how to wordwrap shopify blog

SHOPIFY WRAP TEXT AROUND IMAGE [step by step tutorial] for professional page layout hey guys in this

Rock Paper Copy - Shopify Experts

Updated on Mar 18,2023

SHOPIFY WRAP TEXT AROUND IMAGE [step by step tutorial] for professional page layout

The above is a brief introduction to how to wordwrap shopify blog

Let's move on to the first section of how to wordwrap shopify blog

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SHOPIFY WRAP TEXT AROUND IMAGE [step by step tutorial] for professional page layout

hey guys in this video I will show you,how to add an image to Shopify and how,to wrap a text around an image as you,can see this image has beautifully,wrapped text around it and this is the,effect we're gonna go for today so when,you add an image to Shopify it looks a,little bit all over the place I'll show,you the example so first of all let's,add an image click within the text area,click on the image insert image and,select image from your library then,simply click insert image now by default,Shopify displays text right below the,image,it just looks not very nice I'll show,you what I mean so I'll save the page,and if I click view page as you can see,this image is so close the tags the text,is on the wrap around the image and,there's virtually no border so I'll show,you how I wrap the text around the image,so the text starts at the very top it,wraps around the image border there's a,comfortable border between the image and,the text so the text doesn't touch the,image as it does at the moment it's very,easy to do with Shopify it just needs a,bit of tweaking and in this video I'll,show you step-by-step on how to do it so,first of all click on the image we,uploaded and click on insert image the,same button that you did now in this,section this new window that appears,select wrap around wrap text around,image make sure that the image is to the,left you can select the right but then,the the settings will be different so,we'll display the image to the left and,because it will be displayed to the left,we'll need to add a border to the right,and the border at the bottom so this,will create a border between the text,and the image so I'll delete dows I like,to leave those empty and create 25,pixels furthers the right and 25 pixels,to the bottom,the safe area to go for is between 20 to,35 I let go for 25 because it's this,kind of very comfortable middle now,click Edit image and save the page now,view this page again and as you can see,the text starts at the very top just,where the image start and there's very,very nice border on the side of the,image so this is the right border of the,image and this is the bottom so it wraps,very very nicely and this is how you,wrap the text around the image it's easy,as 1-2-3 if you love this video smash,the like button now and subscribe to my,youtube channel for regular SEO and,e-commerce tips also hit the best to be,notified every time I upload new video,now watch these videos next recommended,for you here to learn more about SEO and,running successful online business bye,bye

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