how to sell on shopify reddit

Advertise Your Store WIth Reddit. #advertise #shopify #Reddit do you know that reddit has genera


Updated on Mar 12,2023

Advertise Your Store WIth Reddit. #advertise #shopify #Reddit

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell on shopify reddit

Let's move on to the first section of how to sell on shopify reddit

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Advertise Your Store WIth Reddit. #advertise #shopify #Reddit

do you know that reddit has generated 5,billion page views from nearly 86,million unique monthly visitors,it has targeted communities organized,around every conceivable topic,it's also the largest most influential,and most engaged community on the,internet as well as the self-proclaimed,front page of the internet,you may think advertising on reddit is,an uphill battle and it may not be worth,it but in fact reddit is a wide open,platform for advertisers who are willing,to spend time doing reddit advertising,correctly,so,how do you advertise your store,correctly and effectively on reddit,we'll discuss that in this video,first you need to understand both the,opportunities and downsides of reddit,reddit is a site where people submit,links to a specific subreddit that,pertains to a certain topic and users,voted up or down,every reddit user has a front page which,is the top post at any given moment from,all their subscribed subreddits,your opportunity to advertise on reddit,is to pay to have the top post,but an even bigger opportunity on reddit,is that there are subreddits organized,around every conceivable topic and,interest,however,there are potential issues that can be a,major downside or opportunity depending,on your outlook,redditors have a well-known and active,disdain for marketers and advertising,people,they are particularly aware and have a,high consciousness around products and,companies,if your product is awful then reddit is,not going to be a good fit for you,but it's not just about knowing the,right opportunity when you see it,knowing the right time to post on reddit,makes a difference too,just like social media outlets like,facebook instagram and pinterest reddit,does have a best time to post,there are many different times of days,and weeks when posts have done well on,reddit as long as you do not try to post,a piece of content from 12am to 6am,anytime is a good opportunity to,generate more traffic to your store,in order to understand if reddit is,going to make sense as a marketing,channel for your store,we first need to understand the,demographics of the people that make up,the community,according to statistics reddit is,largely comprised of users between the,ages of 18 and 34 which is a good sign,because this demographic does a lot of,online shopping,but here is one thing the website is,made up largely of mail users however,the percentage of males may not be quite,as high as people might assume there is,a sizable population of female redditors,that should not be overlooked by,marketers who are trying to get,female-friendly content discovered even,though they make up only 35 percent of,total users,for marketers and business owners alike,the most interesting data about reddit,is the breakdown of income levels,about 75 percent of redditors make,between zero and fifty thousand a year,which means businesses selling expensive,luxury products are unlikely to find,much success,for small businesses selling affordable,products these statistics should make it,even clearer to you in your business,that advertising on reddit is a viable,option,as i said earlier you do have to pay for,a top post,it's the top post on particular,subreddits that you're looking to,advertise on,this also dovetails into what you are,really buying which is a reddit post,that will instantly be at the top,reddit has a full list of frequently,asked questions but the basic rule is to,be cool,my advice is not to put any misleading,headlines and weird redirects if you,want an approval for your ad,all reddit ads are 75 cent cpm which,means you get 1 000 views for 75 cents,as a comparison the google display,network usually runs around 2 cpm and,facebook cpm hovers around 1.25,unlike facebook where you advertise to,people who might like your topic but,might not be interested at the moment,advertising on a subreddit allows you to,get in front of people who are actively,thinking about the topic when they see,your ad,subreddits can be created by anyone,about anything,they have no naming conventions and,create a huge universe of communities,it can be daunting to browse and sort,reddit has all the not so cool stuff,existing on the internet in general,which automated processes have a hard,time sifting through,if you try to automate the process,you'll probably end up somewhere you,don't want to be,this is the reason why i recommend that,you do general reddit research as a,starting point and then follow the links,nearly all subreddits link to other,subreddits and recommend other,communities if you are willing to do,research you will quickly find the big,ones and will be able to click and dig,up a few communities that look,interesting

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