variants and you'll see down,the bottom here I zeroed these out okay,that's just it so that we could demo,this and what I had what that does here,is it basically it sends these as, on as grading crossed out in,this particular thing everything's can,handle this differently but yeah themes,generally none of the themes are going,to hide the sold-out variants so this,problem is going to be the same problem,with different themes it's just going to,appear there differently on the screen,okay so I would prefer these to,disappear rather than be marked as sold,out so let me go back to our website and,just to remind you if you're new to our,channel are we using turbo at the,sandbox on this particular sample,website so let's go into our online,theme and the online theme is turbo and,let's go and edit that theme and now I,know from experience but I'm going to,show you how to find out we know that,this is this page is a product template,and we know that and if you watched any,of our other videos you we've already,looked at how to edit these and how to,duplicate them and things like that,okay so we know that we're looking at,our product template here so let's have,a look at our product template,and where we get down to our,descriptions down here where our,descriptions are included here you'll,see this piece here which says include,the product form now the product form is,going to have all of this sort of price,right down to the Add to Cart Buy It Now,code it into it so let's have a look at,the product form so the product form is,pretty complicated it has all that,quantities available stuff like that but,down here it says that because we're,using those swatches and that's what,this particular theme calls these yeah,in order to display those swatches sorry,where we lost their their if they wanted,me to include this piece called product,to swatch okay and products what she's,actually a snippet down here where are,we product swatch there we go and I've,already got it open here okay so it's,actually in this product swatch that we,want to do our coding okay so let me,i've actually got this documented in a,blog post as well so I'm gonna do some,copy and pasting here so it's in here,that we're going to make the changes so,this is in this book we're looking for,for variant in product variants and then,we're going to put an if variant,available tag okay so instead of putting,all the variants and it's only going to,put some so let's have a look for for,variants in product variants let's go,under there so instead of running this,for loop now constantly for everything,we're saying only run the for loop if,the variant is available if the variant,is not available and then do not run the,for loop so let's go back to the end,here end of the yeah and let's put an,end if here just before the end for,because it's just inside this for loop,right and we'll test this so if it's in,the wrong place we'll soon find out and,if and close that off,okay that's liquid coding so we've added,here if variants available,and if inside of the for loop so in,theory this for loop that was building,outer swatches is now only going to run,if the products watch is available let's,see if that actually works,now let's refresh this page so we should,you lose those three swatches there we,go so now it's only showing the ones,that we have available and personally I,think that's a thousand times better it,looks better on the page D closes it,especially if you've got a lot of,variants there's nothing worse than,going to a page and seeing that ten of,the twelve colors are available sold out,and don't exist anymore okay that's how,you hide sold out variants if you,enjoyed this video keep an eye we put a,new video ad every week and don't forget,to subscribe to our Channel hey thanks,talk to you later

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