how to use privy on shopify

Privy Pop Ups, Email, & SMS - 2022 Shopify App Review okay today we are talking about one of,the gra

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Feb 04,2023

Privy Pop Ups, Email, & SMS - 2022 Shopify App Review

The above is a brief introduction to how to use privy on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to use privy on shopify

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Privy Pop Ups, Email, & SMS - 2022 Shopify App Review

okay today we are talking about one of,the grand masters of the shopify,industry i am talking about the most,installed app in the entire ecosystem so,if you are looking to improve your,conversion rate average order value,reduce customer churn or you simply want,to find out how privy can help you grow,then this video is for you more,specifically in the next 10 minutes we,will cover what you get with preview how,you can get started how to create,pop-ups and sms campaigns all within,your shopify admin panel so you can,decide after this video if you want to,use preview and if preview can help you,grow your business but of course like,every app review video i want to touch,on the concept first and i want to touch,upon the concept of,owned marketing it's a term that is used,more and more these days and it's,because of the rising cost of you know,paid ads basically what is owned media,well it's any type of content delivery,channel where you are responsible for,creating and maintaining the content it,gives you complete control over the,message that is delivered at no real,additional cost but andrew paid ads also,give you control of the message being,delivered and you know what's free,advertisement it's,reviews so there you go two examples,while that's true only owned media give,you both of those advantages in one so,in the end owned media is any channel,that you are 100,the boss of hence the name owned media,so,paid ads obviously you paying so you're,not really the boss there and,the posts on your page for example your,instagram of your facebook's page not,all followers really see them only a,fraction of them so again not really the,boss there so you might wonder well what,is an example of owned media so the most,common examples are your own website,because you own that your blog your,email list and your sms marketing you,decide how many people see your message,often if one person sees it or a million,it doesn't really matter that much in,the cost,and when you do send to all it's,actually sending to all and not just on,a fraction of all,very important so now that you know what,owned media is and you start,understanding like oh yeah there's,benefits to owning your own marketing,channels really owning it or i have to,because i'm in one of the industries how,can i really go about this and the,answer to that is why we partnered with,preview prefix basically has three tools,in one app to help you achieve owned,marketing,they make it easy for you to capture an,audience and then maintain the interest,of that audience with preview convert a,preview email and preview text preview,convert allows you to create beautiful,pop-ups fly outs and other offers to,capture your website visitors and turn,them into email subscribers and,first-time buyers remember when you own,an email list that is direct money in,the bank once you have their email of,course you gotta kind of keep them,entertained and that's where privy email,comes in,this tool helps you grow sales by,driving repeat purchases sharing,promotions and recovering abandoned,carts which is obviously super important,and last but not least and actually this,has been recently introduced with privy,you don't just want to stop with email,you can also do text,privy texts are used to reach customers,directly on their phones obviously,through automated sms so true privy you,can reach your customers directly,through automated sms messaging market,and just like email you can do abandoned,card sequences or you can send coupons,or just say thank you to your most loyal,fans and frankly that's a great way to,do some brand building and there is a,reason why so many people i think it's,like 18 000 5 star reviews give it five,star because it helps making you money,it it helps owning your own marketing,channel so if you're like okay owned,marketing channel you know it makes,sense i kind of need to own my audience,i can't rely on facebook groups or,something like that i i i need email,marketing um and i need sms marketing it,makes sense i need to own my audience,and sure this privy app you know,you know it seems like a good place to,start how do i go about it andrew well,i'm glad you asked because let me simply,show first you're gonna go to your,shopify admin and you're gonna go to,apps and then customize your store,you're gonna search for preview and,you're gonna click install basically the,classic app install but the long story,short you're gonna get to the privy,dashboard that looks exactly like this,right here and this is the place where,you can get an overview of your revenue,how many signups you have the sign up,rate the email revenue and their card,abandonment rates they also give you,some recommendations that you know is,really quite useful,before i break down each of these,sections so you can really get an,understanding of it i just want to do a,quick side note here that all of,previous main features exist in what,they called plays so when i refer to,that you're going to be like okay this,is basically,read privy's main feature,read or watch because you're watching,this while i'm reading this this is,confusing just remember that plays are,different starting points that you can,use to create a campaign you can find it,by clicking on plays right here and by,doing this you will find everything from,website pop-ups to free shipping bars,and you know basically the most popular,thing now earlier in this video i refer,to the three features of the apps,capturing emails sending emails and,sending text messages i'm going to show,you how to set that up so you can do,each three of them so let's start with,privy convert and this is actually where,privy started their journey as a pop-up,builder and their email capture tool is,simply one of the best in the world,because they've been doing it for so,long so one of the most used features of,preview is actually the preview welcome,discount pop-up you know like hey,welcome to the store here's five percent,now these pop-ups they come in tons of,different forms that you can use,you can do the classic form that works,for desktop or you can do a fly out that,is really useful for mobile,or you can do the phone capturing once,um for the sms marketing or you can,combine them to your liking so,you really have everything if you have,set up the welcome pop-up you should,also considering doing the exit capture,pop-up and this is triggered when the,mouse leaves the screen you know there's,an automatic pop-up that says like hey,you know don't leave just yet leave us,your email address first um really,really useful because again your main,goal is to build that email list but,you're not limited to the templates that,you see right here because if you can't,find something you can just create your,own actually let me just show you how,that is done let's do the welcome,discount popup you'll go ahead and click,create just so you can see now typically,we personally recommend that you give,your customer some value for signing up,and that might not immediately be a cash,coupon,i talked about it in a video on like how,to sell anything to anyone i think i,titled it a cheesy title but the core,concept remains you might not want to,come up with a discount code out of the,gate however you do want to offer,something so that you get that sign up,then you're going to click continue and,now you automatically load the mobile,one so you can see how it's going to,look or you can pick what you want on,the mobile version,i'm going to click on the desktop but,you can choose whatever works best for,you as you can see it's a click to edit,system so it's really easy to make your,own pop-up exactly like you want so just,simply click what you want to edit and,the left sidebar will change to allow,you to edit that element that you just,clicked,you can change this photo to anything,you like and you can also click on the,text to change i mean you start getting,the point here now of course there's,more to a pop-up than just a pop-up for,example if i put in my email you,probably want to send me to some sort of,thank you pop-up or just a confirmation,that you've received my email so that's,going to be the thank you page which you,know pops right after you submit and as,you can see this little tab right here,you can customize that one also,and this little tab will stay on your,site so if someone doesn't want to sign,up immediately they will have this on,the side and they can click back later,you know if they are like oh no actually,i did want that offer because that brand,does interest me where is that pop-up,well now you can just click right here,so there you go that's part number one,the basic functionality of previous,pop-up and what the campaign is going to,look like if you click convert you will,see all the campaigns that you are,currently running of course when you're,editing a pop-up you can not only change,the design in the form fields but you,can also change the targeting settings,and that one is actually kind of great,what you can also do is you can decide,when to show it who to show it to and,how long you want to show it for that,way you can really personalize each,interaction depending on the class so if,you click right here when to show you,can show it after scrolling a certain,percentage down the page which is cool,but you can also show it when your mouse,moves out of the browser and you can,choose how often it is triggered so i'm,going to click on save right here who to,show it to and you can also,and you can also decide to only show it,to certain campaigns or certain segments,of people,this is getting some really precise,nitty-gritty advanced stuff one last,thing i'm gonna note in the convert is,yes it does also offer like these free,shipping bars on top and you can,relatively easily set that up and that,is going to help you,increase your average order value as i,talked about it before on this channel,acquiring a customer is usually really,really expensive and so when you do have,that customer to your site you want to,make sure they spend the highest amount,that they possibly can so by adding,those free shipping bars starting from,you know 20,you're gonna ensure that your average,order value is going to be at least for,some part of your customers above twenty,dollars,it's really useful but of course you're,probably wondering okay now that i have,their email what should i do next or,maybe even you're a step ahead of me and,you have their email and their phone,number well we're gonna start with the,email part and we're gonna look at the,convert tool they have created two of,previous emails that are widely used and,that you should set up as a store owner,is the welcome email and the abandoned,card email and i'll walk you through,those in just a second but you can also,find customers win back emails which,means reaching out to people who haven't,purchased or visited for a while which,you know can really be interested you,can also set up newsletters purchase,follow-up emails which are sent after,someone purchases and especially after,they receive the product for example you,can ask them for a review or,recommendation or things like that so,you really have a wide variety of things,you can set up but again let me show you,how to create one of these let's say the,welcome email that's relatively,important because it's going to set the,tone to know what the user can expect,are you going to be one of those brands,that just sends out coupon code every,two days and just hammer it or is your,newsletter going to create a fantastic,story and a wealth of information that,people want to read well the welcome,email is going to set that tone let's,see so obviously the welcome email is,sent out automatically once someone has,subscribed and,like i said it's kind of used to,introduce yourself at least in theory a,lot of people use it for different,things but you can choose a template,because privy got all of these different,ones with different type of goals,whether you're just trying to say,welcome to our brand connect with us or,check out our products in this section,right here you will find something for,you and really there's a lot of really,really cool one as well that they have,tried out and you know a b like i,mentioned some brands really go,pretty intricate in this because it,becomes a story line and a plot that,makes you want to open up the next email,and so preview can help you doing that,by doing a welcome series versus just,one welcome email that's a cool a little,extra series the app sends one out one,hour after signing up and then 24 hours,after the first email and then 48 hours,after the second email and you could,simply click edit here and you can,change each one of them now again these,are already designed with specific goals,in mind so,this one just like the welcome one okay,now another one that you should really,have set up straight out of the bat is,the abandoned cart so when someone,abandons a cart you can choose to do an,email or text message and we're going to,show you how to do it in an email so,right here you see that you can add a,logo a very simple message and a section,that automatically renders the items,that were left in their cart which you,know obviously kind of use by clicking,on the settings here this will,automatically send an email to the,people that have left the site and that,have a card value greater or equal to,one which means that they have something,in their card and it's an hour after,they abandoned their card or left the,page which again kind of cool but you,can go even a step further and attach a,coupon here as well as to further entice,them to really buy and again you might,not want to do that in the first,abandoned cart email because maybe they,just had to get out of the subway but,they are going to buy it late so by,sending the first abandoned cart email,you just remind them without the need of,really having to give a discount,if they don't react to that you might,want to consider throwing in a coupon to,kind of sweeten the deal and up the,value of your offer but i don't know,that's just,my good feeling but of course there is,one thing you need to really understand,and that is the concept of email,segmentation you don't want to be,sending out 50 discount coupons to,people that have just bought full price,so the logic says you're going to,segment your list and say hey this,discount code email send it to these,people but don't send it to these people,and that's just an example of,segmentation it could also be don't send,this list of promotions to quebec,because for some reason you cannot run,any promotions in quebec if you're from,quebec you know exactly what i'm talking,about and privy allows you to do a quite,a big variety of segmentation options,for example you can segment your,customer by their website behavior and,these conditions are based on how people,interact with your site for example how,often do they visit or which product do,they view and actually the number of,visits to the site that metric can be,really useful to you because if you sell,a high ticket item let's say over a,thousand dollars and someone visits your,site five times you might want to use,the preview email flow to be like hey,you visited five times you're clearly,interested do you want to talk to one of,our sales rep,now of course this doesn't work if,you're selling a 15,item because you're not gonna start,buying paying sales reps to start,calling everyone that makes no sense but,for high ticket value items,there's something there okay now you,start getting the picture it's important,to own your media channels i can use,privy to do this i'm going to capture as,much information from my visitors as i,can with privy capture i'm gonna keep,them engaged with emails but i want an,even higher smash and for that i'm going,to text them because like i said before,everyone opens their text here yet again,you're going to have their segmentation,options that you can really take,advantage of because you're going to be,maybe running both channels at once,emails and texts and you don't want the,same message to be overlapped so for,example you can maybe send out a text,message to everyone that didn't open,your email aha now we're talking or,maybe you're just way smarter than me,and you've figured out a much better way,to use segmentation between text and,email but,in a general rule sms has a better,opening rate than email itself and it,has a number of benefits so let me,quickly show you how to set it up with,preview it will be the last thing i'll,borrow it because after that you'll be,an expert on how to do this yourself,seriously this is some stuff that like,high grossing stores do over a hundred,thousand a month,usually the small stores they just don't,have the experience yet to do this and,you know they're not doing it okay to,get started we're back on our dashboard,here you're going to click new broadcast,text and right here basically before,each text is going to show you your,store name and at the end it's going to,say reply,stop to unsubscribe but you could,basically put anything here i do,recommend and i think i'm not a legal,lawyer or something like fancy schmancy,but that you're supposed to,you have to put the stop unsubscribe,option in it anyway for instance you can,put their names like hey there,personalize the first name,andrew,and it will say hey there andrew thanks,for signing up to receive text messages,now talking about a creative welcome,text message and you know i challenge,you to find something better and by the,way if you have something better put it,in the comments down below so you know,maybe we can do some cool stuff and,learn from each other but once you,finish writing the messages you can,click save changes and you can choose,who you want to send it to you can again,add a coupon code if that's what you,want and once you save everything you,can send it or you can even schedule it,for later so you're not sending it at,1am because let's face it you're doing,this at 1am aren't you so just go to the,changes click schedule and now there you,go it is scheduled for a future date all,right so last but not least we're going,to be talking about pricing because how,much of this actually is going to cost,you and you have a zero dollar starter,package so if you're starting out and,you really want to nail this ecommerce,thing you should just start with the,zero dollar one and get preview,installed asap now important to remember,with this plan is you can only have a,hundred mailable contacts and before you,ask yes it is very common for these type,of apps to charge by how big your email,list is so keep that in mind,and you cannot do newsletters,segmentation and things like that so,important to keep in mind if you want to,go a little bit more pro you can go with,the 15 plan per month and frankly here,is everything that it has one thing that,you might notice is that this does not,have the sms text feature,for that you're gonna have to go to the,45 a month plan which again still very,reasonable and then you can have up to 3,000 email contacts 500 textable contacts,and all of this yada yada,for 45 dollars a month i mean how much,have you spent in your last facebook ad,campaign,exactly my name was andrew from ecom,experts dot io we do tons of shopify,related videos make sure to like,subscribe but more importantly give your,opinion down in the comments i love to,read them see you in the next one

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