how to set up after ship on shopify

How To Use Aftership | After ship Tutorial Order Tracking For Shopify hey there guys my name is marq

Knowledge By Marcus

Updated on Mar 14,2023

How To Use Aftership | After ship Tutorial Order Tracking For Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up after ship on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up after ship on shopify

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How To Use Aftership | After ship Tutorial Order Tracking For Shopify

hey there guys my name is marquez and in,this video i'm going to show a simple,way how you can easily use,after chip for your shopify app store so,let's start,the first thing you want to do is when,you're going to access after ship,you want to click here add application,when you're gonna click add application,you need to like connect it with shopify,and let's just wait until it's going to,get connected and i'm going to show you,what you can achieve with it,so welcome marcus stone,i'm going to cancel this and now,welcome marcus stone here's what's,happening with your shipments in the,last 40 days,uh zero expansion shipments to check,expired shipments this is like the,dashboard when you're going to see,literally everything,on the left side you would see shipments,that you would have,with your customers you can simply go to,top right add a shipment,and you would have it at a tracking,number career origin destination,and the customer here,so career origin let's go with,i'll just create my own,name,email like this,save shipment and then you would have,the shipment right here,and the status would be pending,you can update the status and you can,mark it as delivered or return to sender,or,as a lost in notifications uh you would,have,like sent from email and two customers,you can enable email you can enable sms,intransit,out of delivery you can enable,everything here so,uh your customers will be notified and,this is really important to have it,so in my perspective in my opinion this,is really,like important i have e-commerce stores,sending me,things and they are not reminding me,things like this is when you're gonna,like order things from aliaba or,aliexpress,i don't really get so many notifications,but it's actually happening in my order,and it's good to know that someone cares,from you,and someone values you to send these,things,so this is for me really important,then you give like tracking pages,and i'm going to preview track order,status,so you would have a tracking page and,created in which you can easily just,cross sell some product,and i can add a tracking page,so you need to choose a plan here but,it's going to track you,so that's really good and you can,preview it how it looks like,record the status so,we are preparing order for shipment and,this is how it works pretty simple,pretty easy,you can have also tracking app here,so this is the another thing what you,can do and have the analytics here as a,shipment transit time notification,tracking page customer reviews,and then you have like order lookup,widget here,that you can like see the preview on the,right side,and you see how it looks like or the,number email tracking,code and this is,how it pretty much works look at this,you would ever add a code here check,your order,and someone can easily just trick on,order on your website,only by just adding the code here,to your page on shopify so we all have a,video here how you can simply do it but,this is another thing,of what you can achieve and how you can,use aftership and this is like really,great,tool for your customers and i recommend,using it,because in my opinion it's damn,effective,so again let's just go step by step and,i will show you how we can achieve it,so online store page,then what i would do is let's go step by,step,first let's edit lookup options both,order number and email tracking number,if you have only tracking number you,will have tracking number of both,landing page url that's this one button,style,we can have a green one or like blue,you can hide the icon or have the icon,here,size we can go with a large,and then when you edit it,you go to shopify pages,add a page add a code,and this is going to be tracking code,or track your code,and you copy the code to,and just paste it,and you can add the website seo also,and this is how you do it now you view,the page here,and i need to okay,okay okay,oh i need to add both so copy the first,one,and copy the second one,and click save,and voila here you got it so this is how,you can simply add a tracker code,on your website and how you can create,like a add-on here so it's pretty much,it,if you're gonna have any questions guys,ask me download comments using,after she was pretty good then you have,like connections here you see that i got,connected,my account you'll see some,other applications that you can,combine it with so again on home,you would have all the data my,recommendation is definitely,enable notifications in after ship,for your customers,so that's really good then you have,tracking page,this is the page that you can actually,add,or what you can do is to simply order,lookup widget,that you can implement and add to your,website so that's another thing what you,can actually do so,thank you very much guys for watching if,you're gonna have any questions again,ask me download comments i'm really,happy to help you and have a great day,and goodbye,see ya,you

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