how well does kit for shopify work

KIT Free Digital Marketing Assistant For SHOPIFY - Honest Review by EcomExperts io no time to learn

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 27,2023

KIT Free Digital Marketing Assistant For SHOPIFY - Honest Review by EcomExperts io

The above is a brief introduction to how well does kit for shopify work

Let's move on to the first section of how well does kit for shopify work

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KIT Free Digital Marketing Assistant For SHOPIFY - Honest Review by EcomExperts io

no time to learn marketing no budget do,you hire a marketing manager,no experience running marketing well,don't worry then you have,kit for your shopify store yeah that,sounded like one of those,ninja loan ads like no income no job,and no worries we got you covered,shopify world,my name is andrew from e-com experts dot,io and this week,we are reviewing kit okay so the,premises of the kit app from shopify is,that,something like i think it's 75 of,all u.s businesses are like one-man,shows and they don't have the time and,money to hire more people and so kit,kindness comes in as a,artificial intelligent virtual assistant,that takes care of your marketing,at least that's what they claim but wait,they claim even more,let me get my papers for this marketing,spiel here kit isn't just another,marketing app,kit is a proactive artificial,intelligence assistant,and you will talk to it every day it's,on call,24 7 working wherever you are,and even when you're not working it's,working for you what is this,who makes up these things so today we're,going to look at all of these things,right here there's also,the time stamps down below if you just,want to skip to a certain subject then,we're going to see if,kit is actually worth it because it's,being talked about,quite a lot so should you should you,install kit that's basically the,premises of this video okay so when,installing kit and i'll overlay that,right here it's actually pretty,simple you just go to the shopify,dashboard you go to apps,you search for kit you install it and,then once you've done all that,you arrive on the kit dashboard that,kind of looks like this,okay so in this dashboard you can manage,the kit account settings,the kit skills is what they call it,we'll go over that in a little bit you,can also set up your priority,products and your email templates that,kit will be sending out,for you well they're already set up you,can modify them again,i think the premises here is saving you,time one quick little note you need a,shopify store,obviously that's not password protected,in order for kit,to uh to work okay so what does kit,actually,do well it's a kit is a fancy facebook,instagram email marketing app that,makes running ads actually pretty damn,easy if you don't have any experience,with it if you never run facebook ads,and you need to set up an ad set up the,copy find the right picture,go in the facebook ad manager and figure,all that out the audiences etc etc,and that's just for facebook then you,have to repeat the process for instagram,blah blah blah you know the pain,if you don't then kit might be right for,you because you don't have to go through,all of this learning curve,you can just use kit now i'm going to,stop you right here because if you're,like oh,i launched like 50 campaigns every day,on facebook,i'm a well old machine when it comes to,that then,kit is probably not right for you you,can just skip to one of the other videos,i made maybe how you can like,increase your sales by a lot maybe maybe,check that one out,i don't know it's a strategy video,instead of an app review video but so if,you're not,used to running around in the facebook,ad manager then,kit is really the right tool for you,because it's going to ask you,three simple questions do you want to,run an ad what product,do you want to promote and how much are,you willing to spend,that's a lot more simple than a million,questions facebook is asking and based,on you answering those questions it will,come up,pull pictures and copy from your store,run it through its artificial,intelligence features and come up with,an ad,that's targeted to a specific audience,that makes sense for your audience,and it's basically going to make the ad,for you but not to worry kid also shows,you a preview of this app that you can,tweak just,in case they did a little mistake that,you're not too happy about and before,you wonder,yes it does work with the gram okay one,last little thing about this,is if you're new to online marketing kit,has the kit,gold so that's where kit is gonna ask,you okay do you want to get your first,sale do you want to get your tent sale,do you want to increase your revenue by,10,and based on your answer on those,questions kit is going to focus,its attention and that's your attention,on where it's,most needed in order to reach that first,sale or to go by 10 last but not least,kit also has several skills under its,belt and so skills is basically things,that kit can do,for you in other apps which is pretty,cool okay andrew what about the,competitive landscape,well you could argue that some of the,retargeting,apps could be a competitor to kids but,the fact that kit can really,interact with other apps kind of,puts like retargeting apps out of his,league and it's not really a direct,competitor so there isn't really any,competition for kids,alright but integrations what about that,well the list of integrations is,ridiculously long 22 integrations and,i'm not gonna list them all because i'm,gonna bore you to death if i do so but,real quick there are things like spently,walmart google seguno,yacht pro there's really tons of them,and i'll leave the full list,below in the description so you can,check that out by the way we actually,reviewed a lot of these apps that are,integrating with kids so,if you're like hey i always wondered,what the oppo looked like,you might want to check out the review,one of the fantastic advantages about,this,kit app beside the fact that it doesn't,impact your store speed,is that it's 100 free so you don't,really have a lot to lose,all right if we talk about your rating,it has a 4.4 out of 5 star out of like 1,300 reviews or something like that i'll,put the overlay right here you can kind,of check it out,and then i'll also overlay some of the,positive and negative reviews that we,thought stand out,so you know you can kind of build an,idea of what the reviews are like,okay then another question i get is who,shouldn't use kit well there's two,people who shouldn't use kit number one,is the person that just opened their,store you see kit needs,a little bit a little bit of data to,start doing facebook ad and instagram,ads and so if you don't have an email,list with at least like 100,200 emails on it or a facebook page with,100 200 likes on it,then kit doesn't have any data to start,knowing where it should advertise so if,you just opened your shop,kit is not the number one thing i would,be installing alternatively if you're a,shopify plus store with,a 50 people in your marketing department,kid ain't for you either okay let's,rephrase that if you have a marketing,department,kit might not be super useful for you it,still can depending on the size of your,marketing departments but,i think kit is really useful for the,people that are like a one-man shop,that have sales coming in and that,really are focused on the manufacturing,customer service,and they do a little bit of ads and,emails but,they really don't have the time and,energy put into it,that they would like so if you're like,my business is rolling i should,really make some time to look at my,marketing,and to step that one up but i just don't,have the time,well then you should install kit i mean,it's free at the end of the day,shopify bought kit for a reason because,i think it's a pretty cool tool and,there's definitely some artificial,intelligence in there that's being done,right but at the end of the day,no good tool can replace a fantastic,marketing strategy so if you don't have,a fantastic marketing strategy,kit is not gonna do wonders for you it's,gonna help you but it's not gonna do,wonders for you anyway i hope this,review was useful to you guys my name is,andrew from ecom experts dot i go every,tuesday we come out with app reviews,every wednesday with strategy videos on,how you can make more money,and every thursday we do a little bit of,coding thank you so much for subscribing,share these videos with friends it means,the world to me check out our other,videos and i will see you in another one,at you,you

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