all right great so next let's talk about,sales channels within shopify let's,click on the one sales channel that we,already have here which says online,store,and we'll talk about the little eye in a,second,so,in case you don't know what a sales,channel is in shopify let me explain it,a sales channel is basically an avenue,that is linked to your shopify web store,that you sell on for example in the,previous lecture we talked about the,facebook channel if you have a facebook,page and are interested in bringing your,shopify products to your facebook and,instagram customers or followers you can,do so by connecting your shopify web,store to your facebook page with the,shopify channel app so basically every,time you add a new sales channel you're,basically adding a new avenue in which,you attain sales for your business right,because you're not only limited to,selling on shopify of course you can,also sell on instagram on facebook on,ebay on etsy on any other platform that,deals with e-commerce and online selling,so the online store sales channel deals,with our shopify store proper so when we,refer to online store within the sales,channel in shopify we mean our actual,shopify web store so as you can see here,this is why we were taken to themes and,then other sub tabs underneath the,online store because again our online,store is our shopify web store and when,we go to the sales channel and click on,online store tab,under sales channel we will be taken to,customization options for our shopify,web store this includes the theme which,we talked about earlier in the course or,of course you know the pages which we,talked about also early in the course or,the navigation aka the menu which we,also talked about earlier in the course,or the domains which again we talked,about earlier in the course so again,just be aware that your online store is,your shopify web store so that is what,that sales channel is for,now before we proceed to talk about this,online store sales channel which of,course is our main sales channel,this means that we currently since we,it's the only one that's appearing on,your sales channel this means that this,is the only one that we have presently,at the moment can we add other sales,channels as well,certainly we would click this little,gray circle with the plus sign and then,a pop-up will appear here of other sales,channels that we can connect to our,shopify web store so this means that,these platforms listed here are other,e-commerce slash selling platforms that,are online and also some offline that we,can connect to our shopify store to be,able to sell on as well,so,for example we can add ebay right let's,say i have an ebay store set up right i,have an ebay account and then i have,already my products on ebay if i wanted,to add that ebay channel to my shopify,webstore i most certainly could and so,therefore i would have both of those,connected and you may be wondering,what's the purpose of this or why is it,necessary the reason why this is,necessary is because instead of having,to manually transfer or list every,single one of your products one by one,on let's say ebay in this example,shopify through connecting your shopify,platform with the ebay sales channel,will transfer all of your shopify,products and listings to your ebay,account and shop,automatically in one by hooking up your,ebay store to your shopify store and,vice versa so that is why it is,recommended to connect these sales,channels together because every time you,have existing products or new products,that you create in the future you can,automatically upload those to ebay in,one click and in case you're wondering,how to do that that's something that you,will be guided once you actually install,this app or whatever other app for any,other you know online platform channel,such as ebay etsy and so forth so that,is why it would be good to do that if,you are selling on ebay or other stores,as well such as you know facebook,marketplace,or shop and so forth right so again,just be aware that these are what sales,channels are for,now we are of course not limited to only,selling online or adding online sales,channels we can add point of sale here,which is offered by shopify and we can,unify,online and in-person sales so if i have,a physical location if i'm a business,with a physical store i can add those,in-store sales using point-of-sale this,is also useful if you're you know,shipping locally to customers or,allowing your customers to pick up their,items that they bought online on your,shopify store,again you can also of course hook up,your google channel if you're someone,that has a google account and wants to,sell on google on you know, because i'm sure as many,of you may know google also has its own,marketplace its own shop button,if you want your products on your,shopify store to appear on google and be,listed there you can definitely add the,google channel and pinterest as well if,you have a pinterest account and are,active on pinterest you can add a,pinterest channel to automatically,connect your shopify web store to,pinterest and that way you don't have to,manually,transfer or add your product information,one by one the sales channel will do,that for you automatically so these are,some example sales channels and in case,you are wondering about a sales channel,that isn't present here,and wonder if there's any more other,ones you can definitely do so by,clicking the shopify app store and,searching for the name of the company,and then sales channel or just channel,afterwards to see if it exists right and,then if it does you can install it and,of course use it like normal and then if,it doesn't then unfortunately what,you're gonna have to do is you know,transfer or add your products one by one,now if we click here where it says,manage sales channel we can obviously,you know remove or add sales channels if,we no longer want them or of course add,one as well because this sometimes,happens let's say i'm no longer selling,on facebook and i want to remove the,facebook sales channel i can definitely,do so by clicking here so just be aware,of this part of the tab so let's go back,and then let's click,online store again,okay so now since we talked about adding,sales channel let's talk about this,little eye icon,this little eye icon is just a icon that,allows us to view our,shopify web store or the sales channel,that we are on so since i clicked online,stores eye icon that's what we're taking,to our shopify,um webster that's just what that is but,now let's talk about everything,underneath that the sub tabs we may have,seen this before right in a previous,lecture so this may look familiar to you,but again when we talk about online,store we're talking about our shopify,web store so everything underneath here,is our,theme options our customization options,and so much more we can obviously change,our theme here preview our theme,download our theme edit the code,customize our theme which we now know,where it takes us it takes us to the,shopify theme editor in which we can,change you know the header and the,footer all of that which we definitely,talked about earlier in this course um,again we can click the i icon up here as,well to view our store something again,to bring up is that,our online store is password protected,only visitors with a password can access,your online store this is actually,important to talk about whenever you,create your shopify store for the first,time it won't be live automatically,until you actually disable the password,so every store will be password,protected because shopify doesn't want,your store to be seen under construction,to everyone they want your store to be,live when it's actually ready to go so,if we click disable password which is,under the preferences sub tab in the,sales channel online store tab we can,definitely click disable password in,order for the shopify store to go live,however of course we need to remember,that in order to actually make our,shopify store go live and not be,password protected anymore is that we,need to obviously pick a plan a paid,monthly or yearly subscription to,shopify in order for us to be able to do,this to access the,disabled password feature just know that,this is where it would be under the,preferences tab,in the online store sales channel but,again we will not go through every,single function of this,you know uh online store channel because,some of these things we have already,covered before but just know the themes,sub tab is obviously where you edit your,store's theme and we talked about the,shopify theme library in this course,early on,then we have the blog posts sub tab,which again if you didn't know,again i'll mention that you can have a,blog on your shopify store so if you,create blog,create blog post button you'll be able,to create a blog post and so typically,what this is is you know talking about,your latest collections or your latest,sales or your latest discounts any,updates towards your you know stores,business location or whatever have you,right the blog is really serving just as,a basically way to become more personal,with your customers and also let them,know more about your business,okay and then for the next three tabs we,won't really talk about because we've,already talked about them earlier on in,this course pages of course deal with,your different web pages in terms of,your shopify store so this would include,things like home contact and so forth we,talked about this before,and then navigation of course deals with,your store menus your header menu your,main menu and then your footer menu,again we talked about this earlier on in,this course and then lastly domains,which is also something else that we,talked about earlier on in this course,so the last tab really left to talk,about is the preferences tab something,that we didn't get to,before let's click leave page because we,did not create a blog post,okay so the preferences tab,again let's click preferences,so,this is a tab that's important to talk,about that we didn't get to might be,overlooked sometimes because people just,think you know preferences oh might not,be something you know important but,really there's some good things here to,focus on for example your title and meta,description,here you definitely want to type in your,home page your shopify business home,page you know title this typically is,your business name and your business's,tagline so for example something like,you know let's say mcdonald's their,business name is mcdonald's and their,tagline is i'm loving it so definitely,add that here along with a short,description one to two sentences about,your business this will improve your,ranking on google for your search terms,when someone is probably you know either,searching your business's name or your,business's tagline or just looking for,things related to your niche or again to,whatever it is that you sell so you,definitely want to make sure that these,two are filled,then we have social sharing image so,this is just your image typically it's,your logo right or your banner logo,whatever have you you definitely want to,have this uploaded so that way search,engines can pick it up and also build,some brand recognition on their,platforms and so customers can find you,more easily,google analytics this is a bit more,technical and you don't have to worry,about unless you're of course you know,i'm dealing with a more advanced,business setup but if you have google,analytics which is basically a,tracking number or id that google uses,um that you can add to your shopify,businesses to track your customers their,behavior and also you know just,demographics about them so that way you,can create more,useful ads to target customers like the,ones that you already have and also to,learn more about your customer base,so again this is what google analytics,is for if you're working with google ads,this is definitely something you want to,have set up and you can paste your code,that google will provide you here in,order to have it hooked up with your,shopify store,and then we have facebook pixels so of,course much like google analytics is if,you work with google ads facebook pixel,is if you work with facebook ads so if,you have a facebook business account or,work with the facebook business manager,and you want to track your customers,behavior or you know the links and pages,they visit from your facebook ads that,direct towards your shopify,store you can definitely make sure,that your facebook pixel is set up right,because without it you won't be able to,create you know um these facebook ads to,track your customers that are coming,from facebook to your shopify store and,this is of course important to have set,up if you ever want to create,retargeting ads to retarget those,customers that had visited your store,previously right so again this is just,again for facebook ads so that's what,facebook pixel is for,then after that we have customer privacy,again,these are just some things you want to,make sure to activate if your,store is going to be you know taking,orders from you know the european union,and of course california you want to,make sure you comply with these,locations is uh online policy and,privacy regulations this is just,something dealing with the law,again for privacy and customer privacy,so just make sure that those two are,activated once you have your store set,up and then lastly again the password,protection right which we need,actually second to last to the password,protection in which we need the,shopify plan to be purchased in order,for us to deactivate the password and be,able to have the store go live to,everyone,and then we have two things we we have,spam protection and then domain,redirection let's start off with spam,protection again if you want to protect,your store from spam and abuse you can,enable these in fact it's recommended,that these two are enabled the google,recaptcha so sometimes these shopify,stores especially if you know you have,any newsletter text box forms or contact,us forms sometimes bots will put in spam,and spam your inbox or your shopify web,store in order to prevent this you want,to make sure that every contact and,comment form,and also login create account and,password recovery forms and pages on,your shopify store have google recaptcha,enabled which is usually that thing that,you check where it says i'm not a robot,and then it has like a little puzzle for,you to solve in order to make sure that,you're actually a legit human you want,to make sure that you have that enabled,um on your shopify webstore in order to,prevent spam and these bots from,spamming up your you know forms and so,forth so these two are enabled make sure,you keep them as such,and then again lastly for domain,redirection this is something we talked,about early on in this course,you can have a variety of domains,redirect or point to this shopify store,if you have purchased a variety of,domains and again in order for us to be,able to do that we need to,buy a shopify plan but nonetheless if,customers land on the wrong domain,they'll be automatically redirected to,one that supports their country region,so that's a good thing about having a,bunch of domains that redirect to your,main domain because that way if a,customer you know misspells a letter or,as a typo you know in your business's,name it's okay because you might have,had that domain registered and it takes,them to your shopify store anyway,so again you can just click enable here,if it's green to enable that of course,in order to access this again we need to,purchase a shopify plan and if we had,made any changes here this save button,would not be great it would be a,clickable green and then we would just,click save to save our preferences but,yes this is pretty much it in terms of,sales channels on shopify know that you,are not restricted to only having an,online store sales channel there are,other online platforms in which you can,sell on and connect those to shopify to,expand your business and get more sales,to the customers on those platforms as,well so yeah that is how sales channels,work on shopify
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