in this video I'm going to be going over,27 different websites that you can use,to make money online and website number,one is, if you go to their,website and then click the button in the,top right corner that says register now,then you can sign up for an account just,fill out your information and then go to,the link at the top that says,Marketplace from there then you can find,a product to promote now personally I,would only recommend promoting products,that at least pay out 200 to 500 for,every sale that you make because if you,get one or two sales per day you could,potentially make way more than a,full-time income which of course would,be really nice then all you have to do,is click the little button that says,promote now next to the product that,you'd like to promote and then digistore,will give you your magic link then make,sure to also click the link next to the,product that says affiliate support page,on that page they'll typically give you,a bunch of assets that you can use to,promote the product for example,advertisements emails to send out or,webinars and anything else that you can,use to help promote it then all you have,to do is simply take this link and,promote it in as many different places,is as you can think of this can include,YouTube videos which are my absolute,favorite and by the way you can do,YouTube without ever even showing your,face or stepping in front of a camera I,talk about it all the time on my channel,but you can also post the links on,Instagram Tick Tock you can run a Blog,and post links on there or run,advertisements like YouTube ads you can,even share the links with your friends,and family if you want now my course and,Community to Mastery monetization which,teaches people how to grow profitable,YouTube channels from scratch is on the,digistore24 marketplace and up until,this date we've paid over half a million,dollars to Affiliates who have promoted,our program that's honestly crazy to,think about that number that we've given,people that much money just for,promoting our program but it really,demonstrates just how much money there,is to be made with websites like,dgstore24 now personally I only,recommend promoting products that you,actually believe in that actually,provide value to people and there's a,lot of bad products on Daisy stores a,lot of bad products on any Marketplace,out there but I will say there are good,products out there and I'm probably,biased but I do believe that we have one,of them into Mastermind monetization my,course I answer every single question,every day we have the most comprehensive,step-by-step training I've ever seen and,I bought so many courses out there but,you don't have to promote my course you,can promote literally any program out,there and dgstore24 is a great,Marketplace for funding programs to,promote but that being said if you did,want to promote tube Mastery,monetization you can rest assured,knowing that every single person who,buys through your link they will be,taken care of and will give them the,best experience possible and help them,grow a profitable Channel now there's a,lot of scammy survey websites out there,but there are a few legitimate ones that,being said Don't expect to make a,full-time income just by answering,surveys online but you can expect to,potentially make a few extra dollars if,you wanted to do something that's really,low effort just answering surveys,they're probably familiar with Google,one of the biggest companies in the,world in fact they even own YouTube,which I'm posting this video on right,here but Google also owns a survey,website that can allow you to sign up,answer surveys and you can potentially,make money and it's called Google,opinion rewards you can download it as,an app up and literally just answer,random questions and Google will pay you,and the way it works is they'll send you,surveys typically about once per week,and then all you have to do is go,through there answer the questions and,you can make money now at this point you,might be saying Matt I want an example,of what kind of questions they're going,to be asking me here's an example one,based off the image they put in the,Google Play Store as you can see it says,which of the following desserts around,the world are you most familiar with and,then it lists out the desserts now I'm,familiar with cookies and brownies so,obviously I would select those two right,there and boom just submitted over to,Google now you're probably wondering why,does Google need this data if you think,about it Google owns so many different,sub companies and this data can be,incredibly useful for running ads for,figuring out advertising profiles for,advertisers which fund a lot of Google's,company and now you might be asking how,much can you make by answering surveys,with a website like this and Google will,pay you up to a dollar for every survey,that you complete now website number,three is called folk which is a website,and app where you can potentially make,extra money just from your photos and,videos all you have to do is upload any,different photos or videos that you have,and then if a company wants to use these,photos in marketing materials or for,whatever else they need it for then they,can buy it off of folk and then you'll,get 50 of the money that was made and to,make extra money with folk you can also,take part in What are called missions,where they give you a specific thing,that you have to go out and do whether,it be take a picture of a certain tree,or things around your town or so forth,they'll tell you exactly what they need,and then all you have to do is go out,take the photo send it to them you can,make money that way now at this point,you might be asking why do companies,need images like this well it turns out,that in the past companies had to go to,expensive photography firms to take,their pictures or they had to buy,expensive stock photos and videos which,isn't really cost effective this way,they can go straight to real people to,take pictures and videos for super cheap,and that way it's a win-win and these,photos can appear on things like,Billboards or magazines or whatever the,company needs them for now let's get,into website number four have you ever,seen electric scooters around towns that,are available for rent if you download a,certain app well lime is one of those,apps and you can actually make money,with lime by being what is called a,juicer now that doesn't mean you're,actually juicing literal lime so what it,means is that you go out and you juice,or charge different electric scooters,you can get paid for doing it and they,pay between 20 and 30 dollars per hour,just to go around and charge these,scooters now there are some stipulations,for doing this for example you do have,to be an adult and you do have to have,some type of transportation to be able,to get around to charge these scooters,but that being said lime is available,internationally in a ton of different,countries and you can check out their,locations map to see everywhere they're,available if you're interested in doing,this did you know that you could,potentially make money online by,literally just typing Well turns out,that tons of YouTubers companies and,people have video and audio that they,need transcribed and that means there's,opportunity for you to potentially make,money just sitting there listening to,what's being said and then typing it out,the name of this job is being a,transcriptionist and websites just like,number five that we're gonna go over,right here called scribby need higher,transcriptionist to type what's being,said in different pieces of content and,they'll pay pay five to twenty dollars,per hour of content that you transcribe,and what's pretty cool about scribby in,my opinion is that they do provide you,an automated transcript of what was said,in the video but the automated,transcript isn't perfect so then it's up,to you to actually go through that and,fix any grammatical mistakes and make,sure everything makes sense and make,sure the robot got it correct it's way,easier than just typing it all out,yourself from scratch because you get,that automated transcript to help speed,things up now if you work seven hours,per day at this doing their beginner,level content you can make up to seven,hundred dollars per month but if you,choose the air Media or the advanced,levels of content you can make a lot,more than that but you do have to make,sure that your English is pretty good,what's also pretty cool is they allow,you to preview the files that you want,to work on prior to choosing them so you,can see how long the file is and if you,have time to do it now do you have a,skill or something that people have,asked you how to do whether it be,playing piano passing a certain video,game or anything else if so you can use,website number six on this list which is,udemy and a lot of courses on udemy are,literally really just slideshows that,you could create with something like,Google slides and then screen record,them with something like OBS which is,also completely free then what udemy,does is they promote your course for you,and sometimes they even spend money on,Advertising for you to get your course,seen and so people buy it and then they,give you some of the money now,personally I have made thousands of,dollars per month with udemy in the past,but I no longer use them due to the fact,that udemy takes a large percentage of,the money that you make on there,sometimes upwards of fifty percent of,the money you make is going to udemy and,in my opinion it's not worth it once you,scale it up in the beginning it can be,good because they promote your course,for you they get people buying it for,you so if you want to make a couple,extra thousand dollars per month that,can be really good but once you start,making that much and you want to scale,to more then I recommend moving your,course off of udemy and putting it on,something like kajabi which is what I,currently use and we sell over a hundred,thousand dollars per month of our course,at this point also I recommend putting,your course on something like,digistore24 so you can get tons of,Affiliates to sign up and promote it for,you gumroad which is website number,seven is another website that you can,sell digital products on like courses,but you can also sell other things like,ebooks or guides templates or anything,else that is a digital product and,what's awesome about digital products is,that you don't have to pay any huge,fulfillment cost every time someone buys,it plus it's delivered automatically to,them so they don't have to wait for,shipping or anything else and I,absolutely love digital products I even,made a video on my channel that talks,about 12 different digital product ideas,so I highly recommend going to check,that out if you're at all interested in,this type of thing now gumroad is a,marketplace where you can sell affiliate,products they'll sell it for you and you,can make money from it also put a link,in the description if you want to check,out that video later about the 12,different digital product ideas to make,money online website number eight is go,transcript now go transcript is another,transcription website that'll pay you to,transcribe videos and audio the jobs are,available worldwide and they'll pay you,up to 60 cents per minute of audio that,you transcribe and according to go,transcript their average earnings are,like 150 per month but their top,earnings on the platform is like 1 1200,per month and you can work as little as,you want with this or as much as you,want just transcribing audio and they'll,pay you weekly via PayPal is,website number nine on this list and,it's another website that'll pay you to,transcribe stuff but rev is a little bit,different than the other transcribing,Services because they give you three,ways to make money instead of just one,you can either transcribe where you just,write down exactly what you hear or you,can do what's called captioning the,audio where you sync it up with the,timestamps of the video that you're,captioning and this is where you create,subtitles for videos and you can get,paid a lot more than just doing straight,transcription and the third option for,making money with rev is to subtitle,Audio and Video in different languages,so if you know another language that,could be a way to make even more money,now I personally have paid thousands and,thousands of dollars to to have,my own videos captioned and transcribe,so I know there's a lot of companies and,people out there just like me who need,their videos on audio transcribe and rev,is another option for it now let me ask,you a question do you have a voice if so,you can make money with website sites,like website number 10 on our list which,is which pay people to do,voiceovers now the amount of money that,you make per voiceover is going to vary,on the project that you're doing but you,can record voiceovers for things like,YouTube videos commercials anything else,that someone needs a voiceover for and,the way it works is that people send you,a script you record the voiceover and,you send it back and you get paid now,tons of people have made full-time,careers just out of doing voiceovers I,personally have paid tens of thousands,of dollars for people to do voiceovers,for the different faceless YouTube,channels that I run and if you're going,to be doing this I do recommend getting,at least a decent microphone like a Blue,Yeti Nano for example I also recommend,recording several sample clips of your,voice so people can hear what it sounds,like and then upload it to a website,like so people can listen to,it and decide if they want to book it,with you website number 11 is, and you can make money with,Clarity FM just by jumping on phone,calls and answering people's questions,on those calls and if you know anything,about anything you can set up up an,account with Clarity FM and then people,can book phone calls with you for your,desired per minute rate so people will,pay you per minute to get on a call with,you and you basically just answer,people's questions and do consultations,with them and there's people on Clarity,FM who help with business marketing and,even relationship advice for example I,found this guy right here who charges,eight dollars and 33 cents per minute to,get on phone calls with people and just,answer questions about YouTube he's done,237 calls on his account and let's,estimate that each call is like 30,minutes long and that means he would,have made sixty thousand dollars with,his account website number 12 is, with you can apply for,jobs like Animal Care Child Care,housekeeping tutoring and more and this,could potentially be a good way to make,some money in your local area by seeing,if there's any jobs available that you,can apply for you can also make a,profile on and then people can,go on there see all the skills that you,have and then choose if they want to,hire you website number 13 is try my UI,try my UI as a way website where you can,sign up and then test out different,websites and mobile apps and then,basically just give your thoughts on,them the company can improve based on,those thoughts and then they'll pay you,money and to test out the websites they,just give you a couple things to look at,then what you do is you do a screen,recording you talk about the website as,you're going through it give your,thoughts on it and then at the end they,typically send you like a short survey,or something and then you answer the,questions on there and boom you get paid,now try my UI does publicly say that,you're probably not going to make a,full-time income doing this but you,could potentially make a little bit of,spare cash on the side while doing,something fun you know trying out new,websites that you may have never seen,before and they pay you every single,weekday through PayPal and the tests,take around 20 minutes to complete and,they pay around ten dollars per test,that you complete website number 14 is, user testing is similar,where you test websites and then you can,get paid for your feedback on them and,you can use a variety of different,devices for testing these different,websites and apps for example you can,use Windows iOS Mac or Android to test,the different websites or apps and,what's also of course they'll show you,how much money you'll make for the,website that you'll test before you,actually accept to test it out website,number 15 is if you can do,something that other people may find,valuable you can list it as what is,called a gig on Fiverr and despite the,name Fiverr you can list things at,literally any price and some examples of,gigs include you could do photo design,you could use something like Canvas, OR snappa to create photos a,lot of those have integrated templates,as well to make it a lot easier and then,sell that as a gig on Fiverr I paid a,lot of people to create YouTube channel,art or YouTube logos on Fiverr and you,can do almost anything on Fiverr,including website design video editing,or voiceovers and then all you do is,list a couple examples of your work on,your gig and then people can choose to,hire you if they want now what I would,recommend doing is listing your gig,initially at a pretty low price to get,some clients in the door get some great,reviews and then from there bump up your,prices website number 16 is,now I personally have not made money,from upwork but I have paid a lot of,money to people on upwork in fact I paid,hundreds of thousands of dollars to,people on upwork and you might be asking,Matt why have you paid that much for,people on upwork and the reason being is,that I run a bunch of different YouTube,channels that need things like scripts,voiceovers video editing and everything,else and my go-to place for hiring,people is upwork and if you have any,skill that employers might find valuable,you can post it on upwork list all your,skills you can bid for jobs and people,can just hire you directly if they want,website number 17 is gig walk gig walk,is a website and an app that pays you to,complete small local gigs now some,examples of gigs could include checking,a store to make sure all the products,are stocked correctly how they wanted,them or checking a marketing campaign on,a company to make sure it's being,followed through correctly and if you,want to potentially discover some new,places in your area while getting paid a,couple extra dollars gig walk could be,for you now as for how much you can get,paid gigs can take anywhere from a,couple minutes to over an hour to,complete and they can pay out anywhere,from three to a hundred dollars per gig,website number 18 is is doordash with,doordash you go and pick up people's,food from restaurants and deliver to,their houses to get paid now big,stipulation with doordash is that you do,typically need a car to be able to do,this and the way it works is you'll earn,a base amount per order that you get and,then you also make a hundred percent of,the money from tips and you can check if,doordash is available in the place that,you live but even if it's not you can,check out if there's an alternative,equivalent service that exists because,food delivery services are becoming,super common throughout the world so,almost no matter where you live in the,world there's probably an equivalent to,doordash where you live now if you do,use doordash if you live in the USA or,Canada you can actually get daily,payments which is pretty cool and if,doordash isn't available within your,area you can also check out websites,like which is website,number 19 on our list and Postmates,which is website number 20. website,number 21 is instacart which is just,like all the other delivery services,that we just went over with the,exception that you're delivering,groceries from grocery stores instead of,from restaurants website number 22 is,Thumbtack with Thumbtack you can,complete local jobs to earn money for,example I've personally paid people on,Thumbtack to help take pictures from my,personal brand to paint my house and,even to get a haircut if you have any,type of skill that you can complete,locally for people you can sign up for,Thumbtack if it's in your area but if,it's not you can check out website,number 23 on our list which is,taskrabbit it's available in a bunch of,more areas so you can look into that if,you're interested in doing like small,local gigs for people in order to make,money website number 24 is Rover now if,you love dogs this may be the website,for you because you can do a variety of,jobs relating just to dogs and get paid,for it for example you can get paid just,to drop in when a family's away make,sure the dog's okay you can get paid to,walk dogs and you can even get paid just,to play with dogs now I personally love,dogs so if I was a broke teenager again,or looking for some way to make some,extra money on the side I'd probably,definitely consider this Rover website,and I did some research on this and I,found a ton of people online on forums,and stuff making anywhere from 500 to a,thousand dollars per month with this,website number 25 is rent a friend now,this one's a little bit strange but it's,an actual website where people can pay,just to rent a friend that you might be,asking what does that mean renting a,friend simply means that you pay people,to hang out with show you around,different places or just be a regular,friend now you can charge as much as you,want on this website but a lot of people,charge anywhere from ten dollars to a,hundred dollars per hour website number,26 is Squad help so there's a ton of,different companies out there that are,trying to figure out what name they,should brand their company or a new,product they're releasing or what logo,they should use for their company with,Squad help you can sign up to what are,called contests and submit different,brand name ideas or logos and then if,the company chooses the name or logo,that you submitted you get paid in the,form of a cash prize now most contests,typically award anywhere from one to,three hundred dollars now here's a,secret tip if you did want to do this,you can use a website called the Shopify,business name generator to generate tons,of different business name ideas with,whatever Niche the company is in you,just go to the website type something in,and it'll give you a bunch of ideas for,different business names now I would be,careful doing this and I would double,check it using a website like this,Global brand database right here because,you want to make sure that the name,you're submitting hasn't already been,used by another company somewhere in the,world and that it isn't already,copyrighted and that website can help,you do that now before we get into,website number 27 make sure to hit that,subscribe button if you want to see more,ideas for making money online and also,leave a like on this video if you've,gotten value so far now before we get,into the final website which in my,opinion is the best website on all of,the internet to make money online I do,want to say that a lot of these websites,that I've shared with you today yes you,can make a lot of money with them but,are they as high leveraged as I would,personally prefer no and this means yes,you can make some money quickly but it's,typically not going to be huge money,plus you're trading your time for money,with the exception of a couple websites,that we went over today for example with,digistore24 or promoting affiliate,products that's pretty high leverage,when because you can set up some traffic,sources once and you can get affiliate,sales into the future same thing with,selling your own course with something,like udemy or your own course platform,like I do with kajabi or selling digital,products as well and that's because you,create the course or digital product,once and it can sell forever into the,future and that's the beauty of a high,leverage way of making money online and,website number 27 that we're going to go,over right here is the best way of,making money online in my opinion and,it's super high leverage and that,website is the website you're currently,on right now which is you,might be asking Matt why is this the,best website to make money online and in,my opinion it's pretty self-explanatory,you're watching a YouTube video right,here and you might be saying Matt didn't,take you work to write out the script of,this video and record the video yes but,what a lot of people don't understand,about YouTube is you do the work once,and that video lives on forever into the,future as long as YouTube exists people,can keep watching this video over and,over and over and essentially I've,created a clone of myself in the form of,this video that can be helping people,teaching them ways of making money,online for example in this video forever,into the future and I could be making,money from this video even when I'm,sleeping when I'm traveling or doing,anything else with my life I can still,make money from the thousands of videos,that I've uploaded on YouTube between,all of my different channels and I,currently make over a hundred thousand,dollars per month through different,revenue streams relating to YouTube and,trust me I know that sounds crazy and I,look super young I am I'm only 22 years,old but honestly I think it's taken me,way too long to get to this point to be,honest because I've been doing YouTube,for nearly a decade at this point I,started YouTube back in 2014 and at this,point I've scaled it into making,millions of dollars with it but it took,quite a long time to get traction with,it so with a lot of the websites I,shared with you today you can make some,money quickly but I do want you to keep,in the back of your mind that you could,potentially make big money for long term,and build a real long-term business on,the internet with something like YouTube,so just something to think about for you,if you do any of these websites just,consider doing YouTube as well in,conjunction do it and you don't ever,even have to show your face if you do,run a YouTube channel which is epic as,well and if you do want to potentially,discover how to make money on YouTube,without making videos check out this,video right here next to me it'll show,you the best niches to do this and how,to generate tons of content fast and how,to get a ton of views and subscribers,fast so you're not just wasting your,time with this and how to monetize them,to actually make money I show you the,real secrets for doing this how to,really do this the right way so check,out this video next to me thanks for,watching everybody and I'll see you,there
Congratulation! You bave finally finished reading i want businesses to be able to post jobs on my shopify site what is thebest app and believe you bave enougb understending i want businesses to be able to post jobs on my shopify site what is thebest app
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