how to upload google verification file to shopify

Google Merchant Center Shopify Verification - Easy Tutorial in 5 Minutes need to get your shopify we

Mr Sam Baldwin

Updated on Jan 27,2023

Google Merchant Center Shopify Verification - Easy Tutorial in 5 Minutes

The above is a brief introduction to how to upload google verification file to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to upload google verification file to shopify

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how to upload google verification file to shopify catalogs

Google Merchant Center Shopify Verification - Easy Tutorial in 5 Minutes

need to get your shopify website,verified in google merchant center,i'm going to show you exactly how to do,it in this video let's go,hey guys in this video i'm going to show,you how to get your google merchant,center account,verified with your website for your,shopify store,okay let's get into it so i'm in the,google merchant center dashboard right,now,i'm going to go up to settings over here,and then go to business information,it's going to go to this page here you,should add in that those details anyway,if you haven't already,but i'm going to go to website here is,when we put in the url so make sure you,include the,https www.this is my website,,save make sure you get this right and,make sure if you're using www,you actually use that okay you can try,using uh google analytics and verify,that's,a really easy good way to do it but,sometimes that doesn't work with shopify,it's just how shopify works but you can,click that as long as the email,in your merchant account is the same as,in your analytics account and you have,installed analytics properly on your,shopify site,it it it can work but sometimes it,doesn't so i prefer this way because,it's super super,easy so it may seem a bit hard because,you're doing code but,i'm going to walk you through it exactly,so don't stress,so firstly go over here that says i have,access to my server,and then here you can select these two,options but we're definitely going to,choose this one,add an html tag to my home page what,this means is that,we're going to go to our shopify store,and add a little bit of code which is,super easy to add,so that google can check it and go oh,yeah sam or whoever you are,actually knows that actually owns this,store okay so it says to copy to use,this method you'll need to add this meta,tag to your,site's home page so let's copy the meta,tag and let's go over to our shopify,dashboard here so i'm in my shopify,dashboard here for my website,i'm going to go to online store,it's going to open up the themes panel,here so this is just the the default,theme that's installed,but we're going to edit this anyway go,to edit code,and maybe this seems to be scary for you,if you haven't done much html work,or code work at all but i'm going to,make it really easy so make sure you go,over to theme liquid so this should say,theme.liquid here and this is the main,template for your shopify theme,and so we're going to put it after the,head what i want you to do,is i want you to press i want you to,search so contr can,con command f it's going to pull up this,and type in,this it's going to be little square like,the arrow brackets,slash head that's going to find the end,of this section here we want to put it,at the end of this section,and you'll know it's the end because it,has this slash head there's only one of,those,in the file in the in the sheet here and,then after that you'll see this it'll,say body,that's where the actual content starts,don't worry about that too much,what we want to do is just before the,the head we want to,paste in that code that we got from,google merchant center,so it's this code here you've copied,that and then you're gonna just gonna,put it right here,super easy we're then gonna click save,it's gonna save and sometimes it takes,about five to ten minutes,to actually show up on your website,sometimes this happens,so what we can do now is we're going to,go back and click verify,but what i like to do sometimes is also,just double check to make sure it's on,the store,so you can click the little i symbol,it's going to open up your own shopify,store so here's my store,terrible store i haven't done anything,to it yet but if i go here and go view,page source i mean google chrome,it works in firefox as well and it'll,show the code,same thing com control f and i'm going,to search for head oh there it is and,there's that bit of code that i,added so that's now live on my website,so now it just means that google needs,to make sure that they've crawled that,site,and shows it there so let's verify and,see if this works,give it a second boom we're now verified,woohoo,yeah verified now we need to claim our,website url,so that means that only we can use that,boom,we have now claimed and verified our uh,url,our website and we're all good so now we,can start um setting up the rest of our,account,i hope that helped you get verified in,google merchant center if this video was,helpful,please give it a like that tells youtube,hey i'm making great content for you,guys out there,if you have any questions at all about,this process and how to get your shopify,store verified on google merchant center,leave a comment below i answer all the,comments i go through and provide,a good response to everything so please,leave a comment and i'll get back to you,as soon as i can if you want to see more,tutorials about how to grow your,ecommerce store consider subscribing i,release a lot of content out there and i,provide all that information there for,free,to my audience so take a look at the,rest of my channel too,thanks so much for watching and i hope,to see in the next video bye for now,you

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