i just made my first sale on shopify how do i ship

How I Got My First Sale Dropshipping on Shopify so if you clicked on this video you're,probably wond

Wesley Watkins Jr

Updated on Mar 14,2023

How I Got My First Sale Dropshipping on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to i just made my first sale on shopify how do i ship

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i just made my first sale on shopify how do i ship catalogs

How I Got My First Sale Dropshipping on Shopify

so if you clicked on this video you're,probably wondering how you can get your,first sale drop shipping on shopify and,you're in the right place i'm going to,break down a few things that i did to,really help me or one thing that i did,that really helped me achieve,this sale so let's go ahead and get,right into it if you're new to the,channel go ahead subscribe a lot of,people that watch the videos aren't,subscribed so it's a great chance for,you to go ahead and subscribe to a great,channel that's going to post lots of,content business related which you will,find lots of value in so go ahead and,slap the subscribe button if you're new,to the channel let's get right into it,all right so what i was selling was,these dog beds and i've seen,competitors do it really well as far as,website,but my website was also really well done,i missed one thing as far as like the,website that i had didn't have the,option to select your breed which,allowed you to see which bed size you,needed which was a genius idea for,whoever did it but that's not the point,the point is i've seen people do this,website before and i thought that i,could do it really well they did a lot,of facebook ads um and i couldn't really,understand how i could get a 100 product,to sell on facebook by i mean like i saw,the angles of facebook ads,with the product that i had but,again other people were already doing it,really heavily,so i took a different approach and i,started focusing on google ads and the,reason i did,one it was during the pandemic so people,were,buying pets left and right i'm talking,dogs were popping up in every household,and two i think about it from my,perspective if i wanted a dog bed and i,know i'm paying 100 i'm gonna search for,the best dog bed not necessarily see one,on facebook especially considering it,was a higher ticket product so,i ran google ads and i'm not going to,give an in-depth video on what google,ads are and how i ran them because it,was a while ago and i haven't done it so,i don't want to give false information,but i will,tell you the youtuber that i watched who,really,helped me create a strategy that worked,for me charlie brown and dan vaz,so those two had the best,google ads videos for drop shipping on a,short budget and i'll post my,screenshots of everything just so you,know i'm not making stuff up or pulling,it out,of nowhere so,right here i'm gonna show you the sale,that i had i sold these dog beds for,like 90 or so and also on top of that,i had the option to get fast shipping,because i was using cj drop shipping as,my sourcing for this product i ended up,having to refund the person which kind,of sucked because i think i really could,have started scaling this but that's,besides the point um but i did get a,sale and it was great it was a learning,it was a lot of learning going on in,that period um if i could go back and do,it again there's some things i would do,differently but that's not the point of,this video the point is videos to tell,you how i got my first sale so basically,i was using google ads to give a brief,overview i was using google as to for,people who wanted to,find,dog beds,specifically i was using,exact match,searches so if someone ever typed in dog,bed for sale or soft dog bed for sale or,um,anti-anxiety dog bed for sale anything's,around that line,and then i use things that,i didn't want to search up like drop,shipping aliexpress so if you use,aliexpress or any of those words,negative keywords then my,then my ad would not show up because i,don't want it to match with that because,either one you know where drop shipping,is and you're probably not going to buy,you're doing research for your website,or you are looking for a deal on,aliexpress so i don't want my my,product to show up on any of those three,so i was using,exact keyword match and i ran,them for three days i got a sale on the,first day and then the other three days,i did not get a sale,or maybe i ran it for a week i don't,remember the exact time period just,because it was so long ago,but this didn't last long i just want to,show you that i did get a sale and i did,it using google ads so if you have an,idea of a product that you know people,search for,um google ads and google shopping ads,can be very profitable for you you just,need to really do your due due diligence,and your research,this video is not to tell you exactly,how to do it but inform you of a,different way in which you can,strategize and create your own,strategies that suit the products and,business that you have so google ads is,an option look into bing ads because,that is an untapped market,it's not a,as many people as,google ads of course but there is a,market for that people do use bing and,you can run ads and nobody else runs ads,on bing because nobody thinks of being,so yeah in the comments if you've ever,used google ads or any of your search,engine advertisement say so in the,description tell me how i went for you,tell me your strategy i like to know,just so i can learn experience and,people in the comments and people that,watch the videos can also read your post,and see what you have done so that they,can gain more knowledge so if you enjoy,this video you want to see more in-depth,videos or any more experiences that i've,had with drop shipping or any,experiences with failed or successful,businesses drop them in the comments or,just thumbs up or just thumbs up the,video and i'll uh make some more videos,so hope you all enjoyed it and we'll see,in the next one

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