how to setup google ads on shopify

Google Ads + Shopify Tutorial for Beginners hey my name is matt riley and in this,video i'm going to


Updated on Feb 17,2023

Google Ads + Shopify Tutorial for Beginners

The above is a brief introduction to how to setup google ads on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to setup google ads on shopify

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how to setup google ads on shopify catalogs

Google Ads + Shopify Tutorial for Beginners

hey my name is matt riley and in this,video i'm going to show you exactly how,to set up google ads for your shopify,store,now just a few quick pre-requirements,that we're going to need before we get,started we're going to need at least one,product added on our store because we're,going to get started with google,shopping ads which is the most,profitable way to make money with google,right now and then,at least two out of the following three,are publicly listed on your website and,google actually requires that you need,your email address your phone number,and your physical address so just pick,two out of the three it's probably best,to just put them on your contact page,and then the last thing is to have your,legal pages public,and make sure you have your terms and,conditions your privacy policy,and your refund policy public on your,website,okay so i just created a new trial,shopify store to show you how to do this,from complete scratch the first thing,that we're going to do is we're going to,go to google ads,and create an account now we should be,already,logged into our separate gmail account,or whatever gmail account you want to,use,just go to and search google,ads and then it's going to be the first,one,if not you can go to,and then go to start now,and then once we're here the first thing,that we're going to do,is click on this switch to expert mode,down here because we don't need to go,through these steps and i'm going to,teach you,exactly how to do it in expert mode,so click create an account without a,campaign because we're going to do that,later,and then go ahead and click submit and,then click,explore your account and that's pretty,much it for now,now we're going to go to and,search for google merchant center,and just go ahead and click on the first,one and then,get started and then we're going to,create an,account for google merchant center,so my business name which is the same,name as,my shopify store name is baby and bright,for this example,now i'm advertising in the united states,where do you want customers to check out,on my website,you can do on google but we're gonna,skip this now,because you don't need this and then,we're gonna skip at my local store,because we don't have that,now we're gonna do shop we're gonna,click shopify,if you want to check out with paypal you,can do that,i'm going to leave it off for now and,then i've read and,agreed to google merchant center in,terms of service and then,create account we have products on,our shopify already uh but we're gonna,change some settings in the merchant,center really quick,so let's first set up the tax and,we're gonna do don't charge sales tax,for any state,uh unless you have a business that is,doing otherwise,but for most drop shipping stores you're,gonna just click that option,uh you're gonna set up shipping go to,this plus button on the left side,and just start typing shipping,we're gonna do united states for time,doesn't matter you don't need to put,anything handling time you can put one,to three days,and you can do monday through friday and,then transit time,you can do five to ten days,monday through friday,and then go ahead and click this plus,button,single rate for all orders now you,should be,putting the shipping cost that is,equivalent to what you have on your,store,although i'm just gonna put free for now,so fixed rate,equals zero for all orders then click,continue,and then click save right here,let's go ahead and click back and then,we're going to need to verify and claim,your website url so let's go ahead and,fix that,you will have to do the whole url,i have access to my server so you're,going to take this,right here this meta name code copy this,go to your store go to online store,then go to actions edit code,and then click on theme.liquid and right,here under the head,just enter twice three times just put it,right under there,and then go ahead and click save,now when you come back here click verify,url okay so because i was on a trial and,the store wasn't active it actually,rejected it and so you're going to have,to have an active store and disable the,password,and as you can see now it's verified,then click claim url,and then you're done here now what we're,going to do is we're going to go,back to our shopify store click on apps,visit the shopify app store,continue and then click when you search,for apps,search for google shopping,and then it's this one feed for google,shopping by,simprosis infomedia the one that's 4.9,stars,so go ahead and click on that add the,app don't worry it's a 21 day free trial,and,yes it's five dollars a month and it,will be more based on the amount of,products but,don't worry you're gonna make much much,more a lot more,than what you pay for so go ahead and,click install app,and if you don't like to do if you don't,want to use this anymore,after 21 days you are free to just,remove it from your site and it won't,automatically charge you as well,so now we're going to log in with google,and you should be logging,in with the same gmail account that you,used,to sign up for your google ads account,and for,your merchant center account that way it,makes,everything much easier to integrate go,ahead and click,allow,and then your merchant center id should,pop up right here,and if you want to just double check and,make sure you can go,check on the top right hand corner if,the number is the same,and it is so go ahead and just confirm,your account,click yes i've enabled programs and it's,going to take,not that long to verify everything okay,so once you get to here,usually i leave these as is unless you,only want to advertise the first variant,but most of the time i want to advertise,all variants and then i'm going to click,global format,and if you want to use the sku as your,product id or a variant id you can use,that but i,usually just go with global format go,ahead and click sync,okay so now what it's going to do is,it's going to sync your products in your,shopify store,to your merchant center account and then,it's going to,be awaiting approval and it might take a,couple days for the google merchant,center to approve it,before you actually start running ads,okay so the next step,after you submit everything,under settings go to google remarketing,and conversion tracking and this is,really important,now let's login again if it makes us go,ahead and click on your account,click allow okay so now you're going to,select the drop down box and then select,your google ads account,and now as you can see it's the same,number as my,google ads account here so we're going,to go ahead and link our account,now we want all of these checked so go,ahead and click continue,and this is going to basically be the,same as the facebook,facebook pixel this is the google,conversion tracking code,that's going to track our conversions,such as purchases at the carts,etc click on create new conversions,and that's pretty much it once you see,all four of these active you're good to,go,okay so now the next step is to go back,to our merchant center,and then click on this tool icon on the,top right,and then we're going to click on linked,accounts which is under settings,right here and what we're going to do is,we're going to link our google ads,account,to our google merchant center account,and so this make sure that this number,is,the same it should be the same as our,google ads account and then go ahead and,click,link okay after we press that,we're going to go back to google ads and,then we're going to click on switch view,so our screen looks like this,go ahead and click on tools and settings,and then under linked accounts,right here we can scroll down and then,under the google merchant center click,on details,then click on view details and approve,and this is going to,link our merchant center and our google,ads account so we can advertise our,products,okay so once that's all linked you can,click on new campaign here,and then you're going to go ahead and,click on sales you're going to click on,shopping and it should have connected,your merchant center account,and go ahead and just type in the united,states for now,and it's going to say no products in the,beginning,but once they get approved in the,merchant center,then they'll automatically show up in,your shopping,campaign so,just type in shopping all for now,because this is going to be all your,products,you're going to leave it at manual cpc,and you're going to uncheck this,help increase conversions with enhanced,cpc this is a different strategy but,for beginners we're just going to start,with this our budget for,per day it's really up to you but here,we're going to just start with,twenty dollars a day,campaign campaign priority we're gonna,leave it low we're gonna uncheck,this box and we're gonna uncheck this,box and then we're going to leave,everything here as is click on save and,continue,we're going to leave this as is add,group name doesn't really matter just,type in 1,and your bid we're going to type in 51,cents for our first bid,and then click on save okay once you're,here,the only thing you have left to do is,enter your billing information,that way it can start running your ads,now that's pretty much it for now,what you're going to have to do in a few,days it might even actually get approved,later today or the next day it really,depends on,google so you're going to go back to,your,google merchant center and then you're,going to,want to click on explore more options to,grow,and in your programs you're going to,want to advertise your program,your products through google shopping,ads this is the most important this is,going to have,your shopping ads actually run so click,on get started,now you're going to be able to do a few,of the next steps for now,but you won't be able to actually do the,last one which is the add product data,as you can see here everything else is,set up except for the add product data,and this is only going to show up once,your products are approved,as you can see here it's going to take,the products from the app,so the babysat toothbrushes that's the,only product i have for,my example store but for right now it is,still,pending approval as you can see here,it's still pending but once it's ready,ready to go in a few days,just add the product data it should have,a check mark and then once it,does that you're going to have to go to,i've read all the shopping ads policies,and then this activate button it's not,active right now but it will be active,once your products get,approved so that's it for today's,tutorial make sure you like this video,subscribe with the notification bell if,you're not already and then comment down,below,any questions you may have and then when,you're done with that make sure to watch,the other videos on my channel,including the new 100 000 per week,shopify drop shipping tutorial if you,haven't seen that already so you can,reach faster and easier success

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